mroblivious1bmf scribbled some crap to mroblivious1bmf <=-ćć mr> .,: This is something about baja codeZ,ć mr> mroblivious1bmf said it to All on Wed Nov 09 2005 11:23 pmć mr> --ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄćć > anybody do anything cool with baja lately?ćć > MRobliVious1BMFćć mr> i did! i made a weekly caller bargraph! it's coded like crap, but itć mr> works! i'll try harder next time!ćććDamn, did you just reply to yourself? I know the baja scene is kinda slowćbut sheesh :).. ććAnyway anytime I need little stubs of customization here and there on my bbsćI write them in Baja, Never really think to tell anyone though because Ićpretty much write them to intergrate seemlessly into my BBS.ćć ć--- MultiMail/Win32 v0.43ć ž Synchronet ž DoveNet - - Chatsworth, GA USAć
mroblivious1bmf scribbled some crap to Mrproper <=-ćć mr> .,: This is something about Re: baja codeZ,ć mr> Mrproper said it to mroblivious1bmf on Fri Nov 11 2005 08:15 amć mr> --ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄć > Damn, did you just reply to yourself? I know the baja scene is kinda slowć > but sheesh :)..ćć mr> yes i did reply to myself, and YES i did post it to myself becauseć mr> nobody codes! :Dćć mr> okay, here's my little dinky callgraph that i made in 10 mins.ć mr> there's a lot of extra strings and such because i copied part of itć mr> from another one [and i MAY expand it].ćć mr> thinking of making it change color depending on the time of day..ć mr> amount of callers...ćć mr> maybe doing a little breakdown of the calls [how many calls during whatć mr> hours]. maybe having a config file...ćć mr> here it is..hope it pastes right.ćććSeems like a cool concept :)ććI have'nt really yet tried to get advanced with baja yetćbut I beleive I could do it, After all it does have very goodćdocumentation for it, And I actually printed up the manual atćwork :) used up all the toner in my bosses printer <EG>.ćććććć ć--- MultiMail/Win32 v0.43ć ž Synchronet ž DoveNet - - Chatsworth, GA USAć
Sysop: | Karloch |
Location: | Madrid, Spain |
Users: | 52 |
Nodes: | 8 (0 / 8) |
Uptime: | 35:20:43 |
Calls: | 759 |
Files: | 17,895 |
Messages: | 65,820 |