• Re: System76

    From Dr. What@VERT/DMINE to paulie420 on Wed Feb 24 08:16:00 2021
    paulie420 wrote to Dumas Walker <=-ãã pa> I think you'd have to, or at least look elsewhere, as Zareason hasã pa> recently went out of business. :(ãã*sad* I never bought from them, but they were always on my possible list.ããBut they were a California small business, which was the first strike againstãthem (Lefties hate small businesses, for some reason).ããWhen I did a search about them, they said that they were heading downhillãanywayãand the scam-demic was the final straw.ããIt's a bummer. Competition in the market place is always a good thing andãnow we have less of it.ããã... I'm not lost, I'm "locationally challenged."ã--- MultiMail/Linux v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ Diamond Mine Online BBS - bbs.dmine.net:24 - Fredericksburg, VA USAã
  • From hollowone@VERT/AMIGAC to WitNik on Wed Feb 24 16:11:00 2021
    Anyone have any positive or negative experiences with System76ã Wi> hardware? I'm thinking about giving them a shot when I replace myã Wi> desktop.ããI didn't know such a thing exists. Great to see this is not only a product butãalso an open-source spec how to build your own. DYI culture forever! Thanks!ãã/h1ã... Typing from HackinDOS, iMac converted to work natively with FreeDOS 1.2ã--- MultiMail/Win v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ Amiga City - The BBS for the Amiga - more than 4,000+ filesã
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Dumas Walker on Wed Feb 24 06:53:00 2021
    Dumas Walker wrote to PAULIE420 <=-ãã DW> Rats! I really like my laptop. Another good thing about them was thatã DW> you could choose from a few different *nix distros instead of justã DW> being stuck with only one or two that were offered. It was not anã DW> infinite list, but it had several choices when I ordered.ããI thought that now the distros had reached hardware parity - have hardware ãthat's supported by one distro and you could install another one without too ãmuch fear of lack of support, as long as you support non-free drivers as a ãfallback?ããããã... Do the words need changing?ã--- MultiMail/DOS v0.52ã þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.orgã
  • From WitNik@VERT/BGGRSCYN to hollowone on Thu Feb 25 01:56:43 2021
    Re: Re: System76ã By: hollowone to WitNik on Wed Feb 24 2021 04:11 pmãã > I didn't know such a thing exists. Great to see this is not only a productã > but also an open-source spec how to build your own. DYI culture forever!ã > Thanks!ããFor sure! I ended up getting an Intel Gen 10 NUC with an i5 that matched the System76 spec. I could source it at NewEgg.com for about $325 cheaper that what System76 wanted for it. Also, the forums seem to basically say the Meerkat (rev 5) is basically identitical to what I have with a branded case cover.ããI've just gotten my desk reconfigured for it and my other systems. Tomorrow I'm going through the OS on it =)ãã-WitNikãã---ã þ Synchronet þ * Origin: Beggar's Canyon - beggarscyn.com *ã