• Home built 8 bit pc

    From Ticbow@VERT to All on Thu May 5 08:09:22 2022
    Since this is the hobby bit, I thought you guys might find this interesting:ããFr the past month or so I've been designing my own 8-bit microcomputer which will use a 6502 Microprocessor and will have 32k of ROM and 512k of accessible RAM for the user. The computer's name will be the Kalio 512. Currently I'm working on getting the memory bank-switching working so the mpu will be able to access more than 64k of memory.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Ennev@VERT/MTLGEEK to Ticbow on Thu May 5 14:11:38 2022
    Fr the past month or so I've been designing my own 8-bit microcomputer whichã > will use a 6502 Microprocessor and will have 32k of ROM and 512k ofã > accessible RAM for the user. The computer's name will be the Kalio 512.ã > Currently I'm working on getting the memory bank-switching working so theã > mpuã > will be able to access more than 64k of memory.ã ãIt sounds cool, sounds like a project similar to that the 8-bit guy did onãyoutube. it was the https://gigatron.io/. But this one doesn't even have a cpuãit uses discrete chips to make the computer. ããI used to program assembly language on 86C51, Z80, 6809 and 68k chips, so itãreminds me of the good old days. Especially the bank switching part to expandãthe ram :-Dãã---ã þ Synchronet þ MtlGeek - Geeks in Montreal - http://mtlgeek.com/
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to Ticbow on Fri May 6 12:27:00 2022
    Re: Home built 8 bit pcã By: Ticbow to All on Thu May 05 2022 08:09 amãã > Since this is the hobby bit, I thought you guys might find this interesting:ã > ã > Fr the past month or so I've been designing my own 8-bit microcomputer whichã > memory bank-switching working so the mpu will be able to access more than 64ã > ããGood luck with your project! I've been watching some other 8 bit pro jectsãfrom a distance. It is interesting to see how some of the projects thatãinvolve several creators are evolving. One I saw also had 512k, but also hadã256 color graphics and sound similar to an OPL 2 or 3 chipset. It's alsoãgood to see many of these projects are off the shelf hardware rather thanãFPGA'sãã---ã þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.netã
  • From Codenut@VERT/XBITBBS to Ticbow on Tue Jun 20 13:33:00 2023
    Ticbow wrote to All <=-ãã Ti> Since this is the hobby bit, I thought you guys might find thisã Ti> interesting:ãã Ti> Fr the past month or so I've been designing my own 8-bit microcomputerã Ti> which will use a 6502 Microprocessor and will have 32k of ROM and 512kã Ti> of accessible RAM for the user. The computer's name will be the Kalioã Ti> 512. Currently I'm working on getting the memory bank-switching workingã Ti> so the mpu will be able to access more than 64k of memory.ããWill you be selling kits?ããAlanããã Ti> ---ã Ti> þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þã Ti> [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netãã... Internal Error: The system has been taken over by sheep at line 19960ã--- MultiMail/Win v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ Do it @ the X: Sync: X-BIT.ORG <-> Spitfire: X-BIT.ORG:2323ã