Re: Baja argument helpã By: Digital Man to DesotoFireflite on Sun Feb 13 2022 12:11 pmãã DM> Re: Baja argument helpã DM> By: DesotoFireflite to All on Sun Feb 13 2022 01:47 pmãã >> But the way I have it, it also takes the other users to the newsã >> message base even if there are no new messages, so I'm sure I have myã >> logic screwed up. It's acting like it's not getting to the secontã >> part. Below is the new file, can someone let me know where I wentã >> wrong. Thanks in advance. ãã >> !include sbbsdefs.incã >> !include file_io.incã >> !include dir_attr.incãã >> compare_ars LASTON EQUALS 0 OR REST Gã >> if_trueã >> # If New User or Guest, go to Local News Message Base and Read News...ã >> SETSTR "LOCAL"ã >> MSG_SET_GROUPã >> SETSTR "NEWS"ã >> MSG_SET_AREAã >> MSG_READã >> if_falseã >> # All other users, go to Local message Base, check for new messages Inã >> News, # and show New Messages and if no New Messages exist, doã >> nothing, and exit. SETSTR "LOCAL"ã >> MSG_SET_GROUPã >> SETSTR "NEWS"ã >> MSG_SET_AREAã >> MSG_NEW_SCAN_SUBã >> end_ifãã DM> Replace that "if_false" with "else".ããStill not working for the regular users, takes them right to the message base. It's like it's not seeing the second part, and giving everyone the first part.ãsee below, I changed it as you suggested.ãã!include sbbsdefs.incã!include file_io.incã!include dir_attr.incããcompare_ars LASTON EQUALS 0 OR REST Gãif_trueã# If New User or Guest, go to Local Message Base and Read News...ã SETSTR "LOCAL"ã MSG_SET_GROUPã SETSTR "NEWS"ã MSG_SET_AREAã MSG_READãelseã# All other users, go to Local message Base, check for new messages In News, # and show New Messages and if no New Messages exist, do nothing, and exit.ã SETSTR "LOCAL"ã MSG_SET_GROUPã SETSTR "NEWS"ã MSG_SET_AREAã MSG_NEW_SCAN_SUBãend_ifããI can't understand it, I've worked with Baja before, and I thought I undersood it. I'm figuring with a new user, the last on would be 0(zero), and the Guest would be a restriction of "G", hence "compare_ars LASTON EQUALS 0 OR REST G", so as a regular user with no restrictions, and laston field populated with a date, it should be false, and go to else, the second half, but it's acting like it never sees the second half with regular users, but treats them like a new user or guest. I also tried "compare_ars LASTON=0 OR REST G" and got the same results. My logic must be flawed. It may be the LASTON causing the issue, but I don't know another way of determining a new user with ars or any other method.ã ãã ããSysOp: C.G. Learn, AKA: DesotoFirefliteãValhalla Home Services! - (Synchronet) - bbs.valhallabbs.comãValhalla II! - (GAP) -ãValhalla III! - (RemoteAccess) -ãValhalla IIII! - (Dungeons & Dragons BBS) -ãValhalla Home Services Web! -
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