
Per RAFAEL Corrales Pulido

2000-05-02 08:12:47
Per RAFAEL Corrales Pulido (I'm Bruno of Miri)

RAFAEL, my mail to you, return me :-(((

Subject: failed delivery
  Date: 1 May 2000 20:21:16 -0700
  From: MAILER-DAEMON(_en_)yahoo(_punto_)com
    To: mirisoft(_en_)yahoo(_punto_)com

Message from  yahoo.com.
Unable to deliver message to the following address(es).

Sorry, I couldn't find any host named meridian.es. (#5.1.2)

--- Original message follows.

Return-Path: <mirisoft(_en_)yahoo(_punto_)com>
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  by smtp.mail.yahoo.com with SMTP; 1 May 2000 20:21:15 -0700
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Message-ID: <390EC8E6(_punto_)34E2(_en_)yahoo(_punto_)com>
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 05:24:06 -0700
From: Bruno Querzoli <mirisoft(_en_)yahoo(_punto_)com>
Reply-To: mirisoft(_en_)yahoo(_punto_)com
Organization: Bruno Querzoli
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01Gold (Win95; I; 16bit)
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To: replay(_en_)meridian(_punto_)es
Subject: 4MB RAM
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...  What happens with Francesco??, he doesn´t asnwer to my messages and
I am trying to ask him for the price of 1 kit 7 Mhz including postage, can you
give the price, it´s for my friend Iván Isidro Esnaola (you must saw him in
Tilburg photos).
And ask to Francesco if he will send the 1 mb kit per 8245 soon.
Ok, yes, I inform Francesco of this.

ould this guy change his order to a 4 Mb of RAM?
Yes, change order ----> 4 MB RAM

For this payment, you take the moneys from my IPO .
Is ok?
 Good idea, but if you confirm me that he prefers 4 Mb RAM expansion, I will
add him to the reservation list. Thanks and I wait your response.
Confirm 4MB RAM expansion to:
Fabrice Farlay
6bis rue de 2 friend

Adios, BRUNO.

Miri Software MSX Computer System Italy
 http://Frengo.dragonfire.net/MSX.HTM - <francofr(_en_)tiscalinet(_punto_)it>
ICMiri Group and ICM Italian Magazine on line:
 http://www.icmiri.tsx.org - <mcasali(_en_)sofit(_punto_)it>
 Italian Mailing list <msxitalia(_en_)egroups(_punto_)com>
Bruno Querzoli  
Via Indipendenza, 44
40018 S.PIETRO IN CASALE BO - ITALY  tel.fax.051/817157 
ICQ 21281198  - tel.cellulare 03493161578
e-mail: mirisoft(_en_)yahoo(_punto_)com

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