• Re: Microsoft

    From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to poindexter FORTRAN on Tue Feb 14 07:49:47 2023
    Re: Re: Microsoftã By: poindexter FORTRAN to Tracker1 on Sat Oct 22 2022 08:57:00ãã PF> -=> Tracker1 wrote to Nightfox <=-ã Tr>> quirks these days. NN 4.x was such hot garbage to work with.ã PF> I'm running SeaMonkey on the BBS now, feels akin to Netscape Communicator ã PF> 4.x bit with a modern rendering engine.ããYeah, it was the rendering that was the biggest issue... was writing web-ui charting and literally had to cover the entire screen when doing so, or it would send someone into a seizure with the flickering. IIRC NN4.07 was required support for the company I was at around 1999 or so, as Novel was a major client and it was their "standard" browser internally.ã ã ã-- ãMichael J. Ryan ã+o roughneckbbs.com ãtracker1@roughneckbbs.comãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.comã
  • From hollowone@VERT/BEERS20 to Tracker1 on Tue Mar 21 03:52:00 2023
    quirks these days. NN 4.x was such hot garbage to work with.ã Tr> PF> I'm running SeaMonkey on the BBS now, feels akin to Netscape Communicã Tr> PF> 4.x bit with a modern rendering engine.ã Tr> Yeah, it was the rendering that was the biggest issue... was writingã Tr> web-ui charting and literally had to cover the entire screen when doingã Tr> so, or it would send someone into a seizure with the flickering. IIRCã Tr> NN4.07 was required support for the company I was at around 1999 or so,ã Tr> as Novel was a major client and it was their "standard" browserã Tr> internally. ããI think the moment when Netscape was rewritten into Java killed the adoption completely. It was NN6 if I recall. Looked fancy from UI/UX perspective as we call it today, but slow as hell and unbearable for daily use comparing to sleek IE integrated with the OS.ããThat was also one of the reasons for fanboyism and complaints against MSFT that there is no way browser can be so fast unless put into lower levels of the OS, which was unfair. But I believe NN fucked up implementation and choosing Java as front-end was way premature by the end of 90s.ãã-h1ãã... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a copy.ã
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to hollowone on Thu Mar 23 00:22:30 2023
    Re: Re: Microsoftã By: hollowone to Tracker1 on Tue Mar 21 2023 03:52 amãã >ã > I think the moment when Netscape was rewritten into Java killed the adoptionã > completely. It was NN6 if I recall. Looked fancy from UI/UX perspective asã > we call it today, but slow as hell and unbearable for daily use comparing toã > sleek IE integrated with the OS.ã >ããi used netscape and i don't even remember that happening. i looked it up and it said it was using the gecko engine.ããi think people ditched nutscrape long before 6 if that really happened.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::ã
  • From hollowone@VERT/BEERS20 to MRO on Thu Mar 23 12:53:00 2023
    i used netscape and i don't even remember that happening. i looked it upã MR> and it said it was using the gecko engine.ããTHen perhaps memory plays tricks with me. it somehow resonates with me that six (that with aqua blue ui and big six in the background layer of the welcome web page it was starting with, I think animated as well) was implemented in java or strongly integrated with java.ããRegardless, it was slow beyond acceptance on my computer at that timeãã MR> MR> i think people ditchedãnutscrape long before 6 if that really happened.ããI liked it up to 4, for sure. It was my browser on early linux and win 3.11/32. My early Internet access memories is Netscape and MIRC :>ãã-h1ãã... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a copy.ã
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to hollowone on Thu Mar 23 14:34:22 2023
    Re: Re: Microsoftã By: hollowone to MRO on Thu Mar 23 2023 12:53 pmãã MR>> i used netscape and i don't even remember that happening. i lookedã MR>> it up and it said it was using the gecko engine.ãã ho> THen perhaps memory plays tricks with me. it somehow resonates with meã ho> that six (that with aqua blue ui and big six in the background layer ofã ho> the welcome web page it was starting with, I think animated as well) wasã ho> implemented in java or strongly integrated with java.ããI used Netscape for a long time as well, and I don't remember hearing about it being ported to Java. And with that version of Netscape, I don't recall needing to install the Java runtime to use it.ããNightfoxãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.comã
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to hollowone on Thu Mar 23 17:24:18 2023
    Re: Re: Microsoftã By: hollowone to MRO on Thu Mar 23 2023 12:53 pmãã >ã > I liked it up to 4, for sure. It was my browser on early linux and winã > 3.11/32. My early Internet access memories is Netscape and MIRC :>ã >ããi used the mosiac browser with compuservã---ã þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::ã
  • From hollowone@VERT/BEERS20 to Nightfox on Fri Mar 24 03:14:00 2023
    I used Netscape for a long time as well, and I don't remember hearingã Ni> about it being ported to Java. And with that version of Netscape, Iã Ni> don't recall needing to install the Java runtime to use it.ããYeah.. I keep searching for some reference, but it seems that my mind's boggled. Apologies for confusion. But still I remember it was slow like hell, that sticks.ãã-h1ãã... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a copy.ã
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to hollowone on Sat Mar 25 08:17:00 2023
    hollowone wrote to Nightfox <=-ãã Ni> I used Netscape for a long time as well, and I don't remember hearingã Ni> about it being ported to Java. And with that version of Netscape, Iã Ni> don't recall needing to install the Java runtime to use it.ãã ho> Yeah.. I keep searching for some reference, but it seems that my mind'sã ho> boggled. Apologies for confusion. But still I remember it was slow likeã ho> hell, that sticks.ããI don't think it was ported to Java, but Netscape devceloped Javascriptã(no relation) to extend what was mostly static web sites way back when.ãããã... IN CASE OF EMERGENCY DIAL 0118 999 881 999 119 725 3ã--- MultiMail/Win v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ .: realitycheckbbs.org :: scientia potentia est :.ã
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to hollowone on Sun Apr 2 09:48:47 2023
    Re: Re: Microsoftã By: hollowone to Tracker1 on Tue Mar 21 2023 03:52:00ãã ho> But I believe NN fucked up implementation and choosing Java as ã ho> front-end was way premature by the end of 90s.ããTo be clear, Java isn't JavaScript. The JS UI was started with NN6 using an XML UI templating language called XUL. Riff on Ghostbusters, "There is no data. There is only XUL!"ããXUL itself had a lot of really cool features, and by 2002 most PCs were more than fast enough. There was a standalone Application toolkit called XULRunner and quite few third party apps used it... Mozilla kind of left it to die though, and eventually nuked XUL support and left it to die. It was pretty much Electron a decade and a half before Electron existed.ããThey also added JS support for E4X (ecmascript for xml), the only other implementation was in ActionScript 3 for Flash/Flex.ã ã ã-- ãMichael J. Ryan ã+o roughneckbbs.com ãtracker1@roughneckbbs.comãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.comã
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to MRO on Sun Apr 2 09:51:08 2023
    Re: Re: Microsoftã By: MRO to hollowone on Thu Mar 23 2023 00:22:30ãã >> I think the moment when Netscape was rewritten into Java killed theã >> adoption completely. It was NN6 if I recall. Looked fancy from UI/UXã >> perspective as we call it today, but slow as hell and unbearable forãã MR> i used netscape and i don't even remember that happening. i looked it upã MR> and it said it was using the gecko engine.ããGecko is Mozilla's (formerly Netscape) HTML rendering engine... XUL was the templating language used for the UI/Chrome around that (the browser's UI, not the web page). It was also JavaScript, not Java.ã ã ã-- ãMichael J. Ryan ã+o roughneckbbs.com ãtracker1@roughneckbbs.comãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.comã
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Tracker1 on Sun Apr 2 07:21:00 2023
    Tracker1 wrote to hollowone <=-ãã Tr> To be clear, Java isn't JavaScript. The JS UI was started with NN6ã Tr> using an XML UI templating language called XUL. Riff on Ghostbusters,ã Tr> "There is no data. There is only XUL!"ãã Tr> XUL itself had a lot of really cool features, and by 2002 most PCs wereã Tr> more than fast enough. There was a standalone Application toolkitã Tr> called XULRunner and quite few third party apps used it... Mozilla kindã Tr> of left it to die though, and eventually nuked XUL support and left itã Tr> to die. It was pretty much Electron a decade and a half beforeã Tr> Electron existed.ãã Tr> They also added JS support for E4X (ecmascript for xml), the only otherã Tr> implementation was in ActionScript 3 for Flash/Flex.ããThis is bringing up bad memories of HotJava, the java browser forãSolaris.ããããã... What does this mean?ã--- MultiMail/Win v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ .: realitycheckbbs.org :: scientia potentia est :.ã
  • From hollowone@VERT/BEERS20 to Tracker1 on Sun Apr 2 13:11:00 2023
    But I believe NN fucked up implementation and choosing Java as ã Tr> ho> front-end was way premature by the end of 90s.ã Tr> ã Tr> To be clear, Java isn't JavaScript. The JS UI was started with NN6ã Tr> using an XML UI templating language called XUL. Riff on Ghostbusters,ã Tr> "There is no data. There is only XUL!"ããI knew the bell wasn't ringing far from truth. Thanks for pointing me to the right waters. I'd not mistake java with javascript, perhaps my memory resonated with the wrong echo from the beginning.ããI know XUL, it was pitched by Mozilla years after NN collapsed as something that may help Javascript conquer desktop app development. It never resonated though.ããBut that makes sense to me, if XUL predecessor as Wikipedia claims developed initially by Netscape Communications in around 1997 was responsible for NN6 rendering and I experienced it around 1999/2000 with my Celeron 300Mhz, no brainer it was slow as hell.ããNow I even found right reference regarding this XUL thing to impact performance on slower machine at the time of NN6 release.ããMystery solved.ãã-h1 ãã... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a copy.ã
  • From Lmorchard@VERT/DECAFBAD to hollowone on Mon Apr 3 19:01:11 2023
    Re: Re: Microsoftã By: hollowone to Tracker1 on Sun Apr 02 2023 01:11 pmãã > I know XUL, it was pitched by Mozilla years after NN collapsed as somethingã > that may help Javascript conquer desktop app development. It never resonatedã > though.ã >ã > But that makes sense to me, if XUL predecessor as Wikipedia claims developedã > initially by Netscape Communications in around 1997 was responsible for NN6ã > rendering and I experienced it around 1999/2000 with my Celeron 300Mhz, noã > brainer it was slow as hell.ããTurns out, XUL was kind of just ahead of its time. Nowadays, there's a booming business in desktop apps based on Electron, which is essentially just HTML/JS/CSS web apps with some enhanced APIs and backend resources.ããIt's also kind of why Apple's Webkit took off rather than Mozilla's Gecko: Where Webkit was made to be easily embeddable into other apps, Gecko & XUL kind of assumed you'd build your apps *inside* it as a framework.ããSo, when it turned out that the world really wanted an embedded web view component rather than to buy into a whole app framework, Mozilla kind of lost the contest there.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ 0xDECAFBAD - bbs.decafbad.comã
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to hollowone on Tue Apr 4 00:53:53 2023
    Re: Re: Microsoftã By: hollowone to Tracker1 on Sun Apr 02 2023 13:11:00ãã Tr>> To be clear, Java isn't JavaScript. The JS UI was started with NN6ã Tr>> using an XML UI templating language called XUL. Riff onã Tr>> Ghostbusters, "There is no data. There is only XUL!"ãã ho> I knew the bell wasn't ringing far from truth. Thanks for pointing me toã ho> the right waters. I'd not mistake java with javascript, perhaps my memoryã ho> resonated with the wrong echo from the beginning.ããYeah... I worked with it a bit, and enjoyed it for what it offered at the time.ããTimely blog post..ãhttps:/crisal.io/words/2023/03/30/xul-layout-is-gone.htmlãã ho> I know XUL, it was pitched by Mozilla years after NN collapsed asã ho> something that may help Javascript conquer desktop app development. Itã ho> never resonated though.ããYeah, it was ahead of its' time, considering how popular electron is today.ãã ho> But that makes sense to me, if XUL predecessor as Wikipedia claimsã ho> developed initially by Netscape Communications in around 1997 wasã ho> responsible for NN6 rendering and I experienced it around 1999/2000 withã ho> my Celeron 300Mhz, no brainer it was slow as hell.ãã ho> Now I even found right reference regarding this XUL thing to impactã ho> performance on slower machine at the time of NN6 releaseããYeah, it was very bad before 2000 or so, but on anything over 1ghz was pretty decent. On today's hardware you wouldn't even notice.ã ã ã-- ãMichael J. Ryan ã+o roughneckbbs.com ãtracker1@roughneckbbs.comãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.comã