• Re: Switching Web Ui

    From MIKE POWELL@VERT/CAPCITY2/CAPCITY to MORTIFIS on Fri Aug 2 09:02:00 2019
    Ya, I figured he was complying with my request for rude comments :-Pã> At the same time, though, EC did bring it to my attention that the messageã> headers became corrupted :-/ no biggie I suppose :-)ããFYI, I did not write the message you are responding to and I don't rememberãcommenting on it. I think that Synchronet, or an offline reader orãexternal editor, has some sort of issue sending messages TO the wrongãpeople.ããGlad you figured it out though. Would not want to be too upset over sillyãthings said on a BBS echo. :)ããMikeã---ã * SLMR 2.1a * Tinnn Rooooooooof! --Rusted!ã---ã . BgNet 1.0.12 . moe's tavern * 1-502-875-8938 * moetiki.ddns.net:27ã
  • From Digital Man@VERT to MIKE POWELL on Fri Aug 2 12:33:43 2019
    Re: Re: Switching Web Uiã By: MIKE POWELL to MORTIFIS on Fri Aug 02 2019 09:02 amãã > > Ya, I figured he was complying with my request for rude comments :-Pã > > At the same time, though, EC did bring it to my attention that the messageã > > headers became corrupted :-/ no biggie I suppose :-)ã > ã > FYI, I did not write the message you are responding to and I don't rememberã > commenting on it. I think that Synchronet, or an offline reader orã > external editor, has some sort of issue sending messages TO the wrongã > people.ã > ã > Glad you figured it out though. Would not want to be too upset over sillyã > things said on a BBS echo. :)ããI definitely think there's a software bug somewhere related to thisãrecently-common complaint.ããThe message you're replying to, as seen here on Vertrauen (in the DOVE-Netã"Hobbies" conference):ããTo Mike PowellãSubject Re: Switching Web UIãSender MortifisãMessage-ID <5D42DCE8.1051.dove-syncops@alleycat.synchro.net>ãIn-Reply-To <5D3A4391.1751.dove-sync_sys@capitolcityonline.net>ãSenderIpAddrãSenderHostName 24-138-28-115.eastlink.caãSenderProtocol HTTPãOrganization AlleyCat! BBSãX-FTN-REPLY 45866.sync_sys@1:103/705 21a04328ãX-FTN-PID Synchronet 3.17c-Win32 Jun 28 2019 MSC 1800ãOtherHeader WhenImported: 20190801093656-0300 c0f0ãOtherHeader WhenExported: 20190801094257-0300 c0f0ãOtherHeader ExportedFrom: ALLEYCAT dove-syncops 1051ãSenderNetAddr ALLEYCATãSenderNetType QWKnetãwhen_written 5D431528 C0F0 Thu Aug 01 2019 09:36 am ADTãwhen_imported 5D42E1DC C1E0 Thu Aug 01 2019 05:58 am PDTããThis message was posted using a web-UI (HTTP) on AlleyCat! BBS, in-reply-to aãmessage that was in the DOVE-Net Sync_Sysops conference! And it was postedã(apparently, from the Message ID) on the DOVE-Net Sync_Sysops sub on that BBS.ãSo how did it end up in "DOVE-Net Hobbies" here on Vertrauen? Definitelyãsomething amiss somewhere. Very Strange.ããã digital manããThis Is Spinal Tap quote #45:ãI don't really think the end can be assessed as of itself as being the endãNorco, CA WX: 90.6øF, 35.0% humidity, 0 mph NE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrsã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Mortifis@VERT/ALLEYCAT to MIKE POWELL on Mon Aug 5 12:10:06 2019
    Ya, I figured he was complying with my request for rude comments :-Pã > > At the same time, though, EC did bring it to my attention that the messageã > > headers became corrupted :-/ no biggie I suppose :-)ãã > FYI, I did not write the message you are responding to and I don't rememberã > commenting on it. I think that Synchronet, or an offline reader orã > external editor, has some sort of issue sending messages TO the wrongã > people.ãã > Glad you figured it out though. Would not want to be too upset over sillyã > things said on a BBS echo. :)ãã > MikeããHmmm ... seems to have happened again ... this is somehow mixed with aãdiscussion in Synchronet SysOps and the rc/modeling ... I am starting to wonderãif my smb is messed up or if something is getting crossed during the QWKãDove-Net callout ... me thinks I should do a purge an reset all my pointers onãvert ãããMy doctor said I have the body of a 25 year old ... and the mind of a 10 :-/ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ AlleyCat! BBS - http://alleycat.synchro.net:81ã
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Mortifis on Mon Aug 5 12:54:33 2019
    Re: Re: Switching Web Uiã By: Mortifis to MIKE POWELL on Mon Aug 05 2019 12:10 pmãã > > > Ya, I figured he was complying with my request for rude comments :-Pã > > > At the same time, though, EC did bring it to my attention that theã > > > message headers became corrupted :-/ no biggie I suppose :-)ã >ã > > FYI, I did not write the message you are responding to and I don'tã > > remember commenting on it. I think that Synchronet, or an offline readerã > > orã > > external editor, has some sort of issue sending messages TO the wrongã > > people.ã >ã > > Glad you figured it out though. Would not want to be too upset overã > > silly things said on a BBS echo. :)ã >ã > > Mikeã >ã > Hmmm ... seems to have happened again ... this is somehow mixed with aã > discussion in Synchronet SysOps and the rc/modeling ... I am starting toã > wonder if my smb is messed up or if something is getting crossed during theã > QWK Dove-Net callout ... me thinks I should do a purge an reset all myã > pointers on vertããThe one example I looked at was a problem with a message sent *from* your system, so that would not be a pointer issue. Perhaps double check what you have set in SCFG->Networks->QWK->Hubs->VERT->Sub-boards... and confirm it matches: http://wiki.synchro.net/howto:dove-netãã digital manããSynchronet "Real Fact" #50:ãJAM and Squish were considered before developing Synchronet Message Base format.ãNorco, CA WX: 95.4øF, 23.0% humidity, 5 mph ENE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrsã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã