
MSXdev'06 : a three-head jury !

2006-05-03 18:30:13
MSXdev'06 : a three-head jury ! 

Since his launching on 17 april 2006, the MSXdev'06 knows a high 
success and many projects in progress are the perfect proof that the 
MSX community is alive and kicking. 

Now the MSXdev team has announced the formation of the jury. 
Contrary to the previous editions, the jury is no more based on one 
person, but it's a three-head jury, because having more than one 
person involved in the jury could allow to obtain results with mixed 
points of view. 

The three MSX'ers that have kindly accepted this difficult task 
are : 

- Cas Cremers, founder of the well known MSX software company 
Parallax in 1989 and creator of legendary MSX pieces with one thing 
in common: to push the MSX system to its limits (Vectron, Arc, 
Magnar, Black Cyclon, Blade Lords, Akin, Core Dump promo) ; 

- Jesús Pérez Rosales (aka [DK]) , member of the excellent MSX game 
development group Team Bomba, responsible of the very nice gameplay, 
level design and major improvements to masterpiece Bombaman ; 

- Philip Pera (aka msxgamesbox) , webmaster of the famous site The 
Msx Games bOX, organizer of the MSXart contests and supplier of lots 
of information about homebrew MSX games and a photo gallery covering 
most MSX computers and consoles. 

More infos and links on the MSXdev site : 


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