• Re: console.getkeys

    From Mortifis@VERT/ALLEYCAT to echicken on Thu Jul 25 12:34:07 2019
    ... just a little demo of a raspberry pi project I threw together (or tookãapart for the demo LOL) controls 4 120v plugs, answers stupid questions, looksãshit up on google or youtube, plays music or videos or everything a raspberryãpi does, runs apache/php/mysql, Synchronet BBS ... web interface forãcontrolling the plugs or voice commands using my 'speak' voice recognition app ããsee it on youtube ããhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2ZvwhiqN9s&feature=youtu.beããrude comments welcome :-PãããããMy doctor said I have the body of a 25 year old ... and the mind of a 10 :-/ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ AlleyCat! BBS - http://alleycat.synchro.net:81ã
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to Mortifis on Thu Jul 25 17:37:50 2019
    Re: Re: console.getkeysã By: Mortifis to echicken on Thu Jul 25 2019 12:34:07ãã Mo> see it on youtube ãã Mo> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2ZvwhiqN9s&feature=youtu.beãã Mo> rude comments welcome :-PããUMM, I AM NOT SURE WHY YOU ARE REPLYING TO AN UNRELATED MESSAGE AND ADDRESSING THIS TO ME. DON'T YOU KNOWãTHAT ISN'T HOW WE DO THINGS AROUND HERE?ããLooks like a fun project. Does the actual voice recognition happen on the Pi, or are you using someãremote service?ãã---ãechickenãelectronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.comã þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.comã
  • From Mortifis@VERT/ALLEYCAT to echicken on Thu Jul 25 21:02:52 2019
    Re: Re: console.getkeysã > By: Mortifis to echicken on Thu Jul 25 2019 12:34:07ãã > Mo> see it on youtube ãã > Mo> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2ZvwhiqN9s&feature=youtu.beãã > Mo> rude comments welcome :-Pãã > UMM, I AM NOT SURE WHY YOU ARE REPLYING TO AN UNRELATED MESSAGE ANDã > ADDRESSING THIS TO ME. DON'T YOU KNOWã > THAT ISN'T HOW WE DO THINGS AROUND HERE?ããHmmm ... is that a rude comment or are you serious? Just in case you're seriousãI posted to All with Subject"home made smart plug w/voice. musta got someãcorrupt headers along the way ããhttps://asmf-etrucker.com/alleycat1.png andãhttps://asmf-etrucker.com/alleycat2.pngãã ã > Looks like a fun project. Does the actual voice recognition happen on theã > Pi, or are you using someã > remote service?ããThe voice recognition is on the Pi, I wrote it in php, which shell_exec arecordãthen curls the flac to a google api which returns a text string which is thenãread by the php script, compares a command and then shell_exec the string toãpico2wave and play ... if the command is to turn a light on/off or whatever isãplugged into the sockets it'll shell_exec a .py script to trigger the GPIOs ...ãwhen I clean up my spaghetti code I may post the project on githubãããMy doctor said I have the body of a 25 year old ... and the mind of a 10 :-/ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ AlleyCat! BBS - http://alleycat.synchro.net:81ã
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Mortifis on Fri Jul 26 09:15:20 2019
    Re: Re: console.getkeysã By: Mortifis to echicken on Thu Jul 25 2019 12:34 pmãã > ... just a little demo of a raspberry pi project I threw together (or tookã > apart for the demo LOL) controls 4 120v plugs, answers stupid questions,ã > see it on youtubeã >ã > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2ZvwhiqN9s&feature=youtu.beãã Looks like fun. Do you also fix washing machines? How about air conditioners? Mine sounds like an outboard engine running.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Havens BBS havens.synchro.netã
  • From Mortifis@VERT/ALLEYCAT to HusTler on Fri Jul 26 11:43:53 2019
    Re: Re: console.getkeysã > By: Mortifis to echicken on Thu Jul 25 2019 12:34 pmãã > > ... just a little demo of a raspberry pi project I threw together (orã > > took apart for the demo LOL) controls 4 120v plugs, answers stupidã > > questions, see it on youtubeãã > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2ZvwhiqN9s&feature=youtu.beãã > Looks like fun. Do you also fix washing machines? How about airã > conditioners? Mine sounds like an outboard engine running.ããLOL, Gizmo would reply "Hustler, do I look like the F**n Maytag repairman?" Inãthe VR script I wrote there is a -v command line argument to suppress profanityã:-P ... as for AC ... well, you can plug a fan into a socket and say "Gizmo,ãfan on" LOLããBTW, not sure what happened to the headers but I posted this Subject: homemadeãsmart plug w/voice To: All, not sure how got sent to EC aboutãconsole.getkeys() :-/ãããMy doctor said I have the body of a 25 year old ... and the mind of a 10 :-/ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ AlleyCat! BBS - http://alleycat.synchro.net:81ã
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to Mortifis on Fri Jul 26 16:15:00 2019
    Mortifis wrote to HusTler <=-ãã > > ... just a little demo of a raspberry pi project I threw together (orã > > took apart for the demo LOL) controls 4 120v plugs, answers stupidã > > questions, see it on youtubeãã > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2ZvwhiqN9s&feature=youtu.beãã > Looks like fun. Do you also fix washing machines? How about airã > conditioners? Mine sounds like an outboard engine running.ãã Mo> LOL, Gizmo would reply "Hustler, do I look like the F**n Maytagã Mo> repairman?" In the VR script I wrote there is a -v command lineã Mo> argument to suppress profanity :-P ... as for AC ... well, youã Mo> can plug a fan into a socket and say "Gizmo, fan on" LOLãã Mo> BTW, not sure what happened to the headers but I posted thisã Mo> Subject: homemade smart plug w/voice To: All, not sure how gotã Mo> sent to EC about console.getkeys() :-/ããMy guess is that Gizmo is smarter than you think, and is messing ãwith your messaging. :-)ãããã... Eye witnesses were on the scene in minutes.ã--- MultiMail/Linux v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FLã
  • From Mortifis@VERT/ALLEYCAT to Gamgee on Fri Jul 26 23:20:51 2019
    Mortifis wrote to HusTler <=-ãã > > > ... just a little demo of a raspberry pi project I threw together (orã > > > took apart for the demo LOL) controls 4 120v plugs, answers stupidã > > > questions, see it on youtubeãã > > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2ZvwhiqN9s&feature=youtu.beãã > > Looks like fun. Do you also fix washing machines? How about airã > > conditioners? Mine sounds like an outboard engine running.ãã > Mo> LOL, Gizmo would reply "Hustler, do I look like the F**n Maytagã > Mo> repairman?" In the VR script I wrote there is a -v command lineã > Mo> argument to suppress profanity :-P ... as for AC ... well, youã > Mo> can plug a fan into a socket and say "Gizmo, fan on" LOLãã > Mo> BTW, not sure what happened to the headers but I posted thisã > Mo> Subject: homemade smart plug w/voice To: All, not sure how gotã > Mo> sent to EC about console.getkeys() :-/ãã > My guess is that Gizmo is smarter than you think, and is messing ã > with your messaging. :-)ããhuh?! well, Gizmo is definitely smarter than I am, and, it does have SBBSãinstalled .... but why would Gizmo want to mess with me against Ec?ã LMAFO ... I am sure, if Gizmo hated me, it could just short the 120v to myãelectrovibrorecylner LOLãã ããMy doctor said I have the body of a 25 year old ... and the mind of a 10 :-/ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ AlleyCat! BBS - http://alleycat.synchro.net:81ã
  • From Android8675@VERT/SHODAN to Mortifis on Wed Jul 31 07:18:39 2019
    Re: Re: console.getkeysã By: Mortifis to echicken on Thu Jul 25 2019 09:02 pmãã > Mo>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2ZvwhiqN9s&feature=youtu.beãã >> UMM, I AM NOT SURE WHY YOU ARE REPLYING TO AN UNRELATED MESSAGE ANDã >> ADDRESSING THIS TO ME. DON'T YOU KNOWã >> THAT ISN'T HOW WE DO THINGS AROUND HERE?ãã Mo> Hmmm ... is that a rude comment or are you serious? Just in case you'reã Mo> serious I posted to All with Subject"home made smart plug w/voice. mustaã Mo> got some corrupt headers along the way ããHe's totally fucking with you, was a big thread about replying and quotingãwhich always seems to pop up once a year on these bbs boards.ããAlso, you did say:ãã > Mo>> rude comments welcome :-PããHa. :) See, quoting.ããBTW, cool project. I have a couple Pi's lying around maybe I'll look into theãGizmo project, I'm guessing it's less invasive than Google/Alexa boxes?ãã-A.ã--ãAndroid8675@ShodansCoreãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Shodan's Core @ ShodansCore.comã