• Synchronet Source

    From Tommyknocker@VERT/TALAMASC to Beta on Wed Nov 25 13:11:00 1998
    RE: BAJA questionãBY: Beta to Aragorn on Wed Nov 25 1998 05:41 pmãã > > no idea where to start with it! It's compilcated. It's 16-bit. It uses cuã > > libraries that aren't included (at least not in source form, which meansã > > porting to other compilers is next to impossible unless you know exactly ã > > those libraries do and can thus write replacements)ã > The one I got off The Talamasca has all the librarys....ãã The one on here came from Rob off the official Sync FTP site. I do believeãthat it has everything excpet the compiler. Rod did intend for us tbe able toãcontinue with the project, that is why he gave up the code.ã °°±±²²ÑímmæKní€kîr²²±±°°ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ telnet://talamasca-bbs.com http://www.talamasca-bbs.comã
  • From Beta@VERT/TALAMASC/ROVER to Tommyknocker on Thu Nov 26 12:29:00 1998
    RE: Synchronet SourceãBY: Tommyknocker to Beta on Wed Nov 25 1998 09:11 pmãã > > The one I got off The Talamasca has all the librarys....ã > ã > The one on here came from Rob off the official Sync FTP site. I do believã > that it has everything excpet the compiler. Rod did intend for us tbe able tã > continue with the project, that is why he gave up the code.ããDoes Rob maintain the Sync FTP or does someone else???? UCD said last time heãE-Mailed Rob about Sync he got no reply as well..... I was sorta hoping to getãthe compiler, just to have incase I ever get good enough to use it..ãBetaãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Um, no DNS lookup yet, my ICQ is 9833063ã
  • From Tommyknocker@VERT/TALAMASC to Beta on Fri Nov 27 00:20:00 1998
    RE: Synchronet SourceãBY: Beta to Tommyknocker on Thu Nov 26 1998 08:29 pmãã > Does Rob maintain the Sync FTP or does someone else???? UCD said last time ã > E-Mailed Rob about Sync he got no reply as well..... I was sorta hoping to gã > the compiler, just to have incase I ever get good enough to use it..ãã Rob maintains it. Rob does not answer much mail. Rob does not want to beãbothered with all this any more.ã As for the compiler, he cannot give that away as it is not a sharewareãprogram.ã If you want to ask about the compiler, send a message to theãSynchronet List Server at freelance.com. Rob monitors that list and has beenãknown to answer a question or 2 there.ã °°±±²²ÑímmæKní€kîr²²±±°°ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ telnet://talamasca-bbs.com http://www.talamasca-bbs.comã
  • From Beta@VERT/TALAMASC/ROVER to Tommyknocker on Fri Nov 27 08:12:00 1998
    RE: Synchronet SourceãBY: Tommyknocker to Beta on Fri Nov 27 1998 08:20 amãã > Rob maintains it. Rob does not answer much mail. Rob does not want to beã > bothered with all this any more.ã > As for the compiler, he cannot give that away as it is not a sharewareã > program.ããBummer.... And Bummer.....ãã > If you want to ask about the compiler, send a message to theã > Synchronet List Server at freelance.com. Rob monitors that list and has beenã > known to answer a question or 2 there.ããI'm there! :)ãBetaãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Um, no DNS lookup yet, my ICQ is 9833063ã
  • From Aragorn@VERT/TALAMASC/MARSBASE to Tommyknocker on Fri Nov 27 05:16:00 1998
    RE: Synchronet SourceãBY: Tommyknocker to Beta on Wed Nov 25 1998 09:11 pmãã > > > no idea where to start with it! It's compilcated. It's 16-bit. It useã > > > libraries that aren't included (at least not in source form, which meã > > > porting to other compilers is next to impossible unless you know exacã > > > those libraries do and can thus write replacements)ã > > The one I got off The Talamasca has all the librarys....ã > ã > The one on here came from Rob off the official Sync FTP site. I do belieã > that it has everything excpet the compiler. Rod did intend for us tbe able ã > continue with the project, that is why he gave up the code.ããYes, everything needed to compile it _with_ the compiler Rob used, which is ãcommercial and outdated... That's one of the major problems getting in the way ãof people wanting to work with the SBBS source...ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ þ Mars Base BBS - (360)882-0773 - Vancouver, WA ã
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Aragorn on Mon Nov 29 09:35:11 1999
    RE: Synchronet SourceãBY: Aragorn to Tommyknocker on Fri Nov 27 1998 01:16 pmãã > > The one on here came from Rob off the official Sync FTP site. I do belã > > that it has everything excpet the compiler. Rod did intend for us tbe ablã > > continue with the project, that is why he gave up the code.ã > ã > Yes, everything needed to compile it _with_ the compiler Rob used, which isã > commercial and outdated... That's one of the major problems getting in the wã > of people wanting to work with the SBBS source...ããAt the time the source code was most substantially developed, Synchronet was aãcommercial product which required the best compilers available for a givenãtask to remain competitive (that's why different compiler versions fromãdifferent manufacturers were used for different parts of the Synchronetãpackage). ããThen, and in my opinion, still today, the best compilers available for the PCãplatform were commercial (Borland and Microsoft's tools top my list today, butãat the time of Synchronet v2 development, Borland and Watcom were the bestãtools for the task). This is simply the price you pay for features andãperformance. The gnu tools (for example) are great tools for the price (free),ãbut pale in comparison to the productivity and performance offered byãcommerical development tools.ããA gnu port of the Synchronet source (for example) is not a trivial task, butãhardly impossible. 99% of the source is ANSI C and/or POSIX compliant and thatãspells "portability". I've personally ported the released source code to theãlatest Borland and Microsoft C/C++ compilers without much effort.ããI'd like to imagine that the single "major problem" getting in the way ofãpeople wanting to work with the SBBS source is that the software was alreadyãstable and had all the features anyone could ever want. But in reality, Iãbelieve it is simply a lack of sufficient desire. When I first startedãmodifying BBS source code (WWIV, back in the day), I didn't know the firstãthing about programming in C, but my desire outweighed my lack of knowledgeãand experience. The rest is history... :-)ããThis message isn't intended as a stab at anyone. I realize programming isn'tãfor everyone and there is an element of "natural talent" in good programmers.ãAll I'm saying is that you can't blame the source code for the lack of anyãpost-Digital Dynamics development. Speaking from first-hand knowledge, I canãtell you that the source code is extremely portable and in hind-site, wasãpretty well-written. :-)ããRobã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From TommyKnocker@VERT/TALAMASC to Digital Man on Mon Nov 29 12:28:00 1999
    RE: Synchronet SourceãBY: Digital Man to Aragorn on Mon Nov 29 1999 05:35 pmãã > pretty well-written. :-)ã We have known that for years!ãTKãã---ã þ Synchronet þ telnet://talamasca-bbs.com http://www.talamasca-bbs.comã
  • From The Lion@VERT/TALAMASC/IGATENET to Digital Man on Tue Nov 30 04:58:00 1999
    RE: Synchronet SourceãBY: Digital Man to Aragorn on Mon Nov 29 1999 17:35:00ãã > tell you that the source code is extremely portable and in hind-site, wasã > pretty well-written. :-)ããHeck, I knew that WELL before I saw the source, (an opinion I'm sure severalãothers here will agree with). :-)ãã Steveãã---ã þ Synchronet þ |H|RInter-Gate 501 |Y(501) 985-5093 |G1:3821/100 |BIGATENETã