
OFF TOPIC: Se nos han adelantado....

2004-11-15 10:32:44


Si mirais en esta web: http://www.atariage.com/index.html podremos
encontrar esta noticia referida a ordenadores ATARI 8 BITS, tales como
el XL o XE:

Atari XL/XE USB Cartridge Released
Posted by Albert        Discuss | Submit News | Archives

Atari XL/XE USB Cartridge ReleasedSteven Tucker and ABBUC have teamed
up to create an Atari XL/XE USB Cartridge. The cartridge allows the
use of USB peripherals with Atari 8-bit computers, such as keyboards,
joysticks, steering wheels, and more. Support for additional USB
devices will be added as new drivers are written. The software for the
cartridge is open source and is part of the MicroUSB project.
Pre-ordering begins now and ends with shipments starting 12/01/2004.
To learn more about the Atari 8-bit USB cartridge, please visit the

PUES ESO, que los ataris se nos han adelantado y ahora disfrutan de
interfaz USB ^^ Y ESO que sinceramente, los ordenadores ATARI 8 BIT
nunca han sido muy mayoritarios, que se diga :P

Un saludo,


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