• Fountain Pens & Notebooks

    From Atroxi@VERT to All on Wed Mar 24 23:14:00 2021
    Hi all,ããLately I've been getting into the habit of writing and journalling again. ãThe first time that I did that was when I taught myself the skill of ãmaking notebooks. Now, however, it's because of fountain pens.ããI'm just wondering whether there are people around here that are alsoãinto fountain pens or making notebooks. I figured that it would beãa nice to have a chat about it.ããRight now I'm using a cheap chinese clone of the LAMY Safari as well as aãJinhao 992. I just can't bring myself to buy those ``higher-end'' pensãso I think I'll just stick with those cheaper ones for the meantime.ããCheers,ãAtroxiãã... Maybe? Maybe not. Maybe? Maybe not. Maybe? Maybe not. Maybe? Maybe not.ãMaybã--- MultiMail/OpenBSD v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Warpslide@VERT/NRBBS to Atroxi on Wed Mar 24 15:37:55 2021
    *** Quoting Atroxi from a message to All ***ãã At> Lately I've been getting into the habit of writing and journallingã At> again. The first time that I did that was when I taught myself theã At> skill of making notebooks.ããNice! I've been an on-again-off-again journaler since my early 20's. I've ãdabbled with both paper & digital journaling, both have their places I find.ãã At> Now, however, it's because of fountain pens.ããNever gotten into fountain pens myself, though I do remember using them on a ãschool trip to a pioneer village.ãã At> Right now I'm using a cheap chinese clone of the LAMY Safari as wellã At> as a Jinhao 992. I just can't bring myself to buy thoseã At> ``higher-end'' pens so I think I'lljust stick with those cheaper onesã At> for the meantime.ããI do like a "nice" ballpoint myself, I seem to be a sucker for anything ãstainless steel. I've bought several Zebra pens which I like along with a ãLAMY 4 colour pen (the 405 I believe) which makes journaling nice if you want ãto accent something in a different colour.ããFor awhile I was experimenting with journaling on paper and then snapping a ãpicture of it into Evernote which would OCR it. They even make special ãmoleskine books that are made to be scanned into Evernote.ããIt was neat, but I've let that go and and find that an Amazon Basics black ãnotebook works just as well.ããI've never had the greatest handwriting (my sister says I have "boy" ãhandwriting) - but I can read it & that's all that matters. My sister has ãbeautiful handwriting, looks more like calligraphy. More fancy than anything ãI'm capable of.ããJayãã... Open mouth, insert foot, echo internationally.ãã--- Telegard v3.09.g2-sp4/mLã * Origin: Northern Realms | 289-424-5180 | bbs.nrbbs.net (99:99/2)ã
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Atroxi on Wed Mar 24 20:28:00 2021
    Hello Atroxi!ãã** On Wednesday 24.03.21 - 23:14, Atroxi wrote to All:ãã A> Lately I've been getting into the habit of writing andã A> journalling again. The first time that I did that was when Iã A> taught myself the skill of making notebooks. Now, however,ã A> it's because of fountain pens.ããWhat are you journaling? I was raised to write a kind of diary ãfor myself or write letters to family and friends. It was ãalways fun to get something back in the mail address to me: ESQ.ãã A> I'm just wondering whether there are people around here thatã A> are also into fountain pens or making notebooks. I figuredã A> that it would be a nice to have a chat about it.ããI received a few quality fountain pens back in the day. I ãloved/hated using them. I did not always master the best flow of ãthe ink. And at least one of them dried up and could not be ãreplaced.ãã A> Right now I'm using a cheap chinese clone of the LAMY Safariã A> as well as a Jinhao 992. I just can't bring myself to buyã A> those ``higher-end'' pens so I think I'll just stick withã A> those cheaper ones for the meantime.ããI have forgotten about the contruction of fountain pens. Do they ãboth have internal ink bladders? That's the thing that one of ãmy favourite pens had and dried up enough to crack and then ãleaked ink.ããJournals and calligraphy kits are having a modest reinterest in ãmy shop.ãã--- OpenXP 5.0.49ã * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)ã þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTPã
  • From Atroxi@VERT to Warpslide on Thu Mar 25 19:29:00 2021
    Warpslide wrote to Atroxi <=-ãã Wa> Nice! I've been an on-again-off-again journaler since my early 20's.ã Wa> I've dabbled with both paper & digital journaling, both have theirã Wa> places I find.ããThat is true. I've used to have an org mode journal that keeps a lot of stuffãautomatic for me. However, I don't often find myself infront of a computerãlately so I went back to having a bullet journal from notebooks that I madeãfrom scratch.ãã Wa> Never gotten into fountain pens myself, though I do remember using themã Wa> on a school trip to a pioneer village.ããIt is quite nice. If I'd describe the feeling it's like writing with aãballpointãwith the line thickness a sign pen. Though if I'm going to be honest I ãmostly did it because I wanted to try it out and save money on pens ãand refill ink. Though if I'm not careful I can see fountain pens to be aãvery expensive thing.ãã Wa> I do like a "nice" ballpoint myself, I seem to be a sucker for anythingã Wa> stainless steel. I've bought several Zebra pens which I like alongã Wa> with a LAMY 4 colour pen (the 405 I believe) which makes journalingã Wa> nice if you want to accent something in a different colour.ããYes, it is nice to have different colors handy when journalling.ãThis is especially so when trying to emphasize certain things that I'm writing.ããHowever, I wasn't able to stick to it because I often have the itch and urgeãto journal in the most inconvenient of places and instances.ããI'm thinking of purchasing a number of colored bottled ink and a couple moreãJinhao 992s for that but let's see. I don't want fountain pens to be a majorãsource of ``income sink'' for me, haha!ãã Wa> For awhile I was experimenting with journaling on paper and thenã Wa> snapping a picture of it into Evernote which would OCR it. They evenã Wa> make special moleskine books that are made to be scanned into Evernote.ãã Wa> It was neat, but I've let that go and and find that an Amazon Basicsã Wa> black notebook works just as well.ããThat seems to be a more complicated process than just writing that on paperãor typing it digitally.ãã Wa> I've never had the greatest handwriting (my sister says I have "boy"ã Wa> handwriting) - but I can read it & that's all that matters. My sisterã Wa> has beautiful handwriting, looks more like calligraphy. More fancyã Wa> than anything I'm capable of.ããIn my experience women, in general, do have nicer handwriting than men.ãThough I do agree with you that what matters most is that you can understandãyour own writing. ãã... {gemini,https}://rtr.kalayaan.xyz -- visit me! :-)ã--- MultiMail/OpenBSD v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Atroxi@VERT to Ogg on Thu Mar 25 20:43:00 2021
    What are you journaling? I was raised to write a kind of diaryã Og> for myself or write letters to family and friends. It wasã Og> always fun to get something back in the mail address to me: ESQ.ããIt's mostly daily stuff. I used to have this org-mode system in myãlaptop that I synchronize with my phone before where I put my TO-DOs,ãinsights, ``at-the-moment thoughts'' and longform diary-esque entries.ããThat seems to be quite fun. I grew up at a time where letters areãstarting to be obsolete so I didn't really have the chance to experienceãwriting to someone. Unless you count those small notes that you pass toãyour friends during class.ãã Og> I received a few quality fountain pens back in the day. Iã Og> loved/hated using them. I did not always master the best flow ofã Og> the ink. And at least one of them dried up and could not beã Og> replaced.ããYeah, that sucks. I haven't had a pen dry up on me yet but I have beenãaware of that and I'm thinking of just cleaning the pen up if I know thatãI'm not going to use it for a long time.ãã Og> I have forgotten about the contruction of fountain pens. Do theyã Og> both have internal ink bladders? That's the thing that one ofã Og> my favourite pens had and dried up enough to crack and thenã Og> leaked ink.ããYup, they have liquid ink inside them that feeds into a nib. Based onãwhat I've gathered when I was mulling over the thought of buying ãfountain pens there seems to be a number of ways to fill up a pen.ãThough the most common one is to use a ``single-use'' cartridge.ãã Og> Journals and calligraphy kits are having a modest reinterest inã Og> my shop.ããThat's interesting. While I'm speaking from a sample size of one,ãI do think that journals and the act of writing offer something moreãthat offsets the convenience of just typing on a phone or computer. ãã... {gemini,https}://rtr.kalayaan.xyz -- visit me! :-)ã--- MultiMail/OpenBSD v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From JIMMY ANDERSON@VERT/OTHETA to ATROXI on Thu Mar 25 08:50:00 2021
    ATROXI wrote to ALL <=-ãã AT> Lately I've been getting into the habit of writing and journallingã AT> again. The first time that I did that was when I taught myself theã AT> skill of making notebooks. Now, however, it's because of fountain pens.ãã AT> I'm just wondering whether there are people around here that are alsoã AT> into fountain pens or making notebooks. I figured that it would beã AT> a nice to have a chat about it.ããMy wife 'collects' pens. :-) She has different pens for journaling, bibleãstudy, work, note taking, etc. ããããã... It it ain't broke, let me have a shot at it.ã--- MultiMail/Mac v0.52ã þ wcQWK 8.0 ÷ Omicron Theta * Memphis, TN * winserver.orgã
  • From JIMMY ANDERSON@VERT/OTHETA to OGG on Thu Mar 25 08:52:00 2021
    OGG wrote to ATROXI <=-ãã OG> What are you journaling? I was raised to write a kind of diaryã OG> for myself or write letters to family and friends. It wasã OG> always fun to get something back in the mail address to me: ESQ.ããI had three pen pals when I was younger... One was in Australia.ãThat's one of the things about ordering stuff online too - gettingãpackages in the 'mail.' :-)ããRemember sending film off to be developed? It was cool when you ãFINALLY got the prints in the mail. :-)ãããã... Does fuzzy logic tickle?ã--- MultiMail/Mac v0.52ã þ wcQWK 8.0 ÷ Omicron Theta * Memphis, TN * winserver.orgã
  • From Warpslide@VERT/NRBBS to JIMMY ANDERSON on Fri Mar 26 09:41:08 2021
    *** Quoting JIMMY ANDERSON from a message to OGG ***ãã JA> Remember sending film off to be developed? It was cool when youã JA> FINALLY got the prints in the mail. :-)ããAnd it wasn't until you got the pictures back that you found out if you ãblinked or not. ;)ããWe have an old family photo somewhere in an album (my Mom has "80's hair" in ãit) where everyone looks all happy and wide eyed, but there I am on the right ãwith my eyes closed.ããJayãã... Success usually comes to those too busy to look for it.ãã--- Telegard v3.09.g2-sp4/mLã * Origin: Northern Realms | 289-424-5180 | bbs.nrbbs.net (99:99/2)ã
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Atroxi on Thu Mar 25 13:22:00 2021
    Atroxi wrote to All <=-ãã At> Right now I'm using a cheap chinese clone of the LAMY Safari as well asã At> a Jinhao 992. I just can't bring myself to buy those ``higher-end''ã At> pens so I think I'll just stick with those cheaper ones for theã At> meantime.ããI have a selection of cheap Chinese knock-off pens (One looks exactly like a ãParker 51) but my daily driver is a Pilot Metropolitan. For under $20, it's ãa smooth writer with a nice balance.ããI take notes daily in a variety of notebooks, never tried making my own.ããã... What context would look right?ã--- MultiMail/DOS v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.orgã
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Warpslide on Thu Mar 25 13:24:00 2021
    Warpslide wrote to Atroxi <=-ãã Wa> I do like a "nice" ballpoint myself, I seem to be a sucker for anythingã Wa> stainless steel. I've bought several Zebra pens which I like alongã Wa> with a LAMY 4 colour pen (the 405 I believe) which makes journalingã Wa> nice if you want to accent something in a different colour.ããMy goto ballpoint pen since my first job out of college is a Parker Classic ãin stainless steel with a gold clip - good balance, refills last forever, ãand the finish is just rough enough to not slip. Cheap and durable - my ãcurrent one was run over, and has barely a dent to show for it.ããããã... Use something nearby as a modelã--- MultiMail/DOS v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.orgã
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Atroxi on Fri Mar 26 06:50:00 2021
    Atroxi wrote to Ogg <=-ãã At> Yup, they have liquid ink inside them that feeds into a nib. Based onã At> what I've gathered when I was mulling over the thought of buyingã At> fountain pens there seems to be a number of ways to fill up a pen.ã At> Though the most common one is to use a ``single-use'' cartridge.ããDisposable ink cartidges - convenient, sometimes proprietary.ããInk bladders - dip the pen into the ink and squeeze a rubber bladder to ãevacuate the air and draw in ink. Some cartridge pens are convertible and ãhave a bladder.ããSome pens allow you to fill the body with ink, but that seems awfully ãdangerous.ãã At> ... {gemini,https}://rtr.kalayaan.xyz -- visit me! :-)ããHey, the first time I've seen a gemini link advertised, I tried hitting it ãbut got an error message from Geminaut that it wasn't a valid site.ããã... Abandon desireã--- MultiMail/DOS v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.orgã
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to JIMMY ANDERSON on Fri Mar 26 06:53:00 2021
    JIMMY ANDERSON wrote to OGG <=-ãã JA> Remember sending film off to be developed? It was cool when youã JA> FINALLY got the prints in the mail. :-)ããI had several dozen rolls stored at Yorkphoto.com from 1999 until 2010; ãtheir mail order processing was $1.99/roll, with 99 cent scans suitable for ãthe web or high-res scans for $4.99.ããI still insist that the lack of instantaneous feedback with film photography ãmade me a better photographer. I'd spend more time composing a shot, whereas ãnow I'll take a dozen pictures to get the composition and exposure right.ããã... Abandon desireã--- MultiMail/DOS v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.orgã
  • From fusion@VERT/CFBBS to JIMMY ANDERSON on Fri Mar 26 14:34:00 2021
    On 25 Mar 2021, JIMMY ANDERSON said the following...ã JA> My wife 'collects' pens. :-) She has different pens for journaling, bibleã JA> study, work, note taking, etc. ããmy dad used to. and i'm quite inclined to do so myself, but for me, i have aãhard time if i'm not using them, or if there's some reason i might not useãthem all the time (so it'd be hard to keep one just because it looks cool)ãã--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Windows/32)ã * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, miã
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Atroxi on Fri Mar 26 09:32:00 2021
    Hello Atroxi!ãã** On Thursday 25.03.21 - 20:43, you wrote to me:ãã A> It's mostly daily stuff. I used to have this org-mode systemã A> in my laptop that I synchronize with my phone before where Iã A> put my TO-DOs, insights, ``at-the-moment thoughts'' andã A> longform diary-esque entries.ããWhen I am home and I need to remind myself of something to to do ãat the shop when I get there, I email my self a note to a ãspecial account with TODO in the subject. And then the ãreverse.. it I need to finish some biz work at home in the ãevening, I email myself to my home account with TODO in the ãsuject. For private things, I would use PGP. I could not manage ãthat shit with a phone; I'd often to forget to take the phone ãwith me some days!ãã A> That seems to be quite fun. I grew up at a time whereã A> letters are starting to be obsolete so I didn't really haveã A> the chance to experience writing to someone. Unless youã A> count those small notes that you pass to your friends duringã A> class.ããMost of my journaling was during grade-school. I discovered that ãmy dad had a radio that supported the SW bands. He only used it ãfor AM. But when I discovered SW it was like the world opened ãup for me. Some ham operators offered "confirmation postcards" ãfor anyone who would write to them with date/time of broadcast.ããGrade school also had us participate in a pen pal program to ãexchange letters with students in another school. That seemed ãfun when the letters arrived. But I never maintained any lasting ãconnections there. I was too young and getting distracted with ãthe girls at hand. ;)ãã Og>> ..And at least one of them dried up and could not beã Og>> replaced.ãã A> Yeah, that sucks. I haven't had a pen dry up on me yet but Iã A> have been aware of that and I'm thinking of just cleaningã A> the pen up if I know that I'm not going to use it for a longã A> time.ããPerhaps mine was designed to be used every day, or emptied if ãnot to be used for an extended time. I just got lazy, I guess - ãor forgot to keep up with the routine.ãã A> Though the most common one is to use a ``single-use'' cartridge.ããYes.. the modern ones have the cartidges. A nice solution. And ãthey don't dry up as fast? I really haven't tried those. My mom ãtook up calligraphy in her 60's and onward. That's when I ãlearned about the cartridge versions. I still have a bunch of ãthose supplies. But she still appreciated the convenience of ãcomposing a letter using a word-processor. She'd decorate the ãprinted product with some flourishes of calligraphy.ãã A> ..While I'm speaking from a sample size of one, I do thinkã A> that journals and the act of writing offer something moreã A> that offsets the convenience of just typing on a phone orã A> computer.ããI tried keeping a grocery list using a phone app. But that did ãnot work for me. I just use a piece of paper with a grid that I ãduplicate 4x on an 8.5x11" sheet of paper, rip that sheet into ãits respective quarters and have a little stash that I use like ãthis:ãã https://photos.kolico.ca/tmp/groc-list.jpgãã ..and work my way column by column from right to left until it ãis full. It's pinned onto the fridge where I can always find it ãand grab it.ããThis might be a digression of the actual subject of journaling ãand notebooks at the start, but except for signing cheques and ãamassing other notes on pieces of paper, this is the extent of ãhandwriting right now.ãã--- OpenXP 5.0.49ã * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)ã þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTPã
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to JIMMY ANDERSON on Fri Mar 26 09:48:00 2021
    Hello JIMMY ANDERSON!ãã** On Thursday 25.03.21 - 08:52, you wrote to me:ãã JA> Remember sending film off to be developed? It was cool whenã JA> you FINALLY got the prints in the mail. :-)ããI most certainly *do*. We eventually found a service that ãoffered triple copies of photos including two mini "stamp" size ãversions on the same photo for a really low price. All you had ãto do was cut off the minis and you could use those to share as ãmomentos too. It was exciting to receive those packages in the ãmail.ããAfter a while though, the quality of prints from that service ãwaned. Sometimes the sets arrived with what looked looked like ãa sepia washover.ããI still have roll of film in a camera that my mom last used over ã10 years ago. I am not sure if there is any place locally that ãwould attempt to develop that. But it might be worth mailing it ãout somewhere an hopefully some human attendant at the machine ãcan make suitable adjustments if the prints don't look quite ãright.ããã--- OpenXP 5.0.49ã * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)ã þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTPã
  • From JIMMY ANDERSON@VERT/OTHETA to WARPSLIDE on Fri Mar 26 09:41:00 2021
    WARPSLIDE wrote to JIMMY ANDERSON <=-ãã JA> Remember sending film off to be developed? It was cool when youã JA> FINALLY got the prints in the mail. :-)ãã WA> And it wasn't until you got the pictures back that you found out if youã WA> blinked or not. ;)ããLOL - very true! And if you were taking a picture of your television ãscreen to 'prove' a high school to the Atari magazine, you better takeãseveral. If you only take one, you're taking a chance on the 'scrollãbars' covering the score. :-)ãã WA> We have an old family photo somewhere in an album (my Mom has "80'sã WA> hair" in it) where everyone looks all happy and wide eyed, but there Iã WA> am on the right with my eyes closed.ããLOL - I know what you mean!ãããã... Clones are people two.ã--- MultiMail/Mac v0.52ã þ wcQWK 8.0 ÷ Omicron Theta * Memphis, TN * winserver.orgã
  • From JIMMY ANDERSON@VERT/OTHETA to FUSION on Fri Mar 26 09:43:00 2021
    FUSION wrote to JIMMY ANDERSON <=-ãã JA> My wife 'collects' pens. :-) She has different pens for journaling, bibleã JA> study, work, note taking, etc.ãã FU> my dad used to. and i'm quite inclined to do so myself, but for me, iã FU> have a hard time if i'm not using them, or if there's some reason iã FU> might not use them all the time (so it'd be hard to keep one justã FU> because it looks cool)ããOh not her! :-) If I want to surprise her, I'll just bring in a penãor three that she doesn't have. :-)ããããã... Why did CNN cancel that cool "Desert Storm" show?ã--- MultiMail/Mac v0.52ã þ wcQWK 8.0 ÷ Omicron Theta * Memphis, TN * winserver.orgã
  • From JIMMY ANDERSON@VERT/OTHETA to OGG on Fri Mar 26 09:50:00 2021
    OGG wrote to JIMMY ANDERSON <=-ãã JA> Remember sending film off to be developed? It was cool whenã JA> you FINALLY got the prints in the mail. :-)ãã OG> I most certainly *do*. We eventually found a service thatã OG> offered triple copies of photos including two mini "stamp" sizeã OG> versions on the same photo for a really low price. All you hadã OG> to do was cut off the minis and you could use those to share asã OG> momentos too. It was exciting to receive those packages in theã OG> mail.ããAgreed. :-) I had a Kodak DISC as my first 'my camera' camera.ãThose were just cool - LOLãã OG> After a while though, the quality of prints from that serviceã OG> waned. Sometimes the sets arrived with what looked looked likeã OG> a sepia washover.ããWe would wait until Clark Photo had a 'coupon' mailer thingy in theãSunday paper and send it off. :-)ãã OG> I still have roll of film in a camera that my mom last used overã OG> 10 years ago. I am not sure if there is any place locally thatã OG> would attempt to develop that. But it might be worth mailing itã OG> out somewhere an hopefully some human attendant at the machineã OG> can make suitable adjustments if the prints don't look quiteã OG> right.ããmpix.com - I contacted them last year about some 35mm film... See, Iãhave my old 35mm camera my wife (girlfriend at the time) gave me ãfor Christmas the year I graduated. It is a Pentax K1000 and was VERY ãvery similar to the one I used in photojournalism. Well, I was in a playãfall of 2019 at the local Community College and we needed a camera withãa flash that worked for a prop, so I took mine. I then decided to getãsome film, but looked online before I did, to make sure I could getãit processed. Found them and seemed like a good company...ãããã... Speed doesn't kill. Stopping very fast kills.ã--- MultiMail/Mac v0.52ã þ wcQWK 8.0 ÷ Omicron Theta * Memphis, TN * winserver.orgã
  • From fusion@VERT/CFBBS to JIMMY ANDERSON on Sat Mar 27 03:21:00 2021
    On 26 Mar 2021, JIMMY ANDERSON said the following...ã ã JA> Oh not her! :-) If I want to surprise her, I'll just bring in a penã JA> or three that she doesn't have. :-)ããhah, sounds like an easy out for you when you've done something silly ;)ãã--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Windows/32)ã * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, miã
  • From JIMMY ANDERSON@VERT/OTHETA to FUSION on Sat Mar 27 08:29:00 2021
    FUSION wrote to JIMMY ANDERSON <=-ãã JA> Oh not her! :-) If I want to surprise her, I'll just bring in a penã JA> or three that she doesn't have. :-)ãã FU> hah, sounds like an easy out for you when you've done something sillyã FU> ;)ããME!?!? SILLY!?!?! :-)ããHave you been stalking me? :-)ããããã... Life is like... an analogy.ã--- MultiMail/Mac v0.52ã þ wcQWK 8.0 ÷ Omicron Theta * Memphis, TN * winserver.orgã
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to JIMMY ANDERSON on Tue Mar 30 14:05:00 2021
    Jimmy,ãã JA> Have you been stalking me? :-)ãã Only if it's related to celery. <G>ããDarylãã... Why's the third hand on the watch called the second hand?ã--- MultiMail/Win v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.netã
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to Warpslide on Tue Mar 30 14:33:00 2021
    Jay,ãã Wa> We have an old family photo somewhere in an album (my Mom has "80'sã Wa> hair" in it) where everyone looks all happy and wide eyed, but there Iã Wa> am on the right with my eyes closed.ãã That was my luck. You held your eyes open waiting for the flash, and right ãwhen the flash occurred, you had to blink...as your eyes had dried out.ããDarylãã... "Good Morning" -- the ultimate oxymoron.ã--- MultiMail/Win v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.netã
  • From Atroxi@VERT to poindexter FORTRAN on Sat Mar 27 11:22:00 2021
    I have a selection of cheap Chinese knock-off pens (One looks exactlyã pF> like a Parker 51) but my daily driver is a Pilot Metropolitan. Forã pF> under $20, it's a smooth writer with a nice balance.ããI haven't tried a Pilot yet, maybe if I have enough cash to spare I'llãtry that out.ãã pF> I take notes daily in a variety of notebooks, never tried making myã pF> own.ããMaking notebooks is cheaper on the long run also it allows you toãcustomize the kinds of paper that you have on your notebook. For example,ãyou can mix a smooth writing paper and a rougher sketchbook quality paperãon one notebook and so.ããã... {gemini,https}://rtr.kalayaan.xyz -- visit me! :-)ã--- MultiMail/OpenBSD v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Atroxi@VERT to poindexter FORTRAN on Sat Mar 27 11:23:00 2021
    Disposable ink cartidges - convenient, sometimes proprietary.ãã pF> Ink bladders - dip the pen into the ink and squeeze a rubber bladder toã pF> evacuate the air and draw in ink. Some cartridge pens are convertibleã pF> and have a bladder.ãã pF> Some pens allow you to fill the body with ink, but that seems awfullyã pF> dangerous.ããYes. I'm using a converter pen right now that allows me to fill a pen withãbottled ink.ãã At> ... {gemini,https}://rtr.kalayaan.xyz -- visit me! :-)ãã pF> Hey, the first time I've seen a gemini link advertised, I tried hittingã pF> it but got an error message from Geminaut that it wasn't a valid site.ããThat's odd. I opened it just now and it works.ãã... {gemini,https}://rtr.kalayaan.xyz -- visit me! :-)ã--- MultiMail/OpenBSD v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Atroxi@VERT to JIMMY ANDERSON on Thu Apr 1 11:58:00 2021
    Lately I've been getting into the habit of writing and journallingã AT> again. The first time that I did that was when I taught myself theã AT> skill of making notebooks. Now, however, it's because of fountain pens.ãã AT> I'm just wondering whether there are people around here that are alsoã AT> into fountain pens or making notebooks. I figured that it would beã AT> a nice to have a chat about it.ãã JA> My wife 'collects' pens. :-) She has different pens for journaling,ã JA> bible study, work, note taking, etc.ããThat's interesting. I'm trying to resist the urge of buying more pensãthan I need at the moment. For now, I have four. I hope that stays thatãway. Haha!ãã... {gemini,https}://rtr.kalayaan.xyz -- visit me! :-)ã--- MultiMail/OpenBSD v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Atroxi@VERT to Ogg on Thu Apr 1 12:20:00 2021
    When I am home and I need to remind myself of something to to doã Og> at the shop when I get there, I email my self a note to aã Og> special account with TODO in the subject. And then theã Og> reverse.. it I need to finish some biz work at home in theã Og> evening, I email myself to my home account with TODO in theã Og> suject. For private things, I would use PGP. I could not manageã Og> that shit with a phone; I'd often to forget to take the phoneã Og> with me some days!ããIt's really interesting how people find vastly different solutions toãsimilar problems.ããLucky you though, I wish I can stay away from my phone for extendedãperiods of time. Well, to be honest, I know how I would do that butãsmartphones really are gripping and addictive devices.ãã Og> Most of my journaling was during grade-school. I discovered thatã Og> my dad had a radio that supported the SW bands. He only used itã Og> for AM. But when I discovered SW it was like the world openedã Og> up for me. Some ham operators offered "confirmation postcards"ã Og> for anyone who would write to them with date/time of broadcast.ããOh wow. That's interesting. I'm not sure whether people had that kindãof thing in my country. Maybe I'm not just aware of it, but nonethelessãit's certainly interesting.ãã Og> Grade school also had us participate in a pen pal program toã Og> exchange letters with students in another school. That seemedã Og> fun when the letters arrived. But I never maintained any lastingã Og> connections there. I was too young and getting distracted withã Og> the girls at hand. ;)ããHaha! I wish I had that kind of thing when I was growing up.ãã Og> Yes.. the modern ones have the cartidges. A nice solution. Andã Og> they don't dry up as fast? I really haven't tried those. My momã Og> took up calligraphy in her 60's and onward. That's when Iã Og> learned about the cartridge versions. I still have a bunch ofã Og> those supplies. But she still appreciated the convenience ofã Og> composing a letter using a word-processor. She'd decorate theã Og> printed product with some flourishes of calligraphy.ããI'm not sure if they don't dry up as fast. Maybe it depends on the inkãitself. I haven't played around with how fast an ink dries in the ãcartridge but I assume that as long as you keep the nib capped ãthe ink should not dry that fast.ãã Og> I tried keeping a grocery list using a phone app. But that didã Og> not work for me. I just use a piece of paper with a grid that Iã Og> duplicate 4x on an 8.5x11" sheet of paper, rip that sheet intoã Og> its respective quarters and have a little stash that I use likeã Og> this:ãã Og> https://photos.kolico.ca/tmp/groc-list.jpgãã Og> ..and work my way column by column from right to left until itã Og> is full. It's pinned onto the fridge where I can always find itã Og> and grab it.ããThis is an interesting system. Would you mind if I copy this and useãit for my own journal? :-)ãã Og> This might be a digression of the actual subject of journalingã Og> and notebooks at the start, but except for signing cheques andã Og> amassing other notes on pieces of paper, this is the extent ofã Og> handwriting right now.ããTo some extent, I'd have to agree with you. Most of the people thatãI know rarely keep notes and journals anymore. Though, I'd argueãthat this is perhaps one of the reasons why people tend to appre-ãciate handwriting more nowadays.ããã... {gemini,https}://rtr.kalayaan.xyz -- visit me! :-)ã--- MultiMail/OpenBSD v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From JIMMY ANDERSON@VERT/OTHETA to ATROXI on Thu Apr 1 08:54:00 2021
    ATROXI wrote to JIMMY ANDERSON <=-ãã JA> My wife 'collects' pens. :-) She has different pens for journaling,ã JA> bible study, work, note taking, etc.ãã AT> That's interesting. I'm trying to resist the urge of buying more pensã AT> than I need at the moment. For now, I have four. I hope that stays thatã AT> way. Haha!ããI've started 'collecting' pocket knives. :-) Don't know why I've gottenãinto them of late, but very cool! My dad gave me commemeratives over theãyears, and some of them were cool, some not so much, but now I'm really ãgetting into them, so I know more how my wife feels. LOLããããã... SYSOP (sih' sawp) n. The guy laughing at your typing.ã--- MultiMail/Mac v0.52ã þ wcQWK 8.0 ÷ Omicron Theta * Memphis, TN * winserver.orgã
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to JIMMY ANDERSON on Fri Apr 2 10:05:05 2021
    Re: Fountain Pens & Notebooksã By: JIMMY ANDERSON to ATROXI on Thu Apr 01 2021 08:54 amãã > -=> ATROXI wrote to JIMMY ANDERSON <=-ã > ã > JA> My wife 'collects' pens. :-) She has different pens for journaling,ã > JA> bible study, work, note taking, etc.ã > ã > AT> That's interesting. I'm trying to resist the urge of buying more pensã > AT> than I need at the moment. For now, I have four. I hope that stays that way. Haha!ã > ã > I've started 'collecting' pocket knives. :-) Don't know why I've gottenã > into them of late, but very cool! My dad gave me commemeratives over theã > years, and some of them were cool, some not so much, but now I'm really getting into them, so Iã > know more how my wife feels. LOLã > ã > ã > ã > ã > ... SYSOP (sih' sawp) n. The guy laughing at your typing.ããWelcome to the knife club.ããActually, I am more of a fixed-blade fan. Pocket knives are cool but the ones that are reallyãdependable are actually too expensive for that they offer. And besides, I can strap a bowie knifeãon me anyway so portability is not exactly a problem :-)ãã--ãgopher://gopher.richardfalken.com/1/richardfalkenãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FLã
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Atroxi on Fri Apr 2 09:43:00 2021
    Hello Atroxi!ãã** On Thursday 01.04.21 - 12:20, Atroxi wrote to Ogg:ãã A> Lucky you though, I wish I can stay away from my phone forã A> extended periods of time. Well, to be honest, I know how Iã A> would do that but smartphones really are gripping andã A> addictive devices.ããThe cute icons and app animations (via swiping, gestures, etc) ãand audio alerts, are cute - hence fun? hence addictive?ãã Og>> ...But when I discovered SW it was like the world openedã Og>> up for me. Some ham operators offered "confirmationã Og>> postcards" for anyone who would write to them with date/ã Og>> time of broadcast.ãã A> Oh wow. That's interesting. I'm not sure whether people hadã A> that kind of thing in my country. Maybe I'm not just awareã A> of it, but nonetheless it's certainly interesting.ããWhat country is that?ãã Og>> https://photos.kolico.ca/tmp/groc-list.jpgãã Og>> ..and work my way column by column from right to leftã Og>> until it is full. It's pinned onto the fridge where Iã Og>> can always find it and grab it.ãã A> This is an interesting system. Would you mind if I copy thisã A> and use it for my own journal? :-)ããOfcourse. Why not? I draw circles for the items I need. Then, ãas I select the items at the store, I fill in the circles. The ãX means I changed my mind, or I didn't need the item afterall.ãã Og>> ...but except for signing cheques and amassing other notesã Og>> on pieces of paper, this is the extent of handwritingã Og>> right now.ãã A> To some extent, I'd have to agree with you. Most of theã A> people that I know rarely keep notes and journals anymore.ã A> Though, I'd argue that this is perhaps one of the reasonsã A> why people tend to appre-ciate handwriting more nowadays.ããI've tinkered with leaving voice memos to myself directly on my ãphone device or my iPod, but I still sometimes leave the darn ãphone or iPod behind somewhere. However, I discovered that I ãcould use something like Telegram on my phone, "send" a voice ãmessage to myself, and listen to it on another device that has ãTelegram too.ãã A> ... {gemini,https}://rtr.kalayaan.xyz -- visit me! :-)ããWhat is this gemini? Are there any screenshots on what it looks ãlike?ããI found this series of messages about gemini interesting:ããhttps://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23042424ããSo.. from your blog, you do various work with regards to Human ãOsteology and Forensic Anthropology. Interesting. Are you still ãstudying, or are you already called upon to investigate cases?ãã--- OpenXP 5.0.49ã * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)ã þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTPã
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to JIMMY ANDERSON on Fri Apr 2 18:22:00 2021
    Jimmy,ãã JA> I've started 'collecting' pocket knives. :-) Don't know why I've gottenã JA> into them of late, but very cool! My dad gave me commemeratives overã JA> the years, and some of them were cool, some not so much, but now I'mã JA> really getting into them, so I know more how my wife feels. LOLãã Does that make you a cut-up?? <g,d,r>ããDarylãã... Why do old men wear their pants higher than younger men?ã--- MultiMail/Win v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.netã
  • From Atroxi@VERT to Ogg on Mon Apr 19 10:28:00 2021
    Ogg wrote to Atroxi <=-ãã Og> Hello Atroxi!ãã Og> The cute icons and app animations (via swiping, gestures, etc)ã Og> and audio alerts, are cute - hence fun? hence addictive?ããPretty much. I know it sounds stupid but phones have some level ofãirresistability that makes it easy to fall to its slippery slopeãof dependence. I've been trying to limit the uses of a phone for meãbecause I can't just remove it from my life.ãã A> Oh wow. That's interesting. I'm not sure whether people hadã A> that kind of thing in my country. Maybe I'm not just awareã A> of it, but nonetheless it's certainly interesting.ãã Og> What country is that?ããPhilippines. I've looked around here for Amateur Radio stuff andãthere seems to be an NGO of sorts that does the licensing butãinformation on that is really scant.ããThough honestly, I think that most of those stuff are on Facebook.ãMost of the people in my country consider Facebook as their ``internet''ãand as such almost everything, from commerce to government services,ãare on it. I've mostly cut myself off from that virus so findingãinformation about local stuff is quite hard for me.ãã Og> Ofcourse. Why not? I draw circles for the items I need. Then,ã Og> as I select the items at the store, I fill in the circles. Theã Og> X means I changed my mind, or I didn't need the item afterall.ãã Og>> ...but except for signing cheques and amassing other notesã Og>> on pieces of paper, this is the extent of handwritingã Og>> right now.ããGot it! Thanks again.ãã A> To some extent, I'd have to agree with you. Most of theã A> people that I know rarely keep notes and journals anymore.ã A> Though, I'd argue that this is perhaps one of the reasonsã A> why people tend to appre-ciate handwriting more nowadays.ãã Og> I've tinkered with leaving voice memos to myself directly on myã Og> phone device or my iPod, but I still sometimes leave the darnã Og> phone or iPod behind somewhere. However, I discovered that Iã Og> could use something like Telegram on my phone, "send" a voiceã Og> message to myself, and listen to it on another device that hasã Og> Telegram too.ããOh yeah, similar to that e-mail thing. Voice memos are interesting,ãif only I don't feel awkward hearing my voice back. Haha!ãã A> ... {gemini,https}://rtr.kalayaan.xyz -- visit me! :-)ãã Og> What is this gemini? Are there any screenshots on what it looksã Og> like?ãã Og> I found this series of messages about gemini interesting:ãã Og> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23042424ããGemini is a very simple thing to play around with. At the surface itãjust looks like gopher that's buffed up a bit. I mostly went into itãbecause I find it easier to maintain my blog through gemini thanãHTTP since it's all just text.ããBecause of that, I can just use my acme text editor to do all of theãheavy lifting of generating the tags and links needed to cross-linkãa blog that I've written to the main ``blog-list''.ãã Og> So.. from your blog, you do various work with regards to Humanã Og> Osteology and Forensic Anthropology. Interesting. Are you stillã Og> studying, or are you already called upon to investigate cases?ããI'd say I'm something in between. I've finished my undergraduateãstudies a few years ago but I haven't had an opportunity yet toãcontinue my ``academic degree'' and thus I can't consider myself ãas a bona fide Forensic Anthropologist. Right now, I'm working ãat a laboratory that allows me to do Human Osteology from time ãto time.ããBut I would certainly like to finish that once I get a chance to ãdo so.ãã... {gemini,https}://rtr.kalayaan.xyz -- visit me! :-)ã--- MultiMail/OpenBSD v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã