Global Commands
Bloodfire@VERT/BTLGRND to
All on Tue Feb 19 11:57:00 2002
ã Anyone know how I can configure Global Commands, and can I only use CTRL-Keyãas a global command? Looked in the default command shell, didnt see it there.ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ Battleground BBS | Battleground.dyndns.orgã
Digital Man@VERT to
Bloodfire on Tue Feb 19 11:35:02 2002
Re: Global Commandsã By: Bloodfire to All on Tue Feb 19 2002 07:57 pmãã > Anyone know how I can configure Global Commands, ããConfigurable global commands aren't support (internally, at least) in theãcurrent release and beta of Synchronet. v3.10g does add support for globalãcommands, however.ãã > and can I only use CTRL-Keys as a global command? ããYes. Otherwise, they would interfere with normal operations. Imagine if you useãthe letter 'T' for a global command. How would you send e-mail to Tom?ãã digital manã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Evan Elias@VERT to
Digital Man on Wed Feb 20 03:10:57 2002
Re: Global Commandsã By: Digital Man to Bloodfire on Tue Feb 19 2002 07:35 pmãã > > and can I only use CTRL-Keys as a global command?ã > ã > Yes. Otherwise, they would interfere with normal operations. Imagine if you ã > the letter 'T' for a global command. How would you send e-mail to Tom?ããWell, using ordinary letters wouldn't work well for obvious reasons, butãthere's many alternatives to CTRL keys. Several BBS packages have globalsãbegin with a / or an =... for example, listing who's online in WG is done byãtyping =# or /# at the start of a line. I guess the difference comes into playãthat WG is not hotkey-based while Sync (usually) is though... but I stillãfind myself trying to to /# on Sync boards from time to time, old habits areãhard to break :(ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Digital Man@VERT to
Evan Elias on Wed Feb 20 05:09:19 2002
Re: Global Commandsã By: Evan Elias to Digital Man on Wed Feb 20 2002 11:10 amãã > > > and can I only use CTRL-Keys as a global command?ã > >ã > > Yes. Otherwise, they would interfere with normal operations. Imagine if yã > > the letter 'T' for a global command. How would you send e-mail to Tom?ã > ã > Well, using ordinary letters wouldn't work well for obvious reasons, butã > there's many alternatives to CTRL keys. Several BBS packages have globalsã > begin with a / or an =... for example, listing who's online in WG is done byã > typing =# or /# at the start of a line. I guess the difference comes into pã > that WG is not hotkey-based while Sync (usually) is though... but I stillã > find myself trying to to /# on Sync boards from time to time, old habits areã > hard to break :(ããThose types of global commands would interfere with other features/functions ofãthe classic Synchronet command shell, the internal message editor, andãeventually external programs/doorgames. Ctrl keys have a lot fewer conflicts.ãã-Robãã digital manã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Bloodfire@VERT/BTLGRND to
All on Wed Feb 20 11:34:00 2002
RE: Global CommandsãBY: to Bloodfire on Tue Feb 19 2002 07:35 pmãã > Configurable global commands aren't support (internally, at least) in theã > current release and beta of Synchronet. v3.10g does add support for globalã > commands, however.ã > Yes. Otherwise, they would interfere with normal operations. Imagine if you ã > the letter 'T' for a global command. How would you send e-mail to Tom?ã > digital manã Ok thanks, It's not a problem really, Just woulda been nice to customize myãmenu's even more.Just starting to understand the Baja scripts, Already changedãa few menu commands, woulda been nice to change the Globals.ãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ Battleground BBS | Battleground.dyndns.orgã
Evan Elias@VERT to
Digital Man on Wed Feb 20 15:17:33 2002
Re: Global Commandsã By: Digital Man to Evan Elias on Wed Feb 20 2002 01:09 pmãã > > > > and can I only use CTRL-Keys as a global command?ã > > >ã > > > Yes. Otherwise, they would interfere with normal operations. Imagine iã > > > the letter 'T' for a global command. How would you send e-mail to Tom?ã > >ã > > Well, using ordinary letters wouldn't work well for obvious reasons, butã > > there's many alternatives to CTRL keys. Several BBS packages have globalã > > begin with a / or an =... for example, listing who's online in WG is doneã > > typing =# or /# at the start of a line. I guess the difference comes intã > > that WG is not hotkey-based while Sync (usually) is though... but I stillã > > find myself trying to to /# on Sync boards from time to time, old habits ã > > hard to break :(ã > ã > Those types of global commands would interfere with other features/functionsã > the classic Synchronet command shell, the internal message editor, andã > eventually external programs/doorgames. Ctrl keys have a lot fewer conflictsããI meant from a strictly optional / sysop-configurable standpoint, definitelyãnot something that would be automatically enabled... I was thinking ofãsomething like a Globals sysop editor, simply allowing certain keystrokes (orãcombinations) to be associated with a javascript file, and then perhaps a flagãsystem to configure which Globals were enabled for each command shell, andãadditionally an option on each door/external to disable all globals for usersãin that program. That would pretty much take care of conflicts, but on theãother hand I'm sure it'd be a less-than-fun addition to make to the source, soãI can kinda understand sticking to the control keys.ããI think the way mbbs/wg did it was all input from the user was first routed toãthe globals package (basically a module that the sysop chose to install...ãthere were several different globals packages available from differentã3rd-party developers). The globals module would check if the input was one ofãits global commands; if it was, it would processs it. If not, it would passãthe input back to the BBS, which would then send the input to the appropriateãbbs module (menu system, game, or whatever). And I think there was an optionãto disable the globals for any given module, in this case the BBS simplyãwouldn't send anything to the globals module first. It worked pretty well, noãconflicts anyway. For modules like the full-screen editor, globals wereãautomatically disabled so no problems there.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
SprayPaint@VERT/TRGYM to
Digital Man on Tue Feb 22 21:17:00 2005
ok i would like to do something sort of like the sysops menu useing ;Stringãfor the commands... how ever i was thinking of back to that darn MBBS/WGãthing again of a global package and using the key i was used to like " ' "ãor the " ~ " how ever i wanted to do a who's on but cant seem to locate theãCTRL Key menu i know that ^U is who's online but what does it call...ããand if i wanted to have one for sending a message to another node what isãthat command... basically i want to by pass the ^P and go right to messageãmodeããSprayPaintãããã"Digital Man" <digital.man@VERT> wrote in messageãnews:
3C739FFF.1406.bajaprog@vert.synchro.net...ã> Re: Global Commandsã> By: Evan Elias to Digital Man on Wed Feb 20 2002 11:10 amã>ã> > > > and can I only use CTRL-Keys as a global command?ã> > >ã> > > Yes. Otherwise, they would interfere with normal operations. Imagineãif yã> > > the letter 'T' for a global command. How would you send e-mail toãTom?ã> >ã> > Well, using ordinary letters wouldn't work well for obvious reasons,ãbutã> > there's many alternatives to CTRL keys. Several BBS packages haveãglobalsã> > begin with a / or an =... for example, listing who's online in WG isãdone byã> > typing =# or /# at the start of a line. I guess the difference comesãinto pã> > that WG is not hotkey-based while Sync (usually) is though... but Iãstillã> > find myself trying to to /# on Sync boards from time to time, oldãhabits areã> > hard to break :(ã>ã> Those types of global commands would interfere with otherãfeatures/functions ofã> the classic Synchronet command shell, the internal message editor, andã> eventually external programs/doorgames. Ctrl keys have a lot fewerãconflicts.ã>ã> -Robã>ã> digital manã>ã> ---ã> þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ
Digital Man@VERT to
SprayPaint on Wed Feb 23 12:08:52 2005
Re: Re: Global Commandsã By: SprayPaint to Digital Man on Tue Feb 22 2005 09:17 pmãã > ok i would like to do something sort of like the sysops menu useing ;Stringã > for the commands... how ever i was thinking of back to that darn MBBS/WGã > thing again of a global package and using the key i was used to like " ' "ã > or the " ~ " how ever i wanted to do a who's on but cant seem to locate theã > CTRL Key menu i know that ^U is who's online but what does it call...ã > ã > and if i wanted to have one for sending a message to another node what isã > that command... basically i want to by pass the ^P and go right to messageã > modeããI'm not really sure what want to do. Perhaps SCFG->External Programs->GlobalãHot Key Events is what you're looking for? You can use these to launch any Bajaãor JavaScript module at the press of a ctrl key.ãã digital manããSnapple "Real Fact" #77:ãNo piece of paper can be folded more than 7 times.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
SprayPaint@VERT/TRGYM to
Digital Man on Wed Feb 23 15:11:00 2005
ok i would like to do something sort of like the sysops menu useingã;Stringã> > for the commands... how ever i was thinking of back to that darnãMBBS/WGã> > thing again of a global package and using the key i was used to like "ã' "ã> > or the " ~ " how ever i wanted to do a who's on but cant seem to locateãtheã> > CTRL Key menu i know that ^U is who's online but what does it call...ã> >ã> > and if i wanted to have one for sending a message to another node whatãisã> > that command... basically i want to by pass the ^P and go right toãmessageã> > modeã>ã> I'm not really sure what want to do. Perhaps SCFG->ExternalãPrograms->Globalã> Hot Key Events is what you're looking for? You can use these to launch anyãBajaã> or JavaScript module at the press of a ctrl key.ã>ã> digital manã>ãããOK lets try it this way...one thing at a time... sorry my mind is always 20ãmiles ahead of my handsãBaja Command PRIVATE_MESSAGEãThis function is used for private internode messages, telegrams, or chat.ãSame as the Ctrl-P initiated function.ããcan i just have a key defined to send inernode messages only, rather thanãgiving them the choice like the Crtl-PããThe same thing for the who's online Ctrl-U gives just who is online, i wouldãlike to be able to do the same thing but not use the Ctrl-Uããand yes i understand that the Ctrl-Keys are contained in the C++ code forãthe EXE it self i just wanted to make a sort of uniform globals package, iãam working on a more indepth Major BBS clone,ããwhich makes me need to ask another question, does the chat offer any way toãuse the sysop functions like uedit or do i need to mod the chat source filesãand recomplie?ããSprayPaintã
Digital Man@VERT to
SprayPaint on Wed Feb 23 21:30:01 2005
Re: Re: Global Commandsã By: SprayPaint to Digital Man on Wed Feb 23 2005 03:11 pmãã > ã > > > ok i would like to do something sort of like the sysops menu useingã > ;Stringã > > > for the commands... how ever i was thinking of back to that darnã > MBBS/WGã > > > thing again of a global package and using the key i was used to like "ã > ' "ã > > > or the " ~ " how ever i wanted to do a who's on but cant seem to locateã > theã > > > CTRL Key menu i know that ^U is who's online but what does it call...ã > > >ã > > > and if i wanted to have one for sending a message to another node whatã > isã > > > that command... basically i want to by pass the ^P and go right toã > messageã > > > modeã > >ã > > I'm not really sure what want to do. Perhaps SCFG->Externalã > Programs->Globalã > > Hot Key Events is what you're looking for? You can use these to launch anyã > Bajaã > > or JavaScript module at the press of a ctrl key.ãã > OK lets try it this way...one thing at a time... sorry my mind is always 20ã > miles ahead of my handsã > Baja Command PRIVATE_MESSAGEã > This function is used for private internode messages, telegrams, or chat.ã > Same as the Ctrl-P initiated function.ã > ã > can i just have a key defined to send inernode messages only, rather thanã > giving them the choice like the Crtl-PããYes. But you'll need to use JavaScript instead of Baja as it has finer-grainedãcontrol over those facilities. See
http://synchro.net/docs/jsobjs.html forãdetails.ãã > The same thing for the who's online Ctrl-U gives just who is online, i wouldã > like to be able to do the same thing but not use the Ctrl-UããAbsolutely.ãã > and yes i understand that the Ctrl-Keys are contained in the C++ code forã > the EXE it self i just wanted to make a sort of uniform globals package, iã > am working on a more indepth Major BBS clone,ã > ã > which makes me need to ask another question, does the chat offer any way toã > use the sysop functions like uedit or do i need to mod the chat source filesã > and recomplie?ããYou'd need to either write a chat module in JS (see exec/irc.js for an example)ãor modify the C++ source and recompile.ãã digital manããSnapple "Real Fact" #97:ãA turkey can run at 20mph.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Tracker1@VERT/TRN to
SprayPaint on Sat Feb 26 01:06:00 2005
SprayPaint wrote:ã> and yes i understand that the Ctrl-Keys are contained in the C++ code ã> for the EXE it self i just wanted to make a sort of uniform globals ã> package, i am working on a more indepth Major BBS clone,ã> ã> which makes me need to ask another question, does the chat offer any ã> way to use the sysop functions like uedit or do i need to mod the chat ã> source files and recomplie?ããactually, you can replace ctrl-key hotkey menus within sync itself, it'sãin the scfg.exe -> external programs ... you can specify a *bajamod or aã?javascript mod .. this can override ctrl-p/u .. if you go to my board,ãyou can see what I did here.. :)ããUnless it is a hardcoded area (like file listing, or message readingã(the headers are fully modable)), you *REALLY* don't need to touch theãc/c++ source to change *anything* in the telnet interface.ãã-- ãMichael J. Ryan - tracker1(at)theroughnecks(dot)net - www.theroughnecks.netãicq: 4935386 - AIM/AOL: azTracker1 - Y!: azTracker1 - MSN/Win: (email)ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ theroughnecks.net - you know you want itã