• SyncTerm for Linux and Upload Issues

    From Elf@VERT/REALITY to All on Mon Apr 19 09:05:00 2021
    Is anyone out there using SyncTerm for Linux? I'm using version 1.2a ãand seem to have nothing but troubles uploading files to ANY BBS I try. ãI am getting seemingly random successes with 99% failures.ããIf I use my DOS Virtual Machine with Windows 3.1 and Procomm Plus I can ãupload REP packets without issue to any BBS all day long and fast, 100% ãof the time.ããWith SyncTerm uploading of REP packets fails 99% of the time. I have ãtried using Zmodem, YModem, Xmodem, all to no avail. :-( Downloading ãwith SyncTerm for Linux works all the time. It's just the uploading ãthat fails nearly all the time.ããRunning SyncTerm 1.2aãUbuntu 20.04.2 LTSããThanks!ã... Don't force it, get a larger hammerã--- MultiMail/Linux v0.49ã þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.orgã
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Elf on Mon Apr 19 16:00:55 2021
    Re: SyncTerm for Linux and Upload Issuesã By: Elf to All on Mon Apr 19 2021 09:05 amãã El> Is anyone out there using SyncTerm for Linux? I'm using version 1.2a ã El> and seem to have nothing but troubles uploading files to ANY BBS I try. ã El> I am getting seemingly random successes with 99% failures.ãã What are you uploading to? A BBS? Which BBS software? I upload with Syncterm 1.2a to my Synchronet BBS all the time without issue. The BBS OS and my Laptop are both Ubuntu 18. If it's a BBS you're uploading to make sure your permissions are correct.ã ã |03 HusTlerãã... Predestination was doomed from the start.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Havens BBS havens.synchro.netã
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Elf on Mon Apr 19 19:55:20 2021
    Re: SyncTerm for Linux and Upload Issuesã By: Elf to All on Mon Apr 19 2021 09:05 amãã > Subject: SyncTerm for Linux and Upload Issuesã > @MSGID: <607D9C9D.4630.dove.hardware@realitycheckbbs.org>ã > @TZ: c1e0ã > Is anyone out there using SyncTerm for Linux? I'm using version 1.2aã > and seem to have nothing but troubles uploading files to ANY BBS I try.ã > I am getting seemingly random successes with 99% failures.ã >ã > If I use my DOS Virtual Machine with Windows 3.1 and Procomm Plus I canã > upload REP packets without issue to any BBS all day long and fast, 100%ã > of the time.ã >ã > With SyncTerm uploading of REP packets fails 99% of the time. I haveã > tried using Zmodem, YModem, Xmodem, all to no avail. :-( Downloadingã > with SyncTerm for Linux works all the time. It's just the uploadingã > that fails nearly all the time.ã >ã > Running SyncTerm 1.2aã > Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTSãã1.2a is not a released version of SyncTERM, so it's a moving target. Were those tests from a recent build (from gitlab)?ããDo you have the same problems using SyncTERM v1.1 (the latest release)?ã-- ã digital manããSynchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #16:ãCRC = Cyclic Redunancy CheckãNorco, CA WX: 72.6øF, 30.0% humidity, 8 mph ENE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrsã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Elf@VERT/REALITY to HusTler on Mon Apr 19 20:50:00 2021
    HusTler wrote to Elf <=-ãã El> Is anyone out there using SyncTerm for Linux? I'm using version 1.2aã El> and seem to have nothing but troubles uploading files to ANY BBS I try.ã El> I am getting seemingly random successes with 99% failures.ãã Hu> What are you uploading to? A BBS? Which BBS software? I upload withã Hu> Syncterm 1.2a to my Synchronet BBS all the time without issue. The BBSã Hu> OS and my Laptop are both Ubuntu 18. If it's a BBS you're uploading toã Hu> make sure your permissions are correct.ããI'm uploading to the following BBS systems:ã1) My own test Mystic BBS - works sometimes, usually once but then notãagain until maybe the next day - kind of random. Using Zmodem. Iãsuccessfully did a couple uploads yesterday to my test BBS and to aãcouple other live BBSs on the internet and it worked using Xmodem. So Iãthought I found the issue. But, nope. Could not upload to any of themãtoday with Xmodem or anything else (usually try Zmodem).ãã2) I am trying to upload to other systems like Synchronet . . . well, Iãguess that is it. Just synchronet and mystic BBSs.ããAs a work-around in Linux I'm using FQTERM, a Chinese BBS terminal app,ãto upload my REP packets to Synchronet and Mystic BBSs using Zmodem.ãYou're reading this because FQTERM uploaded it via Zmodem.ã... So easy, a child could do it. Child sold separately.ã--- MultiMail/Linux v0.49ã þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.orgã
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Elf on Tue Apr 20 08:34:13 2021
    Re: Re: SyncTerm for Linux and Upload Issuesã By: Elf to HusTler on Mon Apr 19 2021 08:50 pmãã El>> Is anyone out there using SyncTerm for Linux? I'm using version 1.2aã El>> and seem to have nothing but troubles uploading files to ANY BBS Iã El>> try. I am getting seemingly random successes with 99% failures.ãã Hu>> What are you uploading to? A BBS? Which BBS software? I upload withã El> I'm uploading to the following BBS systems:ã El> 1) My own test Mystic BBS - works sometimes, usually once but then notã El> again until maybe the next day - kind of random. Using Zmodem. Iãã I would just stick with Zmodem and see how that works out.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Havens BBS havens.synchro.netã
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to ELF on Tue Apr 20 13:44:00 2021
    I'm uploading to the following BBS systems:ã> 1) My own test Mystic BBS - works sometimes, usually once but then notã> again until maybe the next day - kind of random. Using Zmodem. Iã> successfully did a couple uploads yesterday to my test BBS and to aã> couple other live BBSs on the internet and it worked using Xmodem. So Iã> thought I found the issue. But, nope. Could not upload to any of themã> today with Xmodem or anything else (usually try Zmodem).ããDo the logs on your bbs system show any error messages that might beãhelpful for Digital Man to look at?ããã * SLMR 2.1a * Atilla the Punãã---ã þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTPã
  • From Elf@VERT/REALITY to Digital Man on Tue Apr 20 14:53:00 2021
    Digital Man wrote to Elf <=-ãã DM> 1.2a is not a released version of SyncTERM, so it's a moving target.ã DM> Were those tests from a recent build (from gitlab)?ãã DM> Do you have the same problems using SyncTERM v1.1 (the latest release)?ããYeah, I was wondering about that. I'll try v1.1. Silly me.ããThanks!ãã... Nobody's perfect. How `bout some pie? ~Jonathan Kentã--- MultiMail/Linux v0.49ã þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.orgã
  • From Elf@VERT/REALITY to Digital Man on Tue Apr 20 15:39:00 2021
    Digital Man wrote to Elf <=-ãã DM> 1.2a is not a released version of SyncTERM, so it's a moving target.ã DM> Were those tests from a recent build (from gitlab)?ãã DM> Do you have the same problems using SyncTERM v1.1 (the latest release)?ããThanks for the tip. I downloaded 1.1 and it works fine now. I was ãpulling the latest down. Ooops.ãã:-) ãã... Don't force it, get a larger hammerã--- MultiMail/Linux v0.49ã þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.orgã
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Elf on Tue Apr 20 21:34:16 2021
    Re: Re: SyncTerm for Linux and Upload Issuesã By: Elf to Digital Man on Tue Apr 20 2021 03:39 pmãã > Subject: Re: SyncTerm for Linux and Upload Issuesã > @MSGID: <607F53B7.4637.dove.hardware@realitycheckbbs.org>ã > @REPLY: <607E4298.17274.dove-hlp@vert.synchro.net>ã > @TZ: c1e0ã > -=> Digital Man wrote to Elf <=-ã >ã > DM> 1.2a is not a released version of SyncTERM, so it's a moving target.ã > DM> Were those tests from a recent build (from gitlab)?ã >ã > DM> Do you have the same problems using SyncTERM v1.1 (the latest release)?ã >ã > Thanks for the tip. I downloaded 1.1 and it works fine now. I wasã > pulling the latest down. Ooops.ãã"The latest" from where? For what OS? I know Deuce was working on SyncTERM file transfer support recently, so I would expect the current code in git to be working.ã-- ã digital manããSling Blade quote #14:ãKarl Childers: Some folks call it a sling blade, I call it a kaiser blade.ãNorco, CA WX: 54.1øF, 85.0% humidity, 0 mph ESE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrsã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From fusion@VERT/CFBBS to Digital Man on Wed Apr 21 03:14:00 2021
    On 20 Apr 2021, Digital Man said the following...ã ã DM> "The latest" from where? For what OS? I know Deuce was working onã DM> SyncTERM file transfer support recently, so I would expect the currentã DM> code in git to be worki ng.ããprobably the one at the bottom of the syncterm page that clearly states "you probably don't want this" .. hehãã--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/04/08 (Windows/32)ã * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, miã
  • From Elf@VERT/REALITY to Dumas Walker on Wed Apr 21 00:17:00 2021
    Dumas Walker wrote to ELF <=-ãã DW> Do the logs on your bbs system show any error messages that might beã DW> helpful for Digital Man to look at?ããSo the issue was that I was using 1.2a which is not released yet - beta ãcode apparently. I dropped back to the official 1.1 release and have no ãproblems uploading now. Thanks!ããIf you or someone else still wants to know what the logs say on my test ãBBS I would definitely need some instructions on how to access them. ããã... Runtime Error 6D at 417A:32CF: Incompetent User.ã--- MultiMail/Linux v0.49ã þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.orgã
  • From Elf@VERT/REALITY to Digital Man on Wed Apr 21 00:24:00 2021
    Digital Man wrote to Elf <=-ãã DM> "The latest" from where? For what OS? I know Deuce was working onã DM> SyncTERM file transfer support recently, so I would expect the currentã DM> code in git to be working. --ã DM> digital manããI was pulling it from here: ãhttp://syncterm.bbsdev.net/syncterm-src.tgzããI was compiling for Linux (Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS)ããI got the instructions from here:ãhttps://www.erb.pw/how-to-install-syncterm-for-linux-from-source/ããThanks!ããã... Don't force it, get a larger hammerã--- MultiMail/Linux v0.49ã þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.orgã
  • From Elf@VERT/REALITY to fusion on Wed Apr 21 08:31:00 2021
    fusion wrote to Digital Man <=-ãã DM> "The latest" from where? For what OS? I know Deuce was working onã DM> SyncTERM file transfer support recently, so I would expect the currentã DM> code in git to be worki ng.ãã fu> probably the one at the bottom of the syncterm page that clearly statesã fu> "you probably don't want this" .. hehããNo, that's the one I did yesterday when trying to get a copy running underãWindows XP. :-Pãã... Nobody's perfect. How `bout some pie? ~Jonathan Kentã--- MultiMail/Linux v0.49ã þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.orgã
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Elf on Wed Apr 21 10:47:35 2021
    Re: Re: SyncTerm for Linux and Upload Issuesã By: Elf to Digital Man on Wed Apr 21 2021 12:24 amãã > Subject: Re: SyncTerm for Linux and Upload Issuesã > @MSGID: <607FC589.4640.dove.hardware@realitycheckbbs.org>ã > @REPLY: <607FAB48.17280.dove-hlp@vert.synchro.net>ã > @TZ: c1e0ã > -=> Digital Man wrote to Elf <=-ã >ã > DM> "The latest" from where? For what OS? I know Deuce was working onã > DM> SyncTERM file transfer support recently, so I would expect the currentã > DM> code in git to be working. --ã > DM> digital manã >ã > I was pulling it from here:ã > http://syncterm.bbsdev.net/syncterm-src.tgzã >ã > I was compiling for Linux (Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS)ã >ã > I got the instructions from here:ã > https://www.erb.pw/how-to-install-syncterm-for-linux-from-source/ããI'm pretty sure Deuce would appreciate a bug report here:ãhttps://sourceforge.net/p/syncterm/tickets/ã-- ã digital manããSynchronet "Real Fact" #110:ãWeedpuller "Girl Upstairs" http://youtu.be/SVulVxkgNToãNorco, CA WX: 61.0øF, 64.0% humidity, 1 mph WNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrsã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to ELF on Wed Apr 21 10:06:00 2021
    Do the logs on your bbs system show any error messages that might beã> DW> helpful for Digital Man to look at?ãã> So the issue was that I was using 1.2a which is not released yet - betaã> code apparently. I dropped back to the official 1.1 release and have noã> problems uploading now. Thanks!ãã> If you or someone else still wants to know what the logs say on my testã> BBS I would definitely need some instructions on how to access them.ããNah, sounds like you are good to go! :)ããã * SLMR 2.1a * The toughest BBS you'll ever love.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTPã