Hello and welcome!
Are you connecting from a BBS?
It seems they are some still alive...
2009/4/6 Alexandre Crespi Heredia <mortheroth(_en_)yahoo(_punto_)es>
This is a spanish MSX list, so I think you should look for a good
translator tool... Anyway, there's no activity lately, so don't bother
yourself xD
Ah, you are welcome, thanks for posting and bla bla bla
--- El lun, 6/4/09, Mickey Lawless
De: Mickey Lawless
Asunto: [hispamsx] hello im new
Para: "All" <hispamsx(_en_)yahoogroups(_punto_)com
Fecha: lunes, 6 abril, 2009 4:20
hello im new to hispamsx and i like it here
--- Synchronet 3.15a-Win32 ListGate 1.3
* HispaMSX BBS - Almeria, Spain - telnet://bbs. hispamsx. org
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