• How far I've come...

    From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to MRO on Wed Feb 1 17:15:51 2023
    Re: How far I've come...ã By: MRO to Dumas Walker on Wed Feb 01 2023 05:03 pmãã MR> A lot of people look down upon manufacturing. not everyone can sit in anã MR> office. Things need to be produced. i was half office and i hated it.ããI don't think I've known anyone who has looked down on manufacturing. We need manufacturing in order to make/build things.ããNightfoxãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.comã
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Nightfox on Wed Feb 1 20:41:24 2023
    Re: How far I've come...ã By: Nightfox to MRO on Wed Feb 01 2023 05:15 pmãã > Re: How far I've come...ã > By: MRO to Dumas Walker on Wed Feb 01 2023 05:03 pmã >ã > MR> A lot of people look down upon manufacturing. not everyone can sit inã > MR> an office. Things need to be produced. i was half office and i hatedã > MR> it.ã >ã > I don't think I've known anyone who has looked down on manufacturing. Weã > need manufacturing in order to make/build things.ã >ããoh i'm sure you have.ãi'm sure you've seen i there. there's a troll here who tried to talkãshit to me about working in a warehouse.ããSome of the smartest people i've known work in manufacturing and some of the dumbest people i've known work in offices.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::ã
  • From Cougar428@VERT to DUMAS WALKER on Thu Feb 2 09:57:00 2023
    Quoting Dumas Walker to Mro <=-ãã DW> There is nothing wrong with manufacturing and other non-office work. ã DW> Those are the folks who are usually the ones that actually make thingsã DW> happen. ããWithout the people who actually create the product, no one else'sãjob would really matter would it? Once the product is manufactured,ãthen it moves on to the rest of the system to process (box, ship andãsell).ããCougarããã... Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?ãã___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Thu Feb 2 16:51:00 2023
    A lot of people look down upon manufacturing. not everyone can sit in anãfficã> Things need to be produced. i was half office and i hated it.ããYeah, I have never figured out how people can look down on the ones thatãare doing the "real" work. :)ããã * SLMR 2.1a * Florida bumper sticker: DON'T SHOOT! I'M LOCAL!ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTPã
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to NIGHTFOX on Thu Feb 2 17:08:00 2023
    I don't think I've known anyone who has looked down on manufacturing. Weãeedã> anufacturing in order to make/build things.ããI think most people with sense don't think that way. I worked in an officeãat a manufacturing plant for a few years, and there were a few here andãthere that did look down on the floor guys as a whole. There were othersãthat were married to them. :)ããOTOH, the way some politicians (and some of their die-hard followers) act,ãI am pretty sure there are still people who look down on manufacturing, atãleast certain types of it.ããã * SLMR 2.1a * Rate yourself as a programmer on a scale of 0 to F.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTPã
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Dumas Walker on Thu Feb 2 18:42:20 2023
    Re: How far I've come...ã By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Thu Feb 02 2023 04:51 pmãã > > A lot of people look down upon manufacturing. not everyone can sit in anã > fficã > > Things need to be produced. i was half office and i hated it.ã >ã > Yeah, I have never figured out how people can look down on the ones thatã > are doing the "real" work. :)ã >ã >ããWe had this new production manager that was danish and he refused to even talk to workers. he was very odd. in one department he wanted to observe them doing their jobs but he told them not to speak to him. this was a lean mfg guy who was going to fix everything.ããAll we ended up having was shitloads of meetings. one guy yawned during a meeting and he sent him in for a drug test. the guy passed it and asked why he did that. martin asked why he yawned. The worker told him he was tired because they are working long hours and weekends. He was sent home with no pay.ããeventually martin the production manager was caught looking at men in the bathroom stalls. He did it to the wrong guy, someone who was there for 40 years.ããMartin eventually got fired. I looked him up and he was only at his past employers for 1-2 years. With us he didn't make it 1 year. He has been doing this shit for 15 years in our country and places keep hiring him.ããNow he's a director of engineering in another city. how do these people even keep getting work?ã---ã þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::ã
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Dumas Walker on Thu Feb 2 18:43:36 2023
    Re: How far I've come...ã By: Dumas Walker to NIGHTFOX on Thu Feb 02 2023 05:08 pmãã >ã > OTOH, the way some politicians (and some of their die-hard followers) act,ã > I am pretty sure there are still people who look down on manufacturing, atã > least certain types of it.ã >ããat my old job polticians would come and visit to do a photo op. the news stories made it seem like they were there for the whole day answering questions. they were just there for minutes.ãjust enough time to get a buch of photosã---ã þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::ã
  • From Margaerynne@VERT/PALANT to Cougar428 on Thu Feb 2 20:31:09 2023
    Re: How far I've come...ã By: Cougar428 to DUMAS WALKER on Thu Feb 02 2023 09:57 amãã > Without the people who actually create the product, no one else'sã > job would really matter would it?ãã Manufacturing makes the product, logistics makes it worth somethingããã At this point, everyone is reliant on everyone else. I'd be useless withoutã manufacturing/research, but they'd be wasting absurd amounts of time andã energy without proper spreadsheets and automationãã I do my job, they do theirs, and we all benefit.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FLã
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Margaerynne on Thu Feb 2 21:42:31 2023
    Re: How far I've come...ã By: Margaerynne to Cougar428 on Thu Feb 02 2023 08:31 pmãã > Re: How far I've come...ã > By: Cougar428 to DUMAS WALKER on Thu Feb 02 2023 09:57 amã >ã > > Without the people who actually create the product, no one else'sã > > job would really matter would it?ã >ã > Manufacturing makes the product, logistics makes it worth somethingã >ã >ã > At this point, everyone is reliant on everyone else. I'd be useless withoutã > manufacturing/research, but they'd be wasting absurd amounts of time andã > energy without proper spreadsheets and automationã >ã > I do my job, they do theirs, and we all benefit.ããthat's not always the case. i worked at an old company that was like a broken record. any new people fucking hated it. customer service, buyers, you name it. They just kept doing the same shit in the same old school way and all these new people would just quit.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::ã
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Fri Feb 3 15:39:00 2023
    Now he's a director of engineering in another city. how do these people evenã> ep getting work?ããEither people don't check references, or the references lie.ããã * SLMR 2.1a * !edis gnorw eht morf siht ta gnikool era uoYãã---ã þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTPã
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Dumas Walker on Fri Feb 3 17:07:26 2023
    Re: How far I've come...ã By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Fri Feb 03 2023 03:39 pmãã > > Now he's a director of engineering in another city. how do these peopleã > > even ep getting work?ã >ã > Either people don't check references, or the references lie.ã >ããi think all they can do is really ask a previous employer what their position is and how long they worked there.ããsomeone can provide references, but those people would just lie for them usually, right?ã---ã þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::ã
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to MRO on Sat Feb 4 03:28:00 2023
    Re: How far I've come...ã By: MRO to Dumas Walker on Fri Feb 03 2023 05:07 pmãã > Re: How far I've come...ã > By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Fri Feb 03 2023 03:39 pmã > ã > > > Now he's a director of engineering in another city. how do these peoplã > > > even ep getting work?ã > >ã > > Either people don't check references, or the references lie.ã > >ã > ã > i think all they can do is really ask a previous employer what their positioã > ã > someone can provide references, but those people would just lie for them usuããYa, If you call a company to check on employment, they'll verify the personãworked there. I had one manager that told people to never list his homeãnumber for a reference. A guy that left with short notice used our manager asãa reference, and our manager replied, "ya, I know that drunk. Is he stillãdrinking before work?" The employee in question did not drink, but it's notãa first impression you want to leave an HR person.ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.netã
  • From Cougar428@VERT to MARGAERYNNE on Sat Feb 4 05:44:00 2023
    Quoting Margaerynne to Cougar428 <=-ãã > Without the people who actually create the product, no one else'sã > job would really matter would it?ãã Ma> Manufacturing makes the product, logistics makes it worth somethingã Ma> At this point, everyone is reliant on everyone else. I'd be uselessã Ma> without manufacturing/research, but they'd be wasting absurd amountsã Ma> of time and energy without proper spreadsheets and automationãã Ma> I do my job, they do theirs, and we all benefit.ããYou are correct in the scheme of things of course, but I stand byãwhat I said. You can't put the chicken before the egg. Without theãproduct being made in the first place, the logistics and the rest ofãthe chain would not be needed.ããI don't mean that in the manufacturing environment that logisticsãand everything else is not needed, just that the actual peopleãcreating the product are just as important as the rest. If Iãunderstand you correctly - that was also your point.ããThanks!ããCougarãããã... Correct me if I'm wrong, everybody else does.ãã___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Moondog on Sat Feb 4 14:39:51 2023
    Re: How far I've come...ã By: Moondog to MRO on Sat Feb 04 2023 03:28 amãã > Ya, If you call a company to check on employment, they'll verify the personã > worked there. I had one manager that told people to never list his homeã > number for a reference. A guy that left with short notice used our managerã > as a reference, and our manager replied, "ya, I know that drunk. Is heã > still drinking before work?" The employee in question did not drink, butã > it's notã > a first impression you want to leave an HR person.ããwell he's an idiot. he can be sued for libel. or someone can just break his legs. if someone gave me a bad reference i would pay them a visit.ããone time i did use a crazy friend at work as a reference and i told him jokingly to only say good thing. he like a robot said he would only tell the truth. now i screwed off at work but always got the job done in grade form. but this guy was a bit of a wingnut and i regretted using him as a reference.ããnow i just use my old subcontractors or i just dont fill it out. it's a stupid practice, anyways.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::ã
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to Cougar428 on Sun Feb 5 11:17:00 2023
    Re: How far I've come...ã By: Cougar428 to MARGAERYNNE on Sat Feb 04 2023 05:44 amãã > -=> Quoting Margaerynne to Cougar428 <=-ã > ã > > Without the people who actually create the product, no one else'sã > > job would really matter would it?ã > ã > Ma> Manufacturing makes the product, logistics makes it worth somethingã > Ma> At this point, everyone is reliant on everyone else. I'd be uselessã > Ma> without manufacturing/research, but they'd be wasting absurd amountsã > Ma> of time and energy without proper spreadsheets and automationã > ã > Ma> I do my job, they do theirs, and we all benefit.ã > ã > You are correct in the scheme of things of course, but I stand byã > what I said. You can't put the chicken before the egg. Without theã > product being made in the first place, the logistics and the rest ofã > the chain would not be needed.ã > ã > I don't mean that in the manufacturing environment that logisticsã > and everything else is not needed, just that the actual peopleã > creating the product are just as important as the rest. If Iã > understand you correctly - that was also your point.ã > ã > Thanks!ã > ã > Cougarã > ã > ã > ã > ... Correct me if I'm wrong, everybody else does.ã > ã > ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20ã > ããA product needs demand from a customer base. A product is worth what theãcustomer is willing to pay for it. Each time some dummy shoots a bunch ofãpeople, ammo or magazine prices go up. They eventually go up to ridiculousãprices where most people won't buy them, however the owners will persist toãgouge in the hopes someone will deviate from the norm and have to have anãitem regardless of cost.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.netã
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to MRO on Sun Feb 5 11:54:00 2023
    Re: How far I've come...ã By: MRO to Moondog on Sat Feb 04 2023 02:39 pmãã > Re: How far I've come...ã > By: Moondog to MRO on Sat Feb 04 2023 03:28 amã > ã > > Ya, If you call a company to check on employment, they'll verify the persã > > worked there. I had one manager that told people to never list his homeã > > number for a reference. A guy that left with short notice used our managã > > as a reference, and our manager replied, "ya, I know that drunk. Is heã > > still drinking before work?" The employee in question did not drink, butã > > it's notã > > a first impression you want to leave an HR person.ã > ã > well he's an idiot. he can be sued for libel. or someone can just break hisã > ã > one time i did use a crazy friend at work as a reference and i told him jokiã > wingnut and i regretted using him as a reference.ã > ã > now i just use my old subcontractors or i just dont fill it out. it's a stuããI'm curious if an employer would inform a candidate of the name of a personãwho gives them a bad reference? Let's say it's less humorous, like the guyãgot fired because he disregarded a safety procedure that could've injured orãkilled several people?ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.netã
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Moondog on Sun Feb 5 17:58:34 2023
    Re: How far I've come...ã By: Moondog to MRO on Sun Feb 05 2023 11:54 amãã > > now i just use my old subcontractors or i just dont fill it out. it's aã > > stuã >ã > I'm curious if an employer would inform a candidate of the name of a personã > who gives them a bad reference? Let's say it's less humorous, like the guyã > got fired because he disregarded a safety procedure that could've injured orã > killed several people?ãããi only know of one time where a guy was going to be hired and he wasn't because of a bad reference. The reference totally fucked over the guy in some way and he was not hired.ããI don't think HR names names in these cases.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::ã
  • From Cougar428@VERT to MOONDOG on Tue Feb 7 23:18:00 2023
    Quoting Moondog to Cougar428 <=-ãã Mo> A product needs demand from a customer base. A product is worth whatã Mo> the customer is willing to pay for it. Each time some dummy shoots aã Mo> bunch of people, ammo or magazine prices go up. They eventually go upã Mo> to ridiculous prices where most people won't buy them, however theã Mo> owners will persist to gouge in the hopes someone will deviate from theã Mo> norm and have to have an item regardless of cost.ããKind of like when .22lr ammo was almost unobtainable - UNLESS youãwanted to pay 9mm prices.ããAfter 3 years the price came back down. I'm just a plinker, butãammo was a big problem for me when that was happening. I justãtarget shoot...ããI went dry there as I would not pay what they were asking. Just myãexperience and opinion.ããI get what you are saying though...ããCougarãã... We're lost but we're making good time.ãã___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to Cougar428 on Wed Feb 8 14:57:00 2023
    Re: How far I've come...ã By: Cougar428 to MOONDOG on Tue Feb 07 2023 11:18 pmãã > -=> Quoting Moondog to Cougar428 <=-ã > ã > Mo> A product needs demand from a customer base. A product is worth whatã > Mo> the customer is willing to pay for it. Each time some dummy shoots aã > Mo> bunch of people, ammo or magazine prices go up. They eventually go upã > Mo> to ridiculous prices where most people won't buy them, however theã > Mo> owners will persist to gouge in the hopes someone will deviate from theã > Mo> norm and have to have an item regardless of cost.ã > ã > Kind of like when .22lr ammo was almost unobtainable - UNLESS youã > wanted to pay 9mm prices.ã > ã > After 3 years the price came back down. I'm just a plinker, butã > ammo was a big problem for me when that was happening. I justã > target shoot...ã > ã > I went dry there as I would not pay what they were asking. Just myã > experience and opinion.ã > ã > I get what you are saying though...ã > ã > Cougarã > ã > ... We're lost but we're making good time.ã > ã > ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20ã > ãThe best way to keep shooting is so stack it high and deep when the price isãcheap. At one time I used to grab a semi brick of 550 rounds of .22 atãWalmart because their bulk price beat out any of the local gun shops. If I'mãbuying a pair of socks or some shirts, I'd grab a box of .22. If I'm buyingãgroceries, a trick to the sporting goods counter was justifialble. Over someãtime I built up a stash to shhot through and stopped picking ammo up. Pricesãhad jumped considerably and I wished I would've kept buying cheaper ammo.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.netã
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to COUGAR428 on Wed Feb 8 16:29:00 2023
    After 3 years the price came back down. I'm just a plinker, butã> ammo was a big problem for me when that was happening. I justã> target shoot...ãã+1.ãã> I went dry there as I would not pay what they were asking. Just myã> experience and opinion.ããAlso +1. I did find some on special and bought the limit, which was notãmuch.ããã * SLMR 2.1a * Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is gone.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTPã