• money scam

    From "Make Money Fast" @VERT/IBMCLASS to DOVE-Net.Baja_Programming on Fri May 30 20:44:00 2003
    SO YOU NEED MONEY... AND NEED IT NOW!!ããTHIS IS THE FASTEST... AND FAIREST... WAY I KNOW TO SHARE THE WEALTH!ããWould you like to make thousands of dollars quickly, legally, and with NOãCATCH?ã"PRINT THIS DOCUMENT NOW"ãThen keep reading... please take five minutes to read this article in itsãentirety... it will change your life. It has certainly changed mine! "ãPRINT THIS ARTICLE NOW "ããYou can make up to, or over, $50,000 in only 4-6 weeks. I was browsingãthrough these newsgroups, just like you are now, and I came across anãarticle similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars inãonly weeks with an initial investment of ONLY $5! And, like you, I thoughtã" Yeah, right, must be a scam...". But, I wasãintrigued... like most of us are...and so I kept reading. Anyway, theãarticle said that you were to send $1.00 to eachãof the 5 names and address and the article in at least 250 newsgroups...ãthere are thousands!.. no catch...that was all you had to do.ãã So ofter thinking it over and talking to a few friends first, Iãdecided to try it...ofter all, if it really was a scam all I would looseãwould be my $5 and the cost of 5 stamps, right...? Well, guess what...ãwithin 7 days, I started getting money in the mail...No kidding! I have toãtell you, I was suprised to say the least. I still figured it would endãsoon and didn`t give it too much thought. But then money kept comingãin...tripling in numbers and multiplying by 10 nad 20 times the amount thatãI got the first week! In my first week I made about $20 or $30 .ããBut by the end of the second week, I had made a total of over $1,000!! Inãthe third week, I had over $10,000, and it`s still growing. This is myãfourth week and I`ve made about $42,000 TOTAL...and the money is stillãcoming in.ãã Let me tell you how this works and more importantly, WHY itãworks...also, make sure you print a copy of the article so you get theãinformation off it and can begin making money yourself. The process is veryãsimple and it consists of just 3 EASY STEPS:ããã Step 1: Get 5 separate pieces of paper and write the followingãstatement on each sheet of paper..." PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST.ãYOU ARE NUMBER _____ ". Get five $1.00 bills (US)and place ONE inside eachãpiece of paper that you just wrote on and fold the piece of paper so theãbill will not be seen in the envelope (otherwise, nosey people who like toãsteal mail with money in it will get yours!). Put one folded note (withãyour $1.00 bill US) inside the envelope and seal it. Do the same for eachãof the five names. You should now have 5 envelopes sealed, EACH envelopeãhas a piece of paper with the message asking to be put on the mailing listãand a $1.00 bill (US)hidden inside the paper, RIGHT..? This isãIMPORTANT.... Make sure you have written the message on each sheet ofãpaper... by doing theis you are creating a service and keeping everythingãPERFECTLY LEGAL... Now, mail the 5 envelopes to eaqch of the 5 addressesãlisted below:ããã 1.K. Doake, P.0. Box 54016, Tulsa, OK 74155-0016ãã 2.J. Johnson, 6930 Oak Vally Lane, Colorado Springs, CO 80919ãã 3.E.Vieiraã Apartado 891ã 8500-918 Portim*oããã 4.A. Figueirasã Av. S. Jo*o de Deus, 43 - 2º Esq.ã 8500-508 Portim*oã Portugalãã 5.F. Vieiraã Quinta do Amparo lote 10 4º Aã 8500-605 Portim*oã PortugalãããããSTEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move theãother 4 names up (5 becomming 4, 4 becomming 3 etc..) and put YOUR NAME asãnumber 5 on the list. You can slightly alter this article if you need to,ãediting what you feel you ned to edit.ããSTEP 3: Post your amended article...with your name as #5... to at leastã250 newsgroups (I`m told that there are close to 18,000 of them!) and allãyou need is 250 or so, of them.ãHOW TO DO THIS -- If you have Netscape 3.0, do EXACTLY the following:ã A) Click on any nwesgroup like you were going to look at it, thenãclick on "TO NEWS" which is on the far left when you`re in the newsgroupãpage. This will bring up a box to type a message.ã B) Leave the "Newsgroups" box like it is. CHANGE the "Subject:" Boxãto something flashy like... NEED CASH $$$ READ HERE $$$... or... "FASTãCASH!!"ã C) Tab once and you should be ready to type. Now, retype (only once)ãthis entire article ... WORD FOR WORD ... except to insert your name at #5ãand to remove #1 off the list, plus any other small changes you think youãneed to make. Keep almost all of it the same however!ã D) When you`re finished typing the entire article, click on FILE inãTHIS box (just above the SEND button... (NOT where it says NETSCAPE NEWS onãthe first box). Now click on "SAVE AS" in the dropdown menu. Save yourãarticle as a text file to you C: of A: Drive. DO NOT SEND OR POST YOURãARTICLE UNTIL YOU HAVE SAVED IT! Once saved, move on to Step E below.ã E) If you still have all of your text, send or post to thisãnewsgroupnow by just clicking the "SEND" button (just below the "FILE"ãdropdownmenu and just above the C: button)ã F) Here`s where you`re going to post to 250 or more, newsgroups ...ãOK... click on any newsgroup then click on "TO NEWS".. again, in the topãleft corner of your screen. Leave the NEWSGROUPS BOX alone again, put aãflashy subject title in the SUBJECT BOX, hit TAB once and you`re in theãbody of the message. Now click on the ATTACHMENT button (just below theãSubject Line). Another window will come up...click on PROCEDURE. ClickãONCE on the file and then click OPEN and then OK. If Attachments Boxãand iet will be highlighted.ã IF YOU USE ie: EXPLORER, it`s just as easy ... Holding down the left mouseãbutton, highlight this article. Then press the "CTRL" key and the "C" keyãat the same time to copy the article. Then print the article for yourãrecords to have the names of those you will be sending the $1.00 bills to.ãNext, go to the newsgroups and press "POST AND ARTICLE". A window willãopen... type in your headline in the SUBJECT area and then click in theãlarge window below. Press "CTRL" and then "V" and the article will beãplaced in the window. If you want to edit the article , you can do so andãthen highlight and copy it again (so your edited article will be copiedãagain and again to each newsgroup).ã Now, everytime you post the article in a new newsgroup all you haveãto repeat is "CTRL" and "V" and press POST.ã G) That`s it! Each time you do this, all you have to do is type in aãdifferent newsgroup so you can post this message to 250 or more, DIFFERENT,ãnewsgroups. I know, I know,... you`ve still got 249 to go!Don`t worry, eachãsuccessive article will only take about 30 SECONDS once you get the hang ofãit. Remember, 250 is the MINIMUM ... The more you post, the more money youãwill make!ããããThat`s it!... THAT`S ALL THERE IS TO IT ... JUST THREE EASY STEPS !!!ã You are now in the mail order business and will start receiving your $1ãenvelopes from various people all over the world within days. REMEMBER...ãThe more newsgroups you post to, the more money you will make! You mayãwant to rent a P.0. Box eventually because of all the mail. If you wish toãstay anonymous, you can come up with a name, such as "Manager" orã"Investor" ... JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT, PLEASE.ããNow... let me tell you WHY this system works...ãOut of every 250 postings, let`s say I only receive 5 replies... doesn`tãseem like much, does it? However, you will make $5 cash.. Not checks orãmoney orders but CASH... with your name at #5. Each additional person whoãsent you $1 now also makes 250 additional postings with your name at #4...ãThis is 1000 postings. On average then, 50 people should send you $1 withãyour name at #4 ... That`s $50 CASH in your pocket! Now these 50 peopleãwill make 250 postings with your name at #3... that`s 10,000 posting!ãAverage return would be 500 people... that`sã$500. Each of these people make 250 postings now with your name at #2ã.....that`s 100,000 postings ...average 5,000 return at $1 is $5000!ãFinally, 5,000 people make 250 postings each with your name at #1 and youãget a return of $60,000 before your name drops off the list! And that`sãonly if everyone down the line mekes only 250 postings each...ãREMEMBER?... The more postings you meke, the more money you make!ããPeople have said, "What if the plan is played out and no one sends you theãmoney?" So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are TONSãof NEW honest users and NEW honest people who are joining the Internet andãnewsgroups every day and are willing to give it a try? Estimateare atã20,000 to 50,000 new users, EVERYDAY, with thousands of those joining theãactual Internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this WILL WORK...ãI promise you. You just have to be honest. Make sure you print thisãarticle out RIGHTãNOW (if it`s not done yet).ããAlso... try to keep a list of everyone that sends you money and always keepãan eye on the newsgroups to make sure everyone is playing fairly.ããREMEMBER... HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY... YOU DON`T NEED TO CHEAT THEãBASIC IDEA TO MAKE MONEY!! Good luck to all and please play fairly and youãwill reap hugh rewards from this!ãBy the way, if you try to deceive people by posting the messages with yourãname on the list and not sending the money to the people already on theãlist, YOU WILL NOT GET MUCH RETURN! Someone I talked to (mean and cheap)ãjust did that and he only made $150 after 7 to 8 weeks!! Then he sent theãfive $1 bills out... people added him to their lists ... and in 5 weeks, heãhad OVER $10,000! He than realize that there is no way to cheat withãhimself.ããTHIS IS THE FAIREST AND MOST HONEST WAY I HAVE EVER SEEN TO SHARE THEãWEALTH OF THE WORLD WITHOUT COATING ANYTHING BUT FIVE DOLLARS AND A LITTLEãOF YOUR TIME!ãDO IT LIKE IT`S LAID OUT HERE... IT WILL WORK!!ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ
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