• Re: Recession to Depressi

    From Brokenmind@VERT/TIABBS to Dumas Walker on Fri Feb 3 10:53:41 2023
    Re: Re: Recession to Depressiã By: Dumas Walker to BROKENMIND on Wed Jul 27 2022 03:49 pmãã DW> Over the years, I have known people who lived behind the Iron Curtain, asã DW> well as that have fled Vietnam and mainland China. As you may haveã DW> noticed, when you mention such people to any of your "friends" that hopeã DW> for our country to become socialist/communist, they will downplay theirã DW> experiences, as if it was their fault that they did not "enjoy" life inã DW> such a place. ãã DW> Some of them must live in a dreamworld.ããA dreamworld / another reality / or not able to be open and transparent and will get offened if corrected thats alot of the problem in todays world also.ããBrokenMindãã---ã þ Synchronetã
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to Brokenmind on Fri Feb 3 15:45:00 2023
    Brokenmind wrote to Dumas Walker <=-ãã DW> Over the years, I have known people who lived behind the Iron Curtain, asã DW> well as that have fled Vietnam and mainland China. As you may haveã DW> noticed, when you mention such people to any of your "friends" that hopeã DW> for our country to become socialist/communist, they will downplay theirã DW> experiences, as if it was their fault that they did not "enjoy" life inã DW> such a place.ãã DW> Some of them must live in a dreamworld.ãã Br> A dreamworld / another reality / or not able to be open andã Br> transparent and will get offened if corrected thats alot of theã Br> problem in todays world also.ããSpelling and grammar are some other major problems in today's world.ãããã... All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here.ã--- MultiMail/Linux v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FLã
  • From Cougar428@VERT to GAMGEE on Sat Feb 4 08:16:00 2023
    Quoting Gamgee to Brokenmind <=-ãã -=> Brokenmind wrote to Dumas Walker <=-ã ã DW> Over the years, I have known people who lived behind the Iron Curtain, asã DW> well as that have fled Vietnam and mainland China. As you may haveã DW> noticed, when you mention such people to any of your "friends" that hopeã DW> for our country to become socialist/communist, they will downplay theirã DW> experiences, as if it was their fault that they did not "enjoy" life inã DW> such a place.ã ã DW> Some of them must live in a dreamworld.ã ã Br> A dreamworld / another reality / or not able to be open andã Br> transparent and will get offened if corrected thats alot of theã Br> problem in todays world also.ãã Ga> Spelling and grammar are some other major problems in today's world.ãã Ga> ... All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here.ããHey there Gamgee. I'm new here, but looking at some of yourãmessages, it appears that you take your tagline seriously.ããCougarããã... "Don't mince words, Gamgee ... what do you *REALLY* think?"ãã___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to Cougar428 on Sat Feb 4 09:36:00 2023
    Cougar428 wrote to GAMGEE <=-ãã Br> A dreamworld / another reality / or not able to be open andã Br> transparent and will get offened if corrected thats alot of theã Br> problem in todays world also.ãã Ga> Spelling and grammar are some other major problems in today's world.ãã Ga> ... All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here.ãã Co> Hey there Gamgee. I'm new here, but looking at some of yourã Co> messages, it appears that you take your tagline seriously.ããWell yes, I suppose I do. ;-) Welcome aboard.ãããã... All the easy problems have been solved.ã--- MultiMail/Linux v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FLã
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to BROKENMIND on Sat Feb 4 10:09:00 2023
    Over the years, I have known people who lived behind the Iron Curtain, asã> DW> well as that have fled Vietnam and mainland China. As you may haveã> DW> noticed, when you mention such people to any of your "friends" that hopeã> DW> for our country to become socialist/communist, they will downplay theirã> DW> experiences, as if it was their fault that they did not "enjoy" life inã> DW> such a place.ãã> DW> Some of them must live in a dreamworld.ãã> A dreamworld / another reality / or not able to be open and transparent and wiã> get offened if corrected thats alot of the problem in todays world also.ããIndeed it is. Another part of that problem is being afraid to offend thoseãtypes of folks. Instead our society has taken the path of accepting badãbehavior, that was past unacceptable, and then for some unknown reasonãexpecting good to come out of it.ããã * SLMR 2.1a * Do not make whisky in private, or water in public.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTPã
  • From Brokenmind@VERT/TIABBS to Dumas Walker on Tue Feb 7 07:38:50 2023
    Re: Re: Recession to Depressiã By: Dumas Walker to BROKENMIND on Sat Feb 04 2023 10:09 amãã DW> Indeed it is. Another part of that problem is being afraid to offend thoseã DW> types of folks. Instead our society has taken the path of accepting badã DW> behavior, that was past unacceptable, and then for some unknown reasonã DW> expecting good to come out of it.ããI agree and it's not helping anyoneããBrokenMindãã---ã þ Synchronetã
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to BROKENMIND on Wed Feb 8 16:14:00 2023
    Indeed it is. Another part of that problem is being afraid to offendãhosã> DW> types of folks. Instead our society has taken the path of accepting badã> DW> behavior, that was past unacceptable, and then for some unknown reasonã> DW> expecting good to come out of it.ãã> I agree and it's not helping anyoneããIt certainly is not, you are right.ããã * SLMR 2.1a * Life's essentials: H O C N Ca P Cl K S Na Mgãã---ã þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTPã