All on Sat Dec 8 10:21:00 2001
ok, where exactly as some of the telegram strings and color defs. i dont ãthink there in the text.dat.ããie: where's this text defined: "Sending telegram to Crackdaddy #203 (Max 5 ãlines, Blank line ends): " do i have to hex edit the damn sbbs.dll again?ãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ .. hax0r's palace .. you've just been hax0r'd ..ã
Digital Man@VERT to
Hax0r on Tue Dec 11 04:44:42 2001
RE: TEXT.DATãBY: Hax0r to All on Sat Dec 08 2001 06:21 pmãã > ok, where exactly as some of the telegram strings and color defs. i dontã > think there in the text.dat.ã > ã > ie: where's this text defined: "Sending telegram to Crackdaddy #203 (Max 5ã > lines, Blank line ends): " ããUm, that text is defined in the text.dat (line 164), in v3.10.ãã > do i have to hex edit the damn sbbs.dll again?ããIf you don't want to upgrade to damn v3.10. :-)ãã-Robã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Amcleod@VERT to
Digital Man on Tue Dec 11 11:39:51 2001
RE: TEXT.DATãBY: Digital Man to Hax0r on Tue Dec 11 2001 12:44 pmãã > > do i have to hex edit the damn sbbs.dll again?ã > ã > If you don't want to upgrade to damn v3.10. :-)ããHe could always use an OCTAL-editor...ããThen he wouldn't have to take his shoes off to do the arithmetic!ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Digital Man on Thu Dec 20 17:36:00 2001
RE: TEXT.DATãBY: Digital Man to Hax0r on Tue Dec 11 2001 12:44 pmãã > > ie: where's this text defined: "Sending telegram to Crackdaddy #203 (Maxã > > lines, Blank line ends): " ã > ã > Um, that text is defined in the text.dat (line 164), in v3.10.ããi coulda sworn i searched and searched the text.dat file and didnt see where ãthat text line was coming from....ãã > > do i have to hex edit the damn sbbs.dll again?ã > ã > If you don't want to upgrade to damn v3.10. :-)ããhehe... i have no real motivation to upgrade. i checked out the whatsnew.txt ãand, while i have to say the list of what got done is cool -- there's really ãnoting major in there that would warrent me to upgrade. i'm sure i'll do it ãsooner or later, but right now... everything is working fine.ãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ .. hax0r's palace .. you've just been hax0r'd ..ã
Digital Man@VERT to
Hax0r on Thu Dec 20 18:21:05 2001
RE: TEXT.DATãBY: Hax0r to Digital Man on Fri Dec 21 2001 01:36 amãã > > > ie: where's this text defined: "Sending telegram to Crackdaddy #203 (Mã > > > lines, Blank line ends): "ã > >ã > > Um, that text is defined in the text.dat (line 164), in v3.10.ã > ã > i coulda sworn i searched and searched the text.dat file and didnt see whereã > that text line was coming from....ããAs I said, in v3.10. It's hardcoded in v3.00.ãã > > > do i have to hex edit the damn sbbs.dll again?ã > >ã > > If you don't want to upgrade to damn v3.10. :-)ã > ã > hehe... i have no real motivation to upgrade. i checked out the whatsnew.txã > and, while i have to say the list of what got done is cool -- there's reallyã > noting major in there that would warrent me to upgrade. i'm sure i'll do itã > sooner or later, but right now... everything is working fine.ããWell I guess now you have a reason. :-)ãã-Robã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Amcleod@VERT to
Hax0r on Thu Dec 20 19:44:45 2001
RE: TEXT.DATãBY: Hax0r to Digital Man on Fri Dec 21 2001 01:36 amãã > hehe... i have no real motivation to upgrade. i checked out the whatsnew.txã > and, while i have to say the list of what got done is cool -- there's reallyã > noting major in there that would warrent me to upgrade. i'm sure i'll do itã > sooner or later, but right now... everything is working fine.ããA wize, but regretfully rare decision. It's amazing how many peopleãupgrade "just because". Assuming my current installation (of whatever) isãstable, I prefer NOT to upgrade, unless there is some combination of newãfeatures and/or bug-fixes that I want to take advantage of. We still runãOracle 7.3.4 despite v9.x.x being out. Because 7.3.4 does everything weãneed and the upgrade has the potential to affect us adversely.ããBut there's a LOAD of good stuff in the latest SBBS releases, and even so,ãmuch of it is the foundation for goodies still to come.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã