• [Photography] Kodak Retina IIIc

    From Margaerynne@VERT/PALANTIR to All on Tue Jul 4 22:09:33 2023
    So the lady got the urge to take up photography with a vintage camera, and we stumbled across an old Retina IIIcã in a thrift store.ãã Now obviously anyone who knows about it would tell us that's a stupid first pick, and the age will make servicingã it nearly impossible for a complete beginner. But we didn't have such great advice when we bought it, so now weã have a probably-broken camera in parts across our table, desperately trying to fix it.ãã Personally I want to cut our losses and start with something less finicky, but it seems we're committed now.ãã Guess I'll have to play along until we put it back together, and then we can maybe consider something else?ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FLã
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Margaerynne on Wed Jul 5 07:10:00 2023
    Margaerynne wrote to All <=-ãã Ma> So the lady got the urge to take up photography with a vintage camera,ã Ma> and we stumbled across an old Retina IIIcã Ma> in a thrift store.ããI'd recommend a camera that sold a lot of units, as those would have theãmost spares available now. Manual SLRs can take different lenses, areãmechanical and so only need a battery for metering, and are a lot of funãto shoot with.ããThe safest bet there would be a Pentax K1000. They were used in schoolsãfor years and Pentax sold millions of them. They use Pentax K-mountãlenses, and lots of companies made compatible bodies and lenses.ããRicoh XR1 and XR2s are tanks, and can shoot K-mount lenses.ããNow, these are mechanical bodies with no automation. If you want to beãable to shoot with the camera automatically selecting the exposure, theãCanon AE-1 and Pentax ME are two common models. Canons suffer from aãbreakdown in shutter lube that sounds like a squeak when the shutterãcloses. That'll require a Clean, Lube and Adjustment at a camera shopãwhich could double the price.ããCLAs aren't a bad idea if she's serious about the hobby, it can make aã40 year old camera feel (and shoot) like it's brand new.ããMy go-to shooter is a Canon FTb (similar to the K1000) with a 50/1.8ãlens, and I had it CLAed when I got it - shoots like new!ããShooting with a 50mm "prime" lens is a lot of fun. It's a natural focalãlength that looks normal compared to your vision's perspective, and theyãtend to be "fast" lenses, meaning that capture a lot of light and makeãlow-light photography easier.ããIf I had a higher budget, I'd look at a Nikon FM series.ããIf you're looking for a smaller camera, rangefinders are nice. Insteadãof seeing through the lens, they use a secondary viewfinder, along withãa split-screen inside of the viewfinder. You'll see an area with aãdouble-image - turn the focus knob until they become one, and you're inãfocus. The Canon Canonet QL 17 III and QL28 are very popular, as are theãYashica 35 GSN.ããOne note about batteries - most of these cameras took Mercury batteries,ãwhich have a higher voltage and a steadier voltage over time. Mercuryãbatteries are not available any more, and you need to fake it withãsilver oxide batteries. It may affect the meter by a stop or two.ããThe Pentax and Ricohs I mentioned don't have this problem as they takeãSR-44/357 batteries which you can find most places, the rangefindersãwould.ãããã--- MultiMail/Win v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ .: realitycheckbbs.org :: scientia potentia est :.ã