
Computer Wars - English version

2006-05-27 23:50:23
As you know probably, the MSXdev team website is hosted on my domain,
the MSX blue domain.

But that's not all, I've decided to present on my site all the games
of the MSXdev contests. For the moment, 5 games are already presented
: Guru Logic MSX1 (see also MSX Valley for a complete walkthrough),
Penguin Race (MP3 as bonus), Teki Paki, Chocobo Racing (2 MP3 as
bonus) and Computer Wars.

This first Crappysoft production was until now only available in
Spanish. I've translated both the manual and the texts of the game.
Besides, I've succeed to create DSK versions (so, you can read the
Basic listing and appreciate the R800 speed !!!). Also the header of
the Spanish rom has been corrected.


Direct links to the Computer Wars packages :

English package : http://www.msxblue.com/msxdev/Cwars-en.zip

Spanish package : http://www.msxblue.com/msxdev/Cwars-sp.zip

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  • Computer Wars - English version, mars2000you <=