• Florescent Bulbs

    From Lupine Furmen@VERT/FURFOL to Nightfox on Sun Apr 5 14:38:20 2020
    Re: Re: Quarantine projectsã By: Nightfox to JIMMY ANDERSON on Sat Apr 04 2020 22:08:53ãã Ni> I recently had to replace a couple lightbulbs in a ceiling fan unit in ourã Ni> house. I thought about buying a couple of Compact Fluorescent bulbs, butã Ni> it seems those are hard to find now in favor of the LED bulbs. I've heardã Ni> the LED bulbs are more energy-efficient, so I can see why compactã Ni> fluorescent bulbs might be being phased out. The LED bulbs I bought areã Ni> white/daylight bulbs, and they seem a little brighter than the old bulbsã Ni> that were in the unit, but I like the white lite. It seems like a moreã Ni> pure light, with the older bulbs being more yellow. The LED bulbs sayã Ni> they're supposed to last 10 years, which is another bonus. I doubt we'llã Ni> even be in this house for 10 more years, as we've been looking to get intoã Ni> a better house for us. ããNot to mention that with LED you don't have the constant high pitch buzzingãthat you do with the fluorescent.ã-+-ããLupine Furmenã-Dallas Vinsonã Furmens Folly (FIDO 1:123/257) - telnet: furmenservices.net:23ã SSH: furmenservices.net:23222ã Before the Web - telnet: furmenservices.net:23232ã Legends of Yesteryear (FIDO 1:123/256) - telnet: furmenservices.net:23322ã Sound Source ]|[ - telnet: furmenservices.net:2323ããããDallasãã... Modesty is a vastly overrated virtue.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Furmen's Folly - furmenservices.net:23ã
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Lupine Furmen on Sun Apr 5 14:22:13 2020
    Re: Florescent Bulbsã By: Lupine Furmen to Nightfox on Sun Apr 05 2020 02:38 pmãã LF> Not to mention that with LED you don't have the constant high pitchã LF> buzzing that you do with the fluorescent.ããI've never noticed high pitched buzzing with fluorescent bulbs at home, especially the compact fluorescent bulbs that fit in a regular light socket.. There are some rooms in my house that use a tube fluorescent bulb (the kitchen and one of the closets), but even there I don't notice a high pitch buzzing noise.ããNightfoxãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.comã
  • From Lupine Furmen@VERT/FURFOL to Nightfox on Mon Apr 6 00:42:12 2020
    Re: Florescent Bulbsã By: Nightfox to Lupine Furmen on Sun Apr 05 2020 14:22:13ãã LF>> Not to mention that with LED you don't have the constant high pitchã LF>> buzzing that you do with the fluorescent.ã Ni> I've never noticed high pitched buzzing with fluorescent bulbs at home,ã Ni> especially the compact fluorescent bulbs that fit in a regular lightã Ni> socket.. There are some rooms in my house that use a tube fluorescent bulbã Ni> (the kitchen and one of the closets), but even there I don't notice a highã Ni> pitch buzzing noise. ããMy hearing my just be a bit more sensative. I used to not be able to walk intoãa Sears because there was always this high frequence buzzing that would hurt myãears.ã-+-ããLupine Furmenã-Dallas Vinsonã Furmens Folly (FIDO 1:123/257) - telnet: furmenservices.net:23ã SSH: furmenservices.net:23222ã Before the Web - telnet: furmenservices.net:23232ã Legends of Yesteryear (FIDO 1:123/256) - telnet: furmenservices.net:23322ã Sound Source ]|[ - telnet: furmenservices.net:2323ããããDallasãã... It takes a long time to understand nothing.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Furmen's Folly - furmenservices.net:23ã
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Lupine Furmen on Mon Apr 6 07:58:00 2020
    Lupine Furmen wrote to Nightfox <=-ãã LF> My hearing my just be a bit more sensative. I used to not be able toã LF> walk into a Sears because there was always this high frequence buzzingã LF> that would hurt my ears.ããJust like tinnitus, except I can't leave the Sears. :|ããã... Consider different fading systemsã--- MultiMail/XT v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.orgã
  • From Mike Powell@VERT/CAPCITY2 to NIGHTFOX on Tue Apr 7 14:13:00 2020
    I've never noticed high pitched buzzing with fluorescent bulbs at home, especiaã>ly the compact fluorescent bulbs that fit in a regular light socket.. There arã> some rooms in my house that use a tube fluorescent bulb (the kitchen and one oã> the closets), but even there I don't notice a high pitch buzzing noise.ããI notice it, when the TV is not on and/or the fridge is not running. Theyãdrown out a lot.ããã * SLMR 2.1a * "Tryin' is the first step towards failure." - Homerãã---ã * Synchronet * CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTPã
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to POINDEXTER FORTRAN on Tue Apr 14 23:40:00 2020
    Just like tinnitus, except I can't leave the Sears. :|ãã Most all the Sears stores are gone now.ããDarylãã---ã þ OLX 1.53 þ Ham Radio Messages And Replies Will Be Sent In Morse Codeã þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.netã
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Daryl Stout on Wed Apr 15 08:00:00 2020
    Daryl Stout wrote to POINDEXTER FORTRAN <=-ãã PF>Just like tinnitus, except I can't leave the Sears. :|ãã DS> Most all the Sears stores are gone now.ããI hadn't shopped in a Sears in years, but do miss the auto stores - great ãservice and prices on tires and batteries.ããã... Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.ã--- MultiMail/DOS v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.orgã
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to poindexter FORTRAN on Wed Apr 15 18:22:00 2020
    poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Daryl Stout <=-ãã DS> Most all the Sears stores are gone now.ãã pF> I hadn't shopped in a Sears in years, but do miss the auto storesã pF> - great service and prices on tires and batteries.ããSame here. Had many an oil change done there, and several sets of ãtires and batteries over the years. Once long ago I even bought ãone of those X-Cargo "bubbles" that attached to the top of the car ãfor carrying extra stuff on a family vacation... :-)ãããã... At the end of the day, it gets dark.ã--- MultiMail/Linux v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FLã
  • From Mike Powell@VERT/CAPCITY2 to POINDEXTER FORTRAN on Thu Apr 16 17:37:00 2020
    I hadn't shopped in a Sears in years, but do miss the auto stores - greatã> service and prices on tires and batteries.ãã +1. The KMarts around here, even before they were owned by Sears, wereãsimilar (if they had auto stores).ããã * SLMR 2.1a * Back Up My Hard Drive? I Can't Find The Reverse Switch!ãã---ã * Synchronet * CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTPã
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Mike Powell on Thu Apr 16 19:59:48 2020
    Re: Re: Florescent Bulbsã By: Mike Powell to POINDEXTER FORTRAN on Thu Apr 16 2020 05:37 pmãã > > I hadn't shopped in a Sears in years, but do miss the auto stores - greatã > > service and prices on tires and batteries.ãã > +1. The KMarts around here, even before they were owned by Sears, wereã > similar (if they had auto stores).ãããthat's one strength sears had. they really should have focused on theirãautomotive.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::ã
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to POINDEXTER FORTRAN on Thu Apr 16 09:04:00 2020
    Most all the Sears stores are gone now.ããPF>I hadn't shopped in a Sears in years, but do miss the auto stores - greatãPF>service and prices on tires and batteries.ãã Their slogan was "Satisfaction Guaranteed, or Your Money Back".ãAdmittedly, their catalog "The Wish Book" was a competitor to the oneãput out by Spiegel. Now, all of that is gone.ããDarylãã---ã þ OLX 1.53 þ Hindsight is 20/20 - but I don't have eyes in my butt.ã þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.netã