
MSXdev'06 7th entry: Monster Hunter by Nerlaska Studio

2006-06-10 10:41:08
MSXdev'06 7th entry: Monster Hunter by Nerlaska Studio

Time now for another different genre entry, one of the top genres in
the most wanted games for the MSX: a brand new RPG ! Prepare your
armour, weapons and magic spells for Monster Hunter !

This 7th entry for the MSXdev'06 contest is very promising as it will
include a turn based fighting system and SCC music !

The team entering the contest with this promising game, Nerlaska
Studio, is new into the MSX development, but expert in developing
videogames for PC, mobile devices and even PlayStation 2, as you can
check in their corporate website.

The author of this project started to code in 1988 with his MSX-1:
now, he decided to enter the MSXdev contest with this good looking
MegaROM !

MSXdev site : http://msxdev.msxblue.com/

Nerlaska Studio site : http://www.nerlaska.com/

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  • MSXdev'06 7th entry: Monster Hunter by Nerlaska Studio, mars2000you <=