
Still more music on Passion MSX !

2009-08-23 21:52:20
The Dutch Impact team is famous for his dynamic MSX-AUDIO musics.

Passion MSX gives you the opportunity to discover again their three first disk 
under a new angle : stereo !

For the first disk, it was easy as a MSX stereo replayer exists for songs 
created with Fac Sound Tracker (FST) 1. But from disk 2, Impact uses an 
improved version of FST 2 and the MSX replayer gives wrong sounds ! So, for 
disks 2 and 3, we have used big tools to get stereo with most of all the songs 
: recording of 2 tracks (MSX-AUDIO and MSX-MUSIC) in blueMSX, mixing with YAMP 
! Good listening !

By the way, we have also recently added the third Impact Musix Disk after 
having fixed 3 bugs of the original disk. Avoid still to use the mouse, it's 
better to prefer the keyboard shortcuts !

Visit our MP3 section - you will find there 55 musics in great stereo  + Radio 
Gaga (MSX-AUDIO) + FM Extra (MSX-MUSiC) !


The links for the disks :

Disk 1


Disk 1 (with stereo replayer)


Disk 2


Disk 3


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  • Still more music on Passion MSX !, mars2000you <=