
Re: [hispamsx] Invitado de excepción

2000-05-12 05:16:25
Jose Angel Morente wrote:
Era sólo para deciros que el ilustre Ricardo Bittencourt, el creador
del BrMSX y otros grandes programas, está entre nosotros.

        How did you find me? :)

        Sorry for writing in English, but writing Spanish is not
really one of my abilities (but I do a good job reading it, at least
it's easier than dutch :)

        I just signed on this list because I heard of a 4kb assembly
game contest. Hey! I'm used to write 512-bytes games in basic, so
4kb of memory and an infinite amount of memory is just the same 
to me :)

        Just in case you didn't saw my basic two-liners, go to:


        And thanks to the aamsx guy who pointed me to this list !

Ricardo Bittencourt               http://www.lsi.usp.br/~ricardo
ricardo(_en_)lsi(_punto_)usp(_punto_)br  "Ricardo is subtle, but malicious he 
is not"
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