Re: Any other Pythonistas out there in BBS-space? :)ã By: Feoh to Nightfox on Sat Jun 24 2023 19:05:14ãã Fe> C# is a horse of a different color. There's a lot to like about thatã Fe> language, and I've definitely considered investing in it several times,ã Fe> especially with Mono making it a cross platform tool.ããFor what it's worth, C# (.Net since Core and v5) are open-source and cross platform in the box. Have worked on several programs that are deployed in Linux usually via Docker. Gui apps are a bit more difficult, best bet is Avalonia for a UI toolkit for cross platform C#.ãã Fe> Javascript is another one I have trouble with. I can appreciate that aã Fe> prototypal object system is a powerful thing, but I just find myselfã Fe> ending up with pretzel brain trying to reason about how a given piece ofã Fe> code is supposed to work.ããTypeScript might help with bits of that... but really understanding JS is a bit different from other languages you might be more familiar with.ã ã ã-- ãMichael J. Ryan ã+o ã
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