Amcleod wrote to Finnigann <=-ãã Am> RE: Class requestã Am> BY: Finnigann to All on Fri Oct 19 2001 07:09 pmãã > I am looking for something more like 'BaJa Programming 101' Take someã > basic commands and show how they can be used in programs. Even if it'sã > the ever popular "Hello World!"ããã Am> PRINT "Hello World!\r\n"ãã Am> :)ããForget the intro part?ãã # Requires Baja v2.20 or laterãã !include fileio.incãã PRINT "Hello World!\r\n"ãã # End of demoããã Am> Baja, like any other language, is like a box of lego bricks. You lookã Am> into the box (or read and you lookã Am> at the individual shapes/verbs and individually, they are very simple.ã Am> What you, as the programmer/constructor have to do, is mentally thinkã Am> of a way to fit them together so as to construct a larger, moreã Am> complex, and (presumably) more useful item. Say a wall/code-fragmentã Am> or roof/subroutine. These larger, more complex and sophisticatedã Am> pieces can in turn be combined and so on and so forth until you have aã Am> complete house/program.ããLike the room full of monkeys pounding out Shakespere (eventually)?ãBut wouldn't said room of monkeys benefit from an understanding of theãwords they were trying to couple together?ãã Am> Anyone who has some programming experience under their belt will findã Am> BAJA a simple, uncomplicated language to use. There is no unusualã Am> notation (a la APL or Perl), no OOP paradigm to master (like Java), noã Am> twisted command structure (Forth).ããWell I don't fall into the catagory of experience but I can follow whatãis being attempted in most baja programs. Yes it can be a marvelousãtool... if given a chance.ãã Am> Non-programmers who wish to learn the art are best advised to "getã Am> stuck in" somewhere and begin coding. No, NOT with your first projectã Am> being a multi-threaded IRC client. Pick something simple, and bangã Am> away at it until it is working, then discard that and move on toã Am> something else. It helps a great deal to get all the working code youã Am> can from other authors, and read through, trying to comprehend how theããã Am> various bits of the code work together. It helps to get a text-bok onã Am> programing too -- unfortunately there are no textbooks that use BAJA asã Am> their example language. And I don't think anyone around here is readyã Am> to _write_ one! ;-) ---ããGiven that you know it would help, why not do like you did with the PERLãmessages? A (a message being) chapter at a time, maybe. With more thanãone person contributing.ããA few minutes to wring out a short program (doesn't have to be moreãuseful than Just let it examplfy some aspect of Baja.ããSomeone did a short one on CASE and how it would be used in some specificãapplication they needed. Well looking it up AND with what was writtenãhere, I have a better understanding of it's possible uses. Lacking that,ãI doubt I could have made sense of what is in the help file. (BAJA.DOC)ãããã... Heisenberg may have slept here.ã--- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.40ã þ Synchronet þ Bits-N-Bytes BBS - One Hellova BBS -- telnet://bnb.dtdns.netã
Amcleod wrote to Finnigann <=-ãã Am> RE: Class requestã Am> BY: Finnigann to Amcleod on Sat Oct 20 2001 05:21 pmããã Am> You need to find someone who actively programs in BAJA on their ownã Am> board, and ask them to do this. I am not the right person -- I can'tã Am> even test my own example programs properly!ããSorry I came on a bit stronger than I intended. I didn't mean to buttonãhole you on this.ããAny future input you can contribute (if it goes further than myãpleading) will be most appriciated.ããã... "It's funny how all the guards disappeared so fast." Garibaldiã--- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.40ã þ Synchronet þ Bits-N-Bytes BBS - One Hellova BBS -- telnet://bnb.dtdns.netã
Digital Man wrote to Finnigann <=-ãã DM> RE: Class requestã DM> BY: Finnigann to Amcleod on Sat Oct 20 2001 05:21 pmãã > Am> PRINT "Hello World!\r\n"ã >ã > Am> :)ã >ã > Forget the intro part?ã >ã > # Requires Baja v2.20 or laterã >ã > !include fileio.incã >ã > PRINT "Hello World!\r\n"ã >ã > # End of demoãã DM> No, none of those other lines are necessary (there are no FILE I/Oã DM> calls, for example) and the "Requires Baja v2.20 or later" comment isã DM> inaccurate. There is nothing about Angus's example that wouldn't haveã DM> worked in Baja v1.0.ã ãI just snipped a bit from another source file. An attempt at humor.ãHowever the comments would be a necessity (While not so much for thisãexample) for longer .SRC filesããAnd I don't mean to sound ungrateful for all you have done. However fromãa non-programmers poit of view, the BaJa DOCs leave me with moreãquestions than answers. I understand that they are reference material,ãand not a tutorial on programming techniques or styles.ããBut that sort of thing would be helpful (at least to me).ããI am not saying you have fallen short in anyway with your monumentalãefforts with SBBS. On the contrary I will sing your praises anywhere Iãcan.ããNor am I suggesting you or anyone should do as I am asking. But stillãif anyone recalls their first attempts at programming and wishes to makeãa contribution here in DoVeNet... Well I wouldn't stop them either.ãããã... All I want is a warm bed, a kind word, and *unlimited power*...ã--- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.40ã þ Synchronet þ Bits-N-Bytes BBS - One Hellova BBS -- telnet://bnb.dtdns.netã
Lord Steel wrote to Finnigann <=-ãã LS> RE: Class requestã LS> BY: Finnigann to All on Fri Oct 19 2001 07:09 pmãã > I am looking for something more like 'BaJa Programming 101' Take someã > basic commands and show how they can be used in programs. Even if it'sã > the ever popular "Hello World!"ãã LS> I want to learn also. A Baja Class would be the ticket. If anyone startã LS> a class..I'll attend it or the class lesson for the day...hey I wouldã LS> even the lesson work sheet. =)ãã LS> -arielã ãA slow start to be sure. I've heard from Angus about it and DM isãalready correcting code entries... (-:ããDon't worry, there is no homework. althou an Offline mail readerãwould help people alot.ããI started re-reading the baja manual again. Each time some more seepsãin. It's just that I'm not famialar with the words of the baja langaugeãto be able to write it. Hopefully some folks here that are, will take upãthe task of writing a message or two about some aspect they foundãinteresting.ããTime will tell.ããã... As a matter of FACT I DO own the road!ã--- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.40ã þ Synchronet þ Bits-N-Bytes BBS - One Hellova BBS -- telnet://bnb.dtdns.netã
Lord Steel wrote to Finnigann <=-ãã LS> I am still in the process of fixing my small bbs. I did not even lookã LS> at the baja docs yet. I don't think it is wise and helpful if I startã LS> asking 'weird' questions to DM and Angus about baja problems while Iã LS> can't put a 100% effort on learning. I think I have a few ideas Iã LS> wanted to try later. If someone put something baja related (snippets,ã LS> tutorial, etc), I would be more than willing to try it, of course. Hey,ã LS> we would not learn if we do not try it. I wonder how long before weã LS> drive DM and Angus crazy by posting a 20 line program that a one linerã LS> would have handled easily? =)ãã LS> -arielã ãIf Angus isn't interested... he prolly wont reply. Rob is different,ãsometimes he's very helpful and other times he's a bit cryptic. I wouldãimagine that a new family takes up a lot of his time. So I don't expectãhim to reply with a long message about one thing or another.ããHowever we do have a few other folks that can and do code in BaJa.ãPistolgrip made a contribution already.ããI intend to save all of these messages for later compilation. For otherãbudding programmers.ããã... Que sera, sweatshop: What will be, will work too hard. ã--- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.40ã þ Synchronet þ Bits-N-Bytes BBS - One Hellova BBS -- telnet://bnb.dtdns.netã
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