• RE: Sports card collectio

    From MATTHEW MUNSON@VERT/IUTOPIA to NIGHTFOX on Fri Jul 12 09:11:00 2019
    On 7/7/2019 10:24 PM, NIGHTFOX wrote to ALL:ãã-> Has anyone here ever collected sports cards?ã-> I have a collection of sports cards from the late 80s to the mid 90s, mostlyã-> baseball but also some basketball and hockey, and I'm pretty sure I have overã-> 1000 cards. That includes a complete set of 1992 baseball cards from one cardã-> company (I don't remember the name off the top of my head, and they're packedã-> in a box in the closet). I'd be curious what the value of my collection is. ã-> I'm not sure if there are many people in my area who would look at each cardã-> and value them for me and provide an honest value. It would take lots of timeã-> to go through my whole card collection myself. I remember there being sportsã-> card price guides back in the day. I was talking to a card seller a coupleã-> years ago and asked about that, and he said he thought it was best to look onã-> eBay and such and see what the cards are selling for. It would take quite someã-> time to look up each card like that..ãããI did too from 1989-1993 that was the big prime of the market. Beckett is still around ãand they still have some free access to some of their pricing data. It was in the peak of ãthe industry where many of the stuff we paid good dollar did sharply reduce in value. ã---ã þ wcQWK 8.0ã