Hello we all of msx,
Here downstairs there is a small videogame which to use routine code machine
for to move the sprites high speed, but
for move the ship of player1 can it to use only the keyboard msx and does't
work with joystick in port-1 or 2.
Would be necessary to modify the code machine to have her worked is with
joystick in port-1 and with the keyboard
I hope that somebody can work us.
Andrea, I think it is difficult for some people if you don't list the source
asm progran. The basic list with data code must be
executed, then then Asm code dissassembled and finally listed. It will be easy
to read the asm source directly. Not me, my
asm is poor, but you can take more help if you do that, I think.
Well, keep making msx soft! :)
Juan Luis, MsxKun
P.D.: Pa los hispanicos, que le digo que si pone el listado ASM sera mas facil,
que con los datas es un lio. Na mas.