@TZ:41e0ãDM>RE: exec_xtrnãDM>BY: Jim King to ALL on Thu Nov 18 199ãDM>:20 pmããDM> > Is this command work only with programs that reside in the \sbbs\execãDM> > dir? Can I stick a drive and path in front of the executible?ãDM> >ãDM> > Yes, I tried that, and it failed miseribly.ãDM> >ãDM> > #cmdkey /BãDM> > # print "\r\nBulletin Menu\r\n"ãDM> > # EXEC_XTRN "C:\sbbs\xtrn\dbullet\DBULLET"ãDM> > # args: BULLETINãDM> > # end_cmdãDM> >ãDM> > I am not sure as to the next to the last line being needed but the BaJaãDM> > docs said it should be the internal code.ããDM>EXEC_XTRN is used to execute configured online external programs ONLY. TheãDM>argument to EXEC_XTRN (the word that you put in quotes) must be the internalãDM>code for the external program (as shown in SCFG). The argument is not the naãDM>of the executable (with or without a path).ããDM>The args: line is part fo the Baja documentation, not the code. See the sectãDM>titled "Argument Names" on page 21 of BAJA.DOC. So, your example should beãDM>changed to:ããDM>cmdkey /BãDM> print "\r\nBulletin Menu\r\n"ãDM> EXEC_XTRN "BULLETIN"ãDM> end_cmdããDM>RobãAnd I seem to have exactly that, and yet it just blinks on screen.ããI clipped a bit from default.src and captured the scfg screen.ããFrom Default.SRCããcmdkey Aã auto_messageã end_cmdããcmdkey Bã print hBrowse/New Message Scan\r\n"ã msg_browse_scanã end_cmdãã###markerãcmdkey /Bã print "\r\nBulletin Menu\r\n"ã EXEC_XTRN "BULLETIN"ã end_cmdãããcmdkey Cã chat_sectionã end_cmdããããFrom SCFGããã+[_][?]----------------------------------------------------+ãÝ Domain Bulletins ÝãÝ----------------------------------------------------------ÝãÝ ÝName Domain Bulletins ÝãÝ ÝInternal Code BULLETIN ÝãÝ ÝStart-up Directory C:\SBBS\XTRN\DBULLET ÝãÝ ÝCommand Line dbullet /new ÝãÝ ÝClean-up Command Line ÝãÝ ÝExecution Cost None ÝãÝ ÝAccess Requirements ÝãÝ ÝExecution Requirements ÝãÝ ÝMultiple Concurrent Users Yes ÝãÝ ÝIntercept I/O Interrupts Yes ÝãÝ ÝSwap BBS out of Memory Yes ÝãÝ ÝModify User Data No ÝãÝ ÝExecute on Event Logon, Only ÝãÝ ÝBBS Drop File Type (R) Synchronet XTRN.DAT ÝãÝ ÝPlace Drop File In Node Directory ÝãÝ ÝTime Options... Ýã+----------------------------------------------------------+ããYou must pardon me for the length of the quote.ãããIs the /new switch killing me on this? Seems like after it runs once itãwont show again if no new bulletins are present. worth an experimentããOk so that was it For those that don't know, Dbulletin has some commandãline switches on of which is /new this causes the menu to not be showãif there are no new bulletins. I removed the /new switch and now it asksãif you want to read the bulletins if there are none you haven't readãyet. other switches are /force and /noask. Niffty program.ããã * OLX 2.2 TD * Press any key to continue or any other key to quitãã---ã þ Synchronet þ telnet://talamasca-bbs.com http://www.talamasca-bbs.comã
@TZ:41e0ãTO>RE: exec_xtrnãTO>BY: Jim King to ALL on Thu Nov 18 199ãTO>:20 pmããTO> > # EXEC_XTRN "C:\sbbs\xtrn\dbullet\DBULLET"ãTO>ãTO> exec_xtrn is to execute a program already configured in scfg as anãTO>external.ãTO> Look in the src I sent you and you will see several examples of exec_xãTO> ÑímmæKní€kîrããThe hold up wasn't with the info you and Digital Man were giving me butãrather the option I had selected for Dbullet. Of course if I had NEWãmessages only selected nad the user had just gone thru the Dbullet door.ãthere would be nothing NEW to see and it didn't show anything. I changedãit to NOASK and all works well. Just needed a good nights sleep to letãit all perk.ããBig thanks though to both of you for your help. I had asked Rob aboutãthis on the sync board and he gave me pretty much the same answer. Iãjust couldn't make it fit. I thank him for giving me a straight answerãwhen someone else might have blown it off as someone not able to chewãgum and walk at the same time.ããBTW is Domain Bulletin still in operation?ããã * OLX 2.2 TD * Chicken heads are the chief food of captive alligators.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ telnet://talamasca-bbs.com http://www.talamasca-bbs.comã
@TZ:41e0ãBE>RE: exec_xtrnãBE>BY: Jim King to ALL on Thu Nov 18 199ãBE>:20 pmããBE> > Is this command work only with programs that reside in the \sbbs\execãBE> > dir? Can I stick a drive and path in front of the executible?ãBE> >ãBE> > Yes, I tried that, and it failed miseribly.ãBE> >ãBE> > #cmdkey /BãBE> > # print "\r\nBulletin Menu\r\n"ãBE> > # EXEC_XTRN "C:\sbbs\xtrn\dbullet\DBULLET"ãBE> > # args: BULLETINãBE> > # end_cmdãBE> >ãBE> > I am not sure as to the next to the last line being needed but the BaJaãBE> > docs said it should be the internal code.ããBE>This should work fine, except that you are trying to execute an ExternalãBE>Program, from the External Programs menu, which if your trying to do, will wãBE>fine if setup. Anyways, why I'm getting at is that you can not put pathin aãBE>EXEC_XTRN, if that's what you wwant to do then delete the ARGS line, and useãBE>EXEC "Bleah"ããBE>(This is a purely from my memory on Baja programming, and I may not be !))%ãBE>correct, but I think I am. :)ãBE>BetaããNo path needed as I wouldn't be executing the pogram from that line butãrather calling the door from the internal database. My problem was theãconfig I had for the bulletins. Running the program twice would neverãshow anything the second time with the /NEW switch. Once I realised thatãit was simple. I ended up chaging it to /NOASK. Looks good amd tastesãgreat! Thanks!ãã * OLX 2.2 TD * I'm in shape ... round's a shape isn't it?ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ telnet://talamasca-bbs.com http://www.talamasca-bbs.comã
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