Lost BAJA Program
Amcleod@VERT to
All on Fri Oct 19 23:22:06 2001
I'm only asking out of curiosity:ããSeveral years ago, I wrote a BAJA ditty that rewarded users for postingãmessages. It would award 5K credits per post (each SyncOp could change theãamount) and every time you saved a message, you would see a little messageãadvising you that you had been rewarded. If you uploaded a REP-packet, whenãthe messages were unpacked/tossed, you would see a little progress-bar in "..."ãfashion, expanding to the right, one "." per message. Then you would get aãmessage saying you had been given XXX credits (depending on the number ofãmessages in the REP-packet).ããI used this on The ANJO BBS back before it died, and I know that severalãother BBS's out there adopted it and used it as well. Alas, the majority ofãthese (actually, ALL, I think) boards have now gone the way of The ANJOãBBS as well.ãAnyway, my question is, does anybody know if this little BAJA proggy existsãtoday? Sitting in a BAJA collection in someone's File-base? Or on one ofãTommyKnocker's Synchronet CD's or something?ããThe reason I have described it so carefully is because I can't actuallyãremember the NAME of the file/archive, and in any case I think most peopleãre-named it to suit their taste. But if anyone knows of it, I'd like to hearãfrom them.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã