ALL on Tue Jan 21 05:47:00 2003
Okay kids....ããI was editing the simple.src file that came with synchronet and I needãit to do something....ããWhen the user enters the menu option it makes them press enter after...ãhow do I get it to act like a hot key??ããThanxããJoeãã---ã þ wcQWK 5.5ã
The Storm@VERT/TOR to
IB JOE on Wed Jan 29 08:56:00 2003
RE: HiãBY: IB JOE to ALL on Tue Jan 21 2003 05:47 amãã > I was editing the simple.src file that came with synchronet and I needã > it to do something....ã > ã > When the user enters the menu option it makes them press enter after...ã > how do I get it to act like a hot key??ããJoe,ããYour code looks something like this right now:ããgetstrupr 10ãcrlfãpause_resetãã# Write command to log fileãlogstrãã# Commandsããcmdstr Cã exec_bin chat_secã end_cmdããcmdstr CHATã exec_bin chat_secã end_cmdã--------------------------------------------------ãSee where it says getstrupr? That's where you problems begin. This functionãsits around waiting for the user to enter a string that is 10 characters longãand wont do much till they hit enter. The fix? Very simple. Look at myãsample code below:ããGETCMD "CMUGPREILX\r"ããCOMPARE_KEY CãIF_TRUEã exec_bin "chat_sec"ã GOTO TOPãEND_IFãããCOMPARE_KEY MãIF_TRUEã GOTO MESSAGEã GOTO TOPãEND_IFãã--------------------------------------------------ãOk, the GETCMD "CMUGPREILX" <--- This says the user can only pick these keysãfrom the menu. And the COMPARE_KEY checks for each letter that you specifiedãabove. If it comes back true, it runs what ever you want it to, if not, itãdoesn't do anything at all. Also, when using this, you can ONLY use 1 letterãper menu item... Let me know if this helped you any. :)ãã>X< The Storm >X<ã The CrazyOpãã|---------------------------------------------------------|ã| ThE CrAzY HoUsE BBS - Telnet: Crazyhouse.darktech.org |ã|---------------------------------------------------------|ãããããããããããããããããããããã---ã þ Synchronet þ ThE CrAzY HoUsE - NOW IN COLOR! - (CRAZYHOUSE.DARKTECH.ORG)ã
THE STORM on Wed Jan 29 01:24:00 2003
The God Rob wrote me to let me in on what was needed ... thanx!!ããJoe ããã-> RE: Hiã-> BY: IB JOE to ALL on Tue Jan 21 2003 05:47 amãã-> > I was editing the simple.src file that came with synchronet and I ã-> need > it to do something.... > > When the user enters the menu ã-> option it makes them press enter after... > how do I get it to act ã-> like a hot key??ãã-> Joe,ãã-> Your code looks something like this right now:ãã-> getstrupr 10ã-> crlfã-> pause_resetãã-> # Write command to log fileã-> logstrãã-> # Commandsãã-> cmdstr Cã-> exec_bin chat_secã-> end_cmdãã-> cmdstr CHATã-> exec_bin chat_secã-> end_cmdã-> --------------------------------------------------ã-> See where it says getstrupr? That's where you problems begin. This ã-> function sits around waiting for the user to enter a string that is ã-> 10 characters long and wont do much till they hit enter. The fix? ã-> Very simple. Look at myã-> sample code below:ãã-> GETCMD "CMUGPREILX\r"ãã-> COMPARE_KEY Cã-> IF_TRUEã-> exec_bin "chat_sec"ã-> GOTO TOPã-> END_IFããã-> COMPARE_KEY Mã-> IF_TRUEã-> GOTO MESSAGEã-> GOTO TOPã-> END_IFãã-> --------------------------------------------------ã-> Ok, the GETCMD "CMUGPREILX" <--- This says the user can only pick ã-> these keys from the menu. And the COMPARE_KEY checks for each letter ã-> that you specified above. If it comes back true, it runs what ever ã-> you want it to, if not, it doesn't do anything at all. Also, when ã-> using this, you can ONLY use 1 letterã-> per menu item... Let me know if this helped you any. :)ãã-> >X< The Storm >X<ã-> The CrazyOpãã-> |---------------------------------------------------------|ã-> | ThE CrAzY HoUsE BBS - Telnet: Crazyhouse.darktech.org |ã-> |---------------------------------------------------------|ãããã---ã þ wcQWK 5.5ã
Ib Joe@VERT/JOES16 to
Digital Man on Fri Apr 2 15:59:00 2004
I had posted a message earier about trying to sercomvent the lgon process basedãon command shellsããI tried thisããcompare_str useron.shell equil serverã if_true goto logon_eventã ã elseã ã end_ifããit compiles nicely :) but that's it.ããit does nothing.ããI edit the logon.src and put it right after where it asks U where U heard aboutãthe BBS... line 59'ishããdo I have bad logic??ããJoeããã---ã þ Synchronet þ Joe's Computer & BBS - joesbbs.comã