Tegularius wrote to All <=-ăă Te> DEFAULT.SRC displays the message group and sub-board in a prompt usingă Te> @GRP@ and @SN@. There are similar codes in the file-area prompt.ăă Te> What if I need a Baja program to know these values and branchă Te> accordingly? Can I access them other than just displaying them? Iă Te> don't see anything in the system variables that provides them.ăăYes there is:ăăUse the same format, of course always use CAPS and bracket with percent signs.ăăăCustomization: Message VariablesăăCode Description PCB WCă------------------------------------------------------------------ăADDR1 User's street address N YăALIAS User's name or alias N YăAUTOMORE Toggle automatic pausing Y NăBAUD User's connect rate (DCE) in bps N YăBBS Name of BBS N YăBDATE User's birthdate (MM/DD/YY) N YăBEEP Generate a beep Y NăBELL <same as BEEP> N YăBOARDNAME <same as BBS> Y NăBPS <same as BAUD> Y NăBYTELIMIT User's free credits per day Y NăBYTESLEFT User's total credits Y NăCALLS Total number of logons for user N YăCITY User's city Y YăCLS Clear screen Y YăCOMPANY User's company name or real name N YăCONF Name of current Group and Sub-board N YăCONFNUM Number of current Group and Sub-board Y NăCPU User's computer type N YăDATA <same as PHONE> N YăDATAPHONE <same as PHONE> Y NăDATE Current system date N YăDAYBYTES Number of free credits used today by user Y YăDIR * Current file directory short description N NăDIR-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N NăDIR-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N NăDIRL * Current file directory long description N NăDIRL-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N NăDIRL-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N NăDN * Number of current file directory N NăDL * " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) N NăDR * " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) N NăDLBYTES Total bytes downloaded by user Y NăDLFILES Total files downloaded by user Y NăDLKLIMIT User's total credits (in kilobytes) N YăDOWNK Total kilobytes downloaded by user N YăDOWNS <same as DLFILES> N YăEXDATE User's expiration date (MM/DD/YY) N YăEXPDATE <same as EXDATE> Y NăEXPDAYS Days left before user expires Y YăFIRST User's first name/alias Y YăFIRSTREAL * User's first real/company name N NăFREESPACE Free disk space available for uploads Y NăFROM User's location (City, State) N YăGRP * Current message group short description N NăGRP-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N NăGRP-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N NăGRPL * Current message group long description N NăGRPL-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N NăGRPL-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N NăGN * Number of current message group N NăGL * " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) N NăGR * " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) N NăHANDLE * User's chat handle N NăHANGUP Immediately disconnect user Y NăHOMEPHONE <same as PHONE> Y NăKBLEFT User's total credits (in kilobytes) Y YăKBLIMIT User's free credits per day (in kilobytes) Y NăLAST * User's last name (alias) N NăLASTREAL * User's last real/company name N NăLASTCALLERNODE Name of user last on this node Y NăLASTDATEON Date of user's last logon (MM/DD/YY) Y NăLASTNEW Date of user's last new file scan (MM/DD/YY) N YăLASTON Date and time of user's last logon N YăLASTTIMEON Time of user's last logon (HH:MM am) Y NăLEFT <same as MINLEFT> N YăLIB * Current file library short description N NăLIB-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N NăLIB-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N NăLIBL * Current file library long description N NăLIBL-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N NăLIBL-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N NăLN * Number of current file library N NăLL * " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) N NăLR * " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) N NăMAXDK <same as KBLIMIT> N YăMEMO Date of user's last password modification N YăMEMO1 User's note N YăMEMO2 <same as COMPANY> N YăMINLEFT Time left in minutes Y NăMORE <same as PAUSE> Y NăMSGLEFT Total number of messages posted by user Y NăMSGREAD Number of messages read by user this call Y NăMSGSLEFT <same as MSGLEFT> N YăNAME * User's name or alias N NăNAME-L[...] * User's name (padded and left justified) N NăNAME-R[...] * User's name (padded and right justified) N NăNOACCESS * Why user was denied access (last false ARS) N NăNODE Number of current node Y YăNODE### Status of node number ### N YăNUMCALLS <same as TCALLS> Y NăNUMDIR Number of current library and directory Y NăNUMTIMESON <same as CALLS> Y NăPAUSE Immediately produces a [Hit a key] prompt Y YăPHONE User's phone number (###-###-####) N YăPON Toggles automatic screen pause for everyone Y NăPOFF Toggles automatic screen pause for everyone Y NăPREVON <same as LASTCALLERNODE> N YăQUESTION * Current Yes/No question (for TEXT\MENU\YESNO.*) N NăREAL * User's real first name N NăSEC User's security level N YăSECURITY <same as SEC> Y NăSINCE Date of user's first call (MM/DD/YY) N YăSTATE User's state (from location) N YăSUB * Current message sub-board short description N NăSUB-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N NăSUB-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N NăSUBL * Current message sub-board long description N NăSUBL-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N NăSUBL-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N NăSN * Number of current message sub-board N NăSL * " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) N NăSR * " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) N NăSYSDATE <same as DATE> Y NăSYSOP Name of System Operator N YăSYSTIME <same as TIME> Y NăTCALLS Total number of logons for system N YăTFILE Total number of files on system N YăTIME Current system time N YăTIMELEFT <same as MINLEFT> Y NăTIMELIMIT Maximum time per call in minutes Y NăTIMEON Time used this call in minutes N YăTIMEUSED <same as TIMEON> Y NăTLEFT * Time left (H:MM:SS) N NăTMSG Total number of messages on system N YăTPERC * Time allowed per call (H:MM:SS) N NăTPERD * Time allowed per day (H:MM:SS) N NăTUSED * Time used this call (H:MM:SS) N NăTUSER Total number of user slots on system N YăUPBYTES Total bytes uploaded by user Y NăUPFILES Total files uploaded by user Y NăUPK Total kilobytes uploaded by user N YăUPS <same as UPFILES> N YăUSER User's name or alias (same as ALIAS) Y YăVER BBS version number N YăWHO Display status of all active nodes Y NăZIP User's zip/postal code N Yăăă ŐÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍă ł "We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology,ă ł in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology."ă ł - Carl Sagană łăăă... Guarantee my safety? Bill Gates can't even guarantee Windows. - J Crichtonă--- MultiMail/Win32 v0.46ă ț Synchronet ț Bits-N-Bytes BBS One Hellofa BBS telnet://bnb.synchro.netă
Sysop: | Karloch |
Location: | Madrid, Spain |
Users: | 52 |
Nodes: | 8 (0 / 8) |
Uptime: | 35:56:08 |
Calls: | 759 |
Files: | 17,895 |
Messages: | 65,822 |