• Reading from file

    From Merlin@VERT/CARSO to All on Tue Sep 3 23:44:00 2002
    I've written a program and am reading data from a file using theãfread_line command.ã ã~the data in the file line by line goes likeã ã1ã3ã4ãMerlinãCarSo Bsã2ã3ã4ãPamelaãBeverley, UKã3ã4ã5ãNameãLocationããetc, each user record is 5 lines. I can read the lines in okay with fread_line,ãbut I need to convert the numbers from character strings to integers.ãIs there a command to convert a string to an integer orãis there an easier way to do it?ããMerlinã---------------------------------------------------------------------------ã Merlin - Sysop of CarSo BBs - telnet://carso.darktech.orgã---------------------------------------------------------------------------ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ CarSo BBs þ Beverley, UK þ telnet://carso.darktech.orgã
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Merlin on Tue Sep 3 15:08:28 2002
    Re: Reading from fileã By: Merlin to All on Tue Sep 03 2002 11:44 pmãã > I've written a program and am reading data from a file using theã > fread_line command.ã > ã > ~the data in the file line by line goes likeã > ã > 1ã > 3ã > 4ã > Merlinã > CarSo Bsã > 2ã > 3ã > 4ã > Pamelaã > Beverley, UKã > 3ã > 4ã > 5ã > Nameã > Locationã > ã > etc, each user record is 5 lines. I can read the lines in okay with fread_liã > but I need to convert the numbers from character strings to integers.ã > Is there a command to convert a string to an integer orã > is there an easier way to do it?ããJust use the COPY function, it will convert from str to int (or vice versa)ãautomatically.ãã digital manã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã