• Re: XTRN game Chess and J

    From Kirkman@VERT/RDFIG/GUARDIAN to KenDB3 on Fri Oct 31 21:49:00 2014
    Thanks Josh, I appreciate the answer. I've been poking around in the xtrnã > folder on CVS, there's a lot of good stuff there, but a couple of the ãgamesã > seem to be using the older library you spoke of. ãããFor sure. I love MCMLXXIX's and echicken's games, particularly Bubble Boggleãand Star Trek.ããIf you're looking for something new, I wrote a JS game called Doubles (it's aãBBS version of "2048"), as well an informational door called Sports Stats. Youãcan find them on my github page: http://www.github.com/kirkmanãã--Joshãã////--------------------------------------------------ãBiC -=- http://breakintochat.com -=- bbs wiki and blogã---ã þ Synchronetã
  • From KenDB3@VERT/RDFIG/KD3NET to Kirkman on Sat Nov 1 12:37:00 2014
    For sure. I love MCMLXXIX's and echicken's games, particularly Bubbleã > Boggle and Star Trek.ã > ã > If you're looking for something new, I wrote a JS game called Doubles (it'sã > a BBS version of "2048"), as well an informational door called Sportsã > Stats. You can find them on my github page: http://www.github.com/kirkmanã > ã > --JoshããI think I play the Star Trek game more than any other game on my own BBS, lol.ãI defintely have to check out Doubles! I have your Sports Stats installed andãit works wonderfully. I'm not much of sports fan myself, but I love seeingãwhat kind of stuff can be done to gather live info and render itin somethingãyou can reach over Telnet. Simply amazing, I must say. :-)ãã~Kenny Dã---ã þ Synchronet þ KD3net-Rhode Island's only BBS about nothing. ãhttp://bbs.kd3.usã
  • From echicken@VERT/RDFIG/ECBBS to KenDB3 on Sun Nov 2 00:49:00 2014
    By: KenDB3 to Kirkman on Sat Nov 01 2014 13:02:10ãã Ke> I think I play the Star Trek game more than any other game on my own BBS,ããWow - I'm glad somebody's enjoying it. (Unless you aren't, and you're someãkind of masochist. If so, that's cool - I mean, whatever turns your crank.)ããI've been thinking about redoing that game, just trying to come up with a goodãlist of revisions and additions. So far the only change I want to make is toãlet people send in the next wave of enemies whenever they're ready. Sucks toãbe twiddling your thumbs for 25 seconds after killing the Pakleds or whatever.ããOf course, I should probably finish up that RSS thing first.ãã---ãechickenãelectronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com - 416-273-7230ã
  • From Bill McGarrity@VERT/RDFIG/TEQUILAM to echicken on Sun Nov 2 08:37:00 2014
    On 11-02-14 00:57, echicken wrote to KenDB3 <=-ããã Ke> I think I play the Star Trek game more than any other game on my own BBS,ãã ec> Wow - I'm glad somebody's enjoying it. (Unless you aren't, and you'reã ec> some kind of masochist. If so, that's cool - I mean, whatever turnsã ec> your crank.)ãã ec> I've been thinking about redoing that game, just to comeup withã ec> a good list of revisions and additions. So far the only change I wantã ec> to make is to let people send in the next wave of enemies wheneverã ec> they're ready. Sucks to be twiddling your thumbs for 25 seconds afterã ec> killing the Pakleds or whatever.ããI have it here as well... but I must admit, haven't played much... me bad.. ;)ããã ec> Of course, I should probably finish up that RSS thing first.ããThank you... :)ããããBillããTelnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.netãWeb: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.netãIRC: irc.tequilamockingbirdonline.net Ports: 6661-6670 SSL: +6697ãRadio: radio.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:8010/liveããã... Look TWICE... Save a LIFE!!! Motorcycles are Everywhere!!ã--- MultiMail/Win32 v0.50ãtequilamockingbirdonline.netã
  • From LaRRy LaGoMoRpH@VERT/RDFIG/GRUDGEDU to echicken on Sun Nov 2 20:37:00 2014
    Re: Re: XTRN game Chess and JSONã By: echicken to KenDB3 on Sun Nov 02 2014 12:57 amãã > Re: Re: XTRN game Chess and JSONã > By: KenDB3 to Kirkman on Sat Nov 01 2014 13:02:10ã > ã > Ke> I think I play theStar Trek game more than any other game on my own BBãSã > ã > Wow - I'm glad somebody's enjoying it. (Unless you aren't, and you're someã > kind of masochist. If so, that's cool - I mean, whatever turns your crank.)ã > ã > I've been thinking about redoing that game, just trying to come up with a goãoã > list of revisions and additions. So far the only change I want to make is tãoã > let people send in the next wave of enemies whenever they're ready. Sucks tãoã > be twiddling your thumbs for 25 seconds after killing the Pakleds or whateveãrã > ã > Of course, I should probably finish up that RSS thing first.ã > ããStar Trek is an excellent game. I really liked the large exploration basedãspin off that's in the testing section on mcmlxxix's board, forgive me if I getãthe name wrong the Endless Sky or somesuch. I've always been impressed withãStar Trek, but that version was definitely pretty darn sweet for a demo. ãHonestly if you turned that into a multi-player game I think it could be prettyãpopular. ããAnyhow, I think Star Trek is one of the cooler new bbs doors out there, alongãwith the new Chicken Delivery, which is excellent, not just technically, but Iãlike the creativity of the level design and it really keeps you interested andãI feel a lot more in control than I did in the old version. These sprite gamesãare like BBS gateway drugs, so I think they're great. Really cool stuff.ããThe new Gooble Gobble is also a much improved game, my only complaint would beãthe way the controls behave slightly differently from pacman, where you canãstall the character out. I hope you know I like your games though; when youãtalk about a new Star Trek and ideas I think of the demo on the broken bubbleãand how excellent that game looks like it could be to me. If you ever decideãto develop that Star Trek-esque spin off I think it could become somethingãpretty spectacular.ããcheers,ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Futureland.Grudgemirror.Com ** LIVEã
  • From KenDB3@VERT/RDFIG/KD3NET to echicken on Mon Nov 3 11:37:00 2014
    Wow - I'm glad somebody's enjoying it. (Unless you aren't, and you're someã > kind of masochist. If so, that's cool - I mean, whatever turns yourã > crank.)ã > ã > I've been thinking about redoing that game, just trying to come up with aã > good list of revisions and additions. So far the only change I want toã > make is to let people send in the next wave of enemies wheneverthey'reã > ready. Sucks to be twiddling your thumbs for 25 seconds after killing theã > Pakleds or whatever.ã > ã > Of course,I should probably finish up that RSS thing first.ã > ã > ---ã > echickenããHahaha, I actually do enjoy it. For real. It's simple, it's fun, and my timeãcommitment is whatever I want it to be (which works since I always seem to beãbusy lately). ãã~KenDB3ã---ã þ Synchronet þ KD3net-Rhode Island's only BBS about nothing. ãhttp://bbs.kd3.usã
  • From echicken@VERT/RDFIG/ECBBS to LaRRy LaGoMoRpH on Mon Nov 3 13:38:00 2014
    Re: Re: XTRN game Chess and JSONã By: LaRRy LaGoMoRpH to echicken on Sun Nov 02 2014 ã18:29:59ãã LL> Star Trek is an excellent game. I really liked the large explorationã LL> based spin off that's in the testing section on mcmlxxix's board,ããI should ask him to remove that.ãã LL> pretty darn sweet for a demo. Honestly if you turned that into aã LL> multi-player game I think it could be pretty popular. ããI almost started working on it a few weeks ago, but I couldn't decide whatãdirection I wanted to go with it. I'll have to think about what form theãmulti-player aspect would take. Maybe I'll work on it at some point thisãwinter. Maybe not.ãã LL> Anyhow, I think Star Trek is one of the cooler new bbs doors out there,ããThanks. It's fun as a quick diversion, I guess, but a bit on the boring side. ãI guess it was more of an "I wrote this sprite library ... now what do I doãwith it" kind of project.ãã LL> The new Gooble Gobble is also a much improved game, my only complaintã LL> would be the way the controls behave slightly differently from pacman,ã LL> where you can stall the character out. I hope you know I like yourããI actually kind of like being able to stop the character, but I guess I forgotãwhat the real pac-man controls did and didn't allow you to do.ãã LL> the demo on the broken bubble and how excellent that game looks like itã LL> could be to me. If you ever decide to develop that Star Trek-esque spinã LL> off I think it could become something pretty spectacular.ããWell, that game came before Star Trek. I think I just lost interest in it andãmade a trimmed down arcade shooter thingy instead. I'll let you know if Iãstart working on it again at some point.ããThanks for your feedback.ãã---ãechickenãelectronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com - 416-273-7230ã
  • From LaRRy LaGoMoRpH@VERT/RDFIG/GRUDGEDU to echicken on Mon Nov 3 22:37:00 2014
    Re: Re: XTRN game Chess and JSONã By: echicken to LaRRy LaGoMoRpH on Mon Nov 03 2014 01:58 ãpmãã > LL> pretty darn sweet for a demo. Honestly if you turned that into aã > LL> multi-player game I think it could be pretty popular.ã > ã > I almost started working on it a few weeks ago, but I couldn't decide whatã > direction I wanted to go with it. I'll have to think about what form theã > multi-player aspect would take. Maybe I'll work on it at some point thisã > winter. Maybe not.ããHmm... well, since you might considering ideas I'll throw out a few and if ãanything sticks feel free to use it.ããWhile I think the game were it merely a shooter could be fun, I think the realãpower could come from a dynamic map. Like in tradewars, imagine being able toãbuild up sectors with defenses. Unlike in tradewars, you wouldn't trade forãresources perhaps you could tow or work sprites like in minecraft. You couldãattack people's bases like in Clash of Clans, in an MMO with asteroids styleãgameplay with improved graphics. ããThat's kind of a general idea of the gameplay elements I think might create aãwider audience. A mish mash of a few things, I could probably expand more butãhopefully you get the idea. ããcheers,ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Futureland.Grudgemirror.Com ** LIVEã
  • From Ragnarok@VERT/DOCKSUD to Kirkman on Thu Dec 11 00:40:07 2014
    El 31/10/14 a las 23:49, Kirkman escibió:ã>> Thanks Josh, I appreciate the answer. I've been poking around in the xtrnã> > folder on CVS, there's a lot of good stuff there, but a couple of the ã> gamesã> > seem to be using the older library you spoke of. ã> ã> ã> For sure. I love MCMLXXIX's and echicken's games, particularly Bubble Boggleã> and Star Trek.ã> ã> If you're looking for something new, I wrote a JS game called Doubles (it's aã> BBS version of "2048"), as well an informational door called Sports Stats. Youã> can find them on my github page: http://www.github.com/kirkmanã> ãim running your 2048 version on my board, it's great.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Dock Sud BBS TLD 24 HS - http://www.docksud.com.ar - telnet://bbs.docksud.com.arã
  • From KenDB3@VERT/KD3NET to Kirkman on Tue Dec 16 09:44:18 2014
    For sure. I love MCMLXXIX's and echicken's games, particularly Bubbleã > Ki> Boggle and Star Trek.ã > Ki> ã > Ki> If you're looking for something new, I wrote a JS game called Doublesã > Ki> (it's a BBS version of "2048"), as well an informational door calledã > Ki> Sports Stats. You can find them on my github page:ã > Ki> http://www.github.com/kirkmanã > > ã Ra> im running your 2048 version on my board, it's great.ããDid I mention I set it up too? Great game!ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ KD3net-Rhode Island's only BBS about nothing. http://bbs.kd3.usã
  • From Kirkman@VERT/GUARDIAN to Ragnarok on Mon Dec 22 21:13:09 2014
    Re: Re: XTRN game Chess and Jã By: Ragnarok to Kirkman on Thu Dec 11 2014 12:40 amãã Ra> im running your 2048 version on my board, it's great.ããAwesome! We need some other players on other boards to give us a challenge. Myãwife and I have been atop the scoreboard for too long.ãã--Joshãã////--------------------------------------------------ãBiC -=- http://breakintochat.com -=- bbs wiki and blogãã---ã þ Synchronetã
  • From Kirkman@VERT/GUARDIAN to KenDB3 on Mon Dec 22 21:15:04 2014
    Re: Re: XTRN game Chess and Jã By: KenDB3 to Kirkman on Tue Dec 16 2014 09:44 amãã Ke> Did I mention I set it up too? Great game!ããThanks, Ken! Later this month or early next month I'm hope to sit down and ironãout a few kinks and send out an update.ãã--Joshãã////--------------------------------------------------ãBiC -=- http://breakintochat.com -=- bbs wiki and blogãã---ã þ Synchronetã
  • From KenDB3@VERT/KD3NET to Kirkman on Sat Dec 27 23:40:57 2014
    Re: Re: XTRN game Chess and Jã > By: KenDB3 to Kirkman on Tue Dec 16 2014 09:44 amã > ã > Ke> Did I mention I set it up too? Great game!ã > ã > Thanks, Ken! Later this month or early next month I'm hope to sit down andã > iron out a few kinks and send out an update.ã > ã > --JoshããAwesome, I'll keep my eyes peeled.ãã~KenDB3ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ KD3net-Rhode Island's only BBS about nothing. http://bbs.kd3.usã