From: "Manuel Soler" <manuel(_punto_)soler(_en_)uv(_punto_)es>
Hola a todos,
Esto no es un off-topic, eh?
El asunto es que me he hecho con un curso
en video de MSX titulado "VIDEO BASIC
MSX - Curso de informatica en video para
ordenador MSX" consistente en dos cintas de
video Beta.
About VIDEO BASIC MSX there was a version on tape for MSX 1 and 2.
It was "translated" in disk mode (5 x 1SS disks) a lot of years ago.
The only difficult it's written in Italian.
But here in Italy the VIDEO BASIC MSX on BETA or VHS was not imported.
If you can find it on Beta versione there are old VCR Panasonic and Sony who
can do the conversion from betacam to VHS. Please refer to
Panasonic/Matsushita and Sony Internet URL for further infos.
ICQ: 8810808