• Baja problem

    From Hkb@VERT/TALAMASC/EXPLORER to All on Tue Jan 12 06:33:00 1999
    Ok... Here is my script...ã!include sbbsdefs.incã INT Iã RANDOM I 2ã SWITCH IãCASE 0ãprintfile "c:\\sbbs\\text\\logoff.asc"ãhangupãend_caseãCASE 1ãprintfile "c:\\logoff2.asc"ãhangupãend_caseãCASE 2ãprintfile "c:\\logoff2.asc"ãhangupãend_caseã.............................................................ãOk well everytime I try to run this is locks up my computer and I have toãreboot. I tried just useing printfile and one of the files and it still lockedãit up... :( Anyone know why this? Thanks... -|12Hkbããã---ã þ Synchronet þ |03<<<|12Explorer BBS|03>>> - Vancouver, Wa - 360-574-5521ã
  • From Spiritwild@VERT/TALAMASC/SPIRIT to HKB on Wed Jan 13 10:01:00 1999
    Ok... Here is my script...ãHK>!include sbbsdefs.incãHK> INT IãHK> RANDOM I 2ãHK> SWITCH IãHK>CASE 0ãHK>printfile "c:\\sbbs\\text\\logoff.asc"ãHK>hangupãHK>end_caseãHK>CASE 1ãHK>printfile "c:\\logoff2.asc"ãHK>hangupãHK>end_caseãHK>CASE 2ãHK>printfile "c:\\logoff2.asc"ãHK>hangupãHK>end_caseãHK>.............................................................ãHK>Ok well everytime I try to run this is locks up my computer and I have toãHK>reboot. I tried just useing printfile and one of the files and it still lockãHK>it up... :( Anyone know why this? Thanks... -|12HkbãããWell, I'm no expert on the matter ......but try it withã..\\logoff2.asc instead of c:\\***ãYou don't use text\menu\file.** ??ããworse to worse use one slash instead of 2 "c:/logoff2.ascãshould work that way, though it does break someãC switch function code law.ããThere could be retaliation! <G>ãã---ã þ SLMR 2.1a þ Ted Nugent for president !!!ã þ Synchronet þ SPIRIT OF THE WILD BBSã
  • From Tommyknocker@VERT/TALAMASC to Hkb on Wed Jan 13 08:40:00 1999
    RE: Baja problemãBY: Hkb to All on Tue Jan 12 1999 02:33 pmãã > !include sbbsdefs.incã > INT Iã > RANDOM I 2ã > SWITCH Iã > CASE 0ã > printfile "c:\\sbbs\\text\\logoff.asc"ã > hangupã > end_caseã > ã > CASE 1ã > printfile "c:\\logoff2.asc"ã > hangupã > end_caseã >ã > CASE 2ã > printfile "c:\\logoff2.asc"ã > hangupã > end_caseã end_switchãã > Ok well everytime I try to run this is locks up my computer and I have toãã First off I made the mod a little more readable. Breaking it up intoãseperate command sequences helps follow the code. Not really necessary forãsomething this simple, but you should not start bad habits.ã As for your problem, you did not end_switch, so the mod would continueãlooking for more switches, or the end.ã °°±±²²ÑímmæKní€kîr²²±±°°ãã ãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ telnet://talamasca-bbs.com http://www.talamasca-bbs.comã
  • From Tommyknocker@VERT/TALAMASC to Spiritwild on Wed Jan 13 08:42:00 1999
    RE: Baja problemãBY: Spiritwild to HKB on Wed Jan 13 1999 06:01 pmãã > Well, I'm no expert on the matter ......but try it withã > ..\\logoff2.asc instead of c:\\***ã > You don't use text\menu\file.** ??ã > worse to worse use one slash instead of 2 "c:/logoff2.ascãã Well now the path is really not a problem, and the 2 slashes are required.ãAlthough at times using only one will work, it is still against the rules, andãtherefore should not be changed to avoid future confusion, or confusion forãsomeone playing with the code.ã °°±±²²ÑímmæKní€kîr²²±±°°ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ telnet://talamasca-bbs.com http://www.talamasca-bbs.comã
  • From Hkb@VERT/TALAMASC/EXPLORER to Tommyknocker on Wed Jan 13 11:59:00 1999
    RE: Baja problemãBY: Tommyknocker to Spiritwild on Wed Jan 13 1999 04:42 pmãã > Well now the path is really not a problem, and the 2 slashes are requirã > Although at times using only one will work, it is still against the rules, aã > therefore should not be changed to avoid future confusion, or confusion forã > someone playing with the code.ãFor some reason it is still locking up my computer... I have a question whatãare you useing for your Menu switching? |03Thanks -|12Hkbãã---ã þ Synchronet þ |03<<<|12Explorer BBS|03>>> - Vancouver, Wa - 360-574-5521ã
  • From Tommyknocker@VERT/TALAMASC to Hkb on Wed Jan 13 13:38:00 1999
    RE: Baja problemãBY: Hkb to Tommyknocker on Wed Jan 13 1999 07:59 pmãã > > Well now the path is really not a problem, and the 2 slashes are reqã > > Although at times using only one will work, it is still against the rulesã > > therefore should not be changed to avoid future confusion, or confusion fã > > someone playing with the code.ã > For some reason it is still locking up my computer... I have a question whatã > are you useing for your Menu switching? |03Thanks -|12Hkbãã Here is a snippit right out of my command shell.ããã# Display TEXT\MENU\CUSTOM\MAIN.* if not in expert modeããint mãrandom m 5ãswitch mãã case 0ã compare_user_misc UM_EXPERTã if_falseã clsã menu CUSTOM\MAINã end_ifã end_caseãã case 1ã compare_user_misc UM_EXPERTã if_falseã clsã menu MENU1\MAINã end_ifã end_caseãã case 2ã compare_user_misc UM_EXPERTã if_falseã clsã menu MENU2\MAINã end_ifã end_caseãã case 3ã compare_user_misc UM_EXPERTã if_falseã clsã menu MENU3\MAINã end_ifã end_caseãã case 4ã compare_user_misc UM_EXPERTã if_falseã clsã menu MENU4\MAINã end_ifã end_caseããend_switchãã That there is what I do.ã °°±±²²ÑímmæKní€kîr²²±±°°ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ telnet://talamasca-bbs.com http://www.talamasca-bbs.comã
  • From Hkb@VERT/TALAMASC/EXPLORER to Tommyknocker on Wed Jan 13 23:50:00 1999
    RE: Baja problemãBY: Tommyknocker to Hkb on Wed Jan 13 1999 09:38 pmãã > That there is what I do.ãCool thanks I was just wondering...ãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ |03<<<|12Explorer BBS|03>>> - Vancouver, Wa - 360-574-5521ã
  • From Spiritwild@VERT/TALAMASC/SPIRIT to TOMMYKNOCKER on Thu Jan 14 12:20:00 1999
    RE: Baja problemãTO>BY: Spiritwild to HKB on Wed Jan 13 1999 06:01 pmããTO> > Well, I'm no expert on the matter ......but try it withãTO> > ..\\logoff2.asc instead of c:\\***ãTO> > You don't use text\menu\file.** ??ãTO> > worse to worse use one slash instead of 2 "c:/logoff2.ascããTO> Well now the path is really not a problem, and the 2 slashes are requirãTO>Although at times using only one will work, it is still against the rules, aãTO>therefore should not be changed to avoid future confusion, or confusion forãTO>someone playing with the code.ãTO> °°±±²²ÑímmæKní€kîr²²±±°°ããRules, ha.. still it worked that way when I played with it.But I'm noãexpert on the matter.ããit would lock like he said with the c://logoff instead of ..//logoffãThough it could have been something other.ãDon't ask me ?? <G>ããããanyway worse to worse ...whack it and stack it I always say.ã---ã þ SLMR 2.1a þ Ted Nugent for president !!!ã þ Synchronet þ SPIRIT OF THE WILD BBSã
  • From Spiritwild@VERT/TALAMASC/SPIRIT to TOMMYKNOCKER on Thu Jan 14 12:58:00 1999
    RE: Baja problemãTO>BY: Hkb to All on Tue Jan 12 1999 02:33 pmããTO> > !include sbbsdefs.incãTO> > INT IãTO> > RANDOM I 2ãTO> > SWITCH IãTO> > CASE 0ãTO> > printfile "c:\\sbbs\\text\\logoff.asc"ãTO> > hangupãTO> > end_caseãTO> >ãTO> > CASE 1ãTO> > printfile "c:\\logoff2.asc"ãTO> > hangupãTO> > end_caseãTO> >ãTO> > CASE 2ãTO> > printfile "c:\\logoff2.asc"ãTO> > hangupãTO> > end_caseãTO> end_switchããTO> > Ok well everytime I try to run this is locks up my computer and I have toããTO> First off I made the mod a little more readable. Breaking it up intoãTO>seperate command sequences helps follow the code. Not really necessary forãTO>something this simple, but you should not start bad habits.ãTO> As for your problem, you did not end_switch, so the mod would continueãTO>looking for more switches, or the end.ãTO> °°±±²²ÑímmæKní€kîr²²±±°°ããããTrue :) but doesn't the end_case prevent it from falling through ?ãLike it matters, your gonna get tossed out via "hangup" <G>ãã---ã þ SLMR 2.1a þ Ted Nugent for president !!!ã þ Synchronet þ SPIRIT OF THE WILD BBSã
  • From Tommyknocker@VERT/TALAMASC to Spiritwild on Fri Jan 15 10:25:00 1999
    RE: Baja problemãBY: Spiritwild to TOMMYKNOCKER on Thu Jan 14 1999 08:20 pmãã > Rules, ha.. still it worked that way when I played with it.But I'm noã > expert on the matter.ãã Believe me, I am no expert in Baja either. That would be Angus, UCD, or Smeg.ã °°±±²²ÑímmæKní€kîr²²±±°°ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ telnet://talamasca-bbs.com http://www.talamasca-bbs.comã
  • From Tommyknocker@VERT/TALAMASC to Spiritwild on Fri Jan 15 10:27:00 1999
    RE: Baja problemãBY: Spiritwild to TOMMYKNOCKER on Thu Jan 14 1999 08:58 pmãã > TO> end_switchã > True :) but doesn't the end_case prevent it from falling through ?ã > Like it matters, your gonna get tossed out via "hangup" <G>ãã Well as I understand it end_case does indeed end that particular case, butãit will look for another switch until it finds end_switch.ã Of course I could be wrong.ã °°±±²²ÑímmæKní€kîr²²±±°°ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ telnet://talamasca-bbs.com http://www.talamasca-bbs.comã
  • From Reaper Man@VERT/TALAMASC/TIME/FLAMINT to Spiritwild on Mon Jan 18 02:24:00 1999
    RE: Baja problemãBY: Spiritwild to TOMMYKNOCKER on Thu Jan 14 1999 20:58:00ãã > True :) but doesn't the end_case prevent it from falling through ?ã > Like it matters, your gonna get tossed out via "hangup" <G>ããit matters to the compiler... It can't decide that a hangup will ocure, so itãrequires that every block command I.E. if then, select case, ... need to haveãsome kind of ending to satisfy the compiler's needs...ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Flamin' Torch BBS - The Board on Fireã
  • From Spiritwild@VERT/TALAMASC/SPIRIT to REAPER MAN on Tue Jan 19 09:03:00 1999
    RE: Baja problemãRM>BY: Spiritwild to TOMMYKNOCKER on Thu Jan 14 1999 20:58:00ããRM> > True :) but doesn't the end_case prevent it from falling through ?ãRM> > Like it matters, your gonna get tossed out via "hangup" <G>ããRM>it matters to the compiler... It can't decide that a hangup will ocure, soãRM>requires that every block command I.E. if then, select case, ... need to hãRM>some kind of ending to satisfy the compiler's needs...ããThhhhhhhhhhhat was not the humorous point :)ããBesides I've yet to see this dang thing satisfy my needs.ãMy floppy just won't fit !ããahaahah, I kill me..............geez !ãã---ã þ SLMR 2.1a þ Wifes home!!!! ABORT ABORT FAIL RETRY FAIL ARGHHHH !ã þ Synchronet þ SPIRIT OF THE WILD BBSã
  • From Reaper Man@VERT/TALAMASC/TIME/FLAMINT to Spiritwild on Wed Jan 20 11:09:00 1999
    RE: Baja problemãBY: Spiritwild to REAPER MAN on Tue Jan 19 1999 17:03:00ãã > Besides I've yet to see this dang thing satisfy my needs.ã > My floppy just won't fit !ããi plunked a zip drive into mine...ãand I am always unziping my files... in front of the computer, but I am secureãin my computer nerdlyness...ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Flamin' Torch BBS - The Board on Fireã