I am having some problems with this programăbecause its connecting to smtp-server.cox.rr.com ăbut its not sending the email messages. ăăIf you want I can make some small modificationsăto the program so it will send the email messageăto the address that is in the user log file so youăcan test it on your bbs so see if you have the sameăproblem as I am. ăăIf your interested then please send me a email messageăto
admin@chatfree.org, and I will send you the binaryăprogram.ăăHere is the program.ăă# Create a connection with the server. ăsocket_open sockăsocket_connect sock sn spăif_falseăprint "Connection failed.\r\n"ăpauseăgoto endăend_ifă# Generate a new 6 digit passwordăset count3 "0"ăset pw1 ""ăset pw2 ""ă:loopăadd count3 1ăcompare count3 6ăif_lessăset pw2 ""ărandom pw2 9ăstrcat pw1 pw2ăgoto loopăend_ifă# Intial dialupăset mailto "
admin@chatfree.org"ăsprintf str "helo %s\n" yourdomainăsocket_write sock străsprintf str "mail from: %s\n" mailfromăsocket_write sock străsprintf str "rcpt to: %s\n" mailtoăsocket_write sock străsetstr "data\n" ăsocket_write sock stră# Send additional headers like subject, date ect..ăsetstr "Subject: New password for bbs.chatfree.org\n"ăsocket_write sock străsprintf str "To: %s\n\n" mailtoăsocket_write sock stră# Send body of the message.ă#set str "\r\n"ăsocket_write sock stră# Terminate body of message, close connection with serverăsetstr "\n.\n"ăsocket_write sock străsprintf str ".\r\n"ăsocket_write sock străsetstr "quit\n"ăsocket_write sock străsocket_close sockăPrint "Message sent.\r\n"ăsocket_readlinăprint străset count1 "0"ăset count2 "0"ă:loop2ăadd count1 1ăcompare count1 3ăif_greaterăăăcontinued in the next message.ăăăă---ă ț Synchronet ț Synchronet -> Chatfree BBS bbs.chatfree.orgă