• Sports card collection

    From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to All on Sun Jul 7 22:24:36 2019
    Has anyone here ever collected sports cards?ãI have a collection of sports cards from the late 80s to the mid 90s, mostlyãbaseball but also some basketball and hockey, and I'm pretty sure I have overã1000 cards. That includes a complete set of 1992 baseball cards from one cardãcompany (I don't remember the name off the top of my head, and they're packedãin a box in the closet). I'd be curious what the value of my collection is. ãI'm not sure if there are many people in my area who would look at each cardãand value them for me and provide an honest value. It would take lots of timeãto go through my whole card collection myself. I remember there being sportsãcard price guides back in the day. I was talking to a card seller a coupleãyears ago and asked about that, and he said he thought it was best to look onãeBay and such and see what the cards are selling for. It would take quite someãtime to look up each card like that..ããNightfoxãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.comã
  • From Kirkman@VERT/GUARDIAN to Nightfox on Mon Jul 8 13:03:18 2019
    Re: Sports card collectionã By: Nightfox to All on Sun Jul 07 2019 10:24 pmãã Ni> I have a collection of sports cards from the late 80s to the mid 90s,ã Ni> mostly baseball but also some basketball and hockey, and I'm pretty sure Iã Ni> have over 1000 cards. ããI was collecting at the same time as you. Unfortunately, those years were theãpeak of the hobby (sort of like BBSing!), and the market was absolutely floodedãwith cards. The last time I checked (a few years ago), there wasn't much valueãin sets from that era. I had a complete 1990 Score set, and it's just aboutãworthless. But I remember at the time being so excited, because it had thatãfamous black-and-white Bo Jackson card, etc.ãã--Joshãã////--------------------------------------------------ãBiC -=- http://breakintochat.com -=- bbs wiki and blogãã---ã þ Synchronetã
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Kirkman on Mon Jul 8 12:32:34 2019
    Re: Sports card collectionã By: Kirkman to Nightfox on Mon Jul 08 2019 01:03 pmãã Ki> I was collecting at the same time as you. Unfortunately, those years wereã Ki> the peak of the hobby (sort of like BBSing!), and the market wasã Ki> absolutely flooded with cards. The last time I checked (a few years ago),ã Ki> there wasn't much value in sets from that era. I had a complete 1990 Scoreã Ki> set, and it's just about worthless. But I remember at the time being soã Ki> excited, because it had that famous black-and-white Bo Jackson card, etc.ããYeah, I was wondering if my sports card collection would be fairly low valueãnow. I wonder if the value will pick up if I keep holding onto them for aãwhile though..ããNightfoxãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.comã
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Nightfox on Sun Jul 14 15:12:46 2019
    Re: Sports card collectionã By: Nightfox to Kirkman on Mon Jul 08 2019 12:32 pmãã > Ki> I was collecting at the same time as you. Unfortunately, those yearsã > Ki> were the peak of the hobby (sort of like BBSing!), and the market wasã >ã > Yeah, I was wondering if my sports card collection would be fairly low valueã > now. I wonder if the value will pick up if I keep holding onto them for aã > while though..ãã It depends how bad someone wants them. There's an auction show that runs on PBS that gives appraisels for antiques. I'm amazed at some of the prices they give out for something I would consider "junk". I did see a guy with some old baseball cards. I mean OLD 1920's. 1930's. I believed they were apraised at $200-$300. You have to pay attention to how they say it. They say "At auction we think these baseball cards would sell for $200-$300 dollars. So .. that means you have to put them up for sale at auction and hope somebody wants them and is willing to pay $200 for them 'duh'? It sure ain't rocket science ;-)ãããã HusTlerãHavens BBS (havens.synchro.net)ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Havens BBS havens.synchro.netã
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to HusTler on Sun Jul 14 13:17:08 2019
    Re: Sports card collectionã By: HusTler to Nightfox on Sun Jul 14 2019 03:12 pmãã Hu> It depends how bad someone wants them. There's an auction show that runsã Hu> on PBS that gives appraisels for antiques. I'm amazed at some of theã Hu> prices they give out for something I would consider "junk". I did see aã Hu> guy with some old baseball cards. I mean OLD 1920's. 1930's. I believedã Hu> they were apraised at $200-$300. You have to pay attention to how they sayã Hu> it. They say "At auction we think these baseball cards would sell forã Hu> $200-$300 dollars. So .. that means you have to put them up for sale atã Hu> auction and hope somebody wants them and is willing to pay $200 for themã Hu> 'duh'? It sure ain't rocket science ;-) ããThere used to be sports card price guides that people would use as guidelinesãfor buying/selling cards.. Now I guess it's all up to auctions and marketãvalue?ããNightfoxãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.comã