give callers a choice at
Lance Vance@VERT/RIVERNET to
All on Sat Jun 8 11:07:00 2002
With Baja Programing is there a way to give users a choice at logon?ãSay : 1-to continue to logon to the bbs or 2_load alternet bbs sowtware.ã THanksã -=Lanceãã---ã þ Synchronet þ StarKnight BBS - Billings, MT USA -
Frozen Fire@VERT/IMATRIX to
Lance Vance on Sat Jun 8 23:35:00 2002
Re: give callers a choice atã By: Lance Vance to All on Sat Jun 08 2002 11:07:00ãã > With Baja Programing is there a way to give users a choice at logon?ã > Say : 1-to continue to logon to the bbs or 2_load alternet bbs sowtware.ã > THanksã > -=Lanceã > ããYes.ãããFFããã---ã þ Synchronet þ The Impact Matrix - impactmatrix.dhs.org CALL TODAY!ã
Angus Mcleod@VERT/ANJO to
Lance Vance on Sat Jun 8 21:33:00 2002
Re: give callers a choice atã By: Lance Vance to All on Sat Jun 08 2002 10:07:00ãã > With Baja Programing is there a way to give users a choice at logon?ã > Say : 1-to continue to logon to the bbs or 2_load alternet bbs sowtware.ããPeople write logon modules that offer a list of choices prior to logon. I ãsuppose you could develop one that ran your alternate as a door?ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ Where we BAJA Rob into writing our modules. The ANJO BBSã
Beta@VERT to
Lance Vance on Sat Jun 8 23:08:16 2002
Re: give callers a choice atã By: Lance Vance to All on Sat Jun 08 2002 10:07 amãã > With Baja Programing is there a way to give users a choice at logon?ã > Say : 1-to continue to logon to the bbs or 2_load alternet bbs sowtware.ã > THanksã > -=LanceããThis was just a quick thing, I never actualy tested it.ãã#Sample login.srcãã!include sbbsdefs.incãã# Get key (with / extended commands allowed)ãcompare_user_misc UM_COLDKEYSãif_falseã getkeyeãelseã getstrupr 60ã endifããprint "Choose your BBS:"ãprint "(S)ynchronet BBS"ãprint "(T)eleguard"ããcmdkey Sã exec_bin loginsb.binã end_cmdããcmdkey Tã exec_bin telgate roversrv.darktech.orgã end_cmdããIt leaves a lot to be desired, basicly to run it you would have to compile itãand copy your existing login.bin to loginsb.binãBetaã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Frozen Fire@VERT/IMATRIX to
Lance Vance on Sun Jun 9 03:00:00 2002
Re: give callers a choice atã By: Angus Mcleod to Lance Vance on Sat Jun 08 2002 21:33:00ãã > Re: give callers a choice atã > By: Lance Vance to All on Sat Jun 08 2002 10:07:00ã > ã > > With Baja Programing is there a way to give users a choice at logon?ã > > Say : 1-to continue to logon to the bbs or 2_load alternet bbs sowtware.ã > ã > People write logon modules that offer a list of choices prior to logon. Iã > suppose you could develop one that ran your alternate as a door?ã > ã > ããAs long as you have the subsystem configured to accept telnet requests, yes. Iãtried running a WWIV sub system from Synch, just to see if it would work and itãdid. Most BBS executables will give you a command line switch menu, I.e. ããTelling the BBS someone is already connected via telnet on port xxããSupressing echo if necessaryããTelling the BBS not to hang up when the caller logs offããexit with errorlevel (x) (handy to trigger your mailer if you so choose)ããetc, etc.. ããjust set your logon routine to exec "SUBBBS.BAT", and pass along any paramatersãyou may need I.e.ãã"SUBBBS %1 %2 %3", to get the switches working. What system were you planningãon running?ããanother way is to use telnet_gate, and set your sub BBS to listen to anotherãport. i.e - in baja...ããsprintf str "impactmatrix.dhs.org:24"ãtelnet_gate strãetc...ããHope it helps :)ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ The Impact Matrix - impactmatrix.dhs.org CALL TODAY!ã