All on Mon Jul 24 19:53:00 2000
the mail_send function reads in the recipient from the command string, but isãis also possible to "feed" it a subject?ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ hax0r's palace - unknown-realm.dynip.com - you've been hax0r'dã
Digital Man@VERT to
Hax0r on Tue Jul 25 04:51:42 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Hax0r to All on Tue Jul 25 2000 02:53 amãã > the mail_send function reads in the recipient from the command string, but iã > is also possible to "feed" it a subject?ãããPossibly using UNGETSTR.ããããRobãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Digital Man on Tue Jul 25 12:12:00 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Digital Man to Hax0r on Tue Jul 25 2000 11:51 amãã > Possibly using UNGETSTR.ããI'm not quite sure how I could use that to feed the title prompt since whenãmail_send is called, I have no control over what happens in Baja -- I amãassuming your internal mail_send routine is what forces the Title: prompt.ããIt would be real nice (although I'm sure alot of work for you) to be able toãmodify or atleast inheret from the internal functions so one could modify them.ããI would like to bypass the default Synchronet new message prompting allãtogether, and create my own "To:" and "From:" prompts (nicely laid out in anãANSI drawn box of course)....ããAlso, this might be potentially a bug...ããwhen I use GETSTR with no string variable, with a max len and k_line i actuallyãDON'T get the k_line mode. If I try the same operation with a string variableãspecified, k_line works just fine.ããInterestingly enough, GETLINE with no string variable and a length specifiedãworks just fine -- which is what I've been doing to circumvent the problem --ãjust thought that you might want to know :)ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ hax0r's palace - unknown-realm.dynip.com - you've been hax0r'dã
Amcleod@VERT to
Hax0r on Wed Jul 26 02:34:01 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Hax0r to Digital Man on Tue Jul 25 2000 07:12 pmãã > > Possibly using UNGETSTR.ã > ã > I'm not quite sure how I could use that to feed the title prompt since whenã > mail_send is called, I have no control over what happens in Baja -- I amã > assuming your internal mail_send routine is what forces the Title: prompt.ããI've not done this for a long time but...ããTry UNGETSTRing the title you want to use, and then call MAIL_SEND. WhenãMAIL_SEND tries to read the title, it will see what ever is in the inputãbuffer, which should be what you UNGETSTRed.ããMight work...ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Digital Man@VERT to
Hax0r on Wed Jul 26 04:42:52 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Hax0r to Digital Man on Tue Jul 25 2000 07:12 pmãã > > Possibly using UNGETSTR.ã > ã > I'm not quite sure how I could use that to feed the title prompt since whenã > mail_send is called, I have no control over what happens in Baja -- I amã > assuming your internal mail_send routine is what forces the Title: prompt.ããYes, but if you use UNGETSTR to force keys into the keyboard buffer, they willãbe used for the next prompt (e.g. Title).ãã > It would be real nice (although I'm sure alot of work for you) to be able toã > modify or atleast inheret from the internal functions so one could modify thã > ã > I would like to bypass the default Synchronet new message prompting allã > together, and create my own "To:" and "From:" prompts (nicely laid out in anã > ANSI drawn box of course)....ããYou may be able to do this with TEXT.DAT modifications possiblly.ã ã > Also, this might be potentially a bug...ã > ã > when I use GETSTR with no string variable, with a max len and k_line i actuaã > DON'T get the k_line mode. If I try the same operation with a string variabã > specified, k_line works just fine.ã ãThat's correct (i.e. not a bug). There are two forms of GETSTR, one that takesãno arguments, and one that takes three arguments. If you use the latter form,ãyou MUST specify a destination variable (string) name.ããRobã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Amcleod on Wed Jul 26 16:47:00 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Amcleod to Hax0r on Wed Jul 26 2000 09:34 amãã > RE: mail_sendã > BY: Hax0r to Digital Man on Tue Jul 25 2000 07:12 pmã > ã > > > Possibly using UNGETSTR.ã > >ã > > I'm not quite sure how I could use that to feed the title prompt since whã > > mail_send is called, I have no control over what happens in Baja -- I amã > > assuming your internal mail_send routine is what forces the Title: promptã > ã > I've not done this for a long time but...ã > ã > Try UNGETSTRing the title you want to use, and then call MAIL_SEND. Whenã > MAIL_SEND tries to read the title, it will see what ever is in the inputã > buffer, which should be what you UNGETSTRed.ã > ã > Might work...ããahh, nice trick -- i think I'll try it..ããthanksãã---ã þ Synchronet þ hax0r's palace - unknown-realm.dynip.com - you've been hax0r'dã
Digital Man on Wed Jul 26 16:54:00 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Digital Man to Hax0r on Wed Jul 26 2000 11:42 amãã > > I would like to bypass the default Synchronet new message prompting allã > > together, and create my own "To:" and "From:" prompts (nicely laid out inã > > ANSI drawn box of course)....ã > ã > You may be able to do this with TEXT.DAT modifications possiblly.ããYeah, some of it -- I've edited my TEXT.DAT and have some screen positioningãstuff in the actual text string. I also tend to do alot of REPLACE_TEXT /ãLOAD_TEXT in my baja (especially all of the system info, during the LogonãEvent, as that gets displayed if the text strings are set -- otherwise you getãnada).ããHeh, I know it would probably be alot of work, but could you *please* implementãsome sort of looping structure in the next version of baja? a for loop, doãloop, whatever.....something. It would just make file I/O that much easier. Iãwas really surpised to see a somewhat comprehensive file i/o support, but noãlooping structure.ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ hax0r's palace - unknown-realm.dynip.com - you've been hax0r'dã
Digital Man@VERT to
Hax0r on Wed Jul 26 19:02:16 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Hax0r to Digital Man on Wed Jul 26 2000 11:54 pmãã > Yeah, some of it -- I've edited my TEXT.DAT and have some screen positioningã > stuff in the actual text string. I also tend to do alot of REPLACE_TEXT /ã > LOAD_TEXT in my baja (especially all of the system info, during the Logonã > Event, as that gets displayed if the text strings are set -- otherwise you gã > nada).ã > ã > Heh, I know it would probably be alot of work, but could you *please* implemã > some sort of looping structure in the next version of baja? a for loop, doã > loop, whatever.....something. It would just make file I/O that much easier.ã > was really surpised to see a somewhat comprehensive file i/o support, but noã > looping structure.ããI (and other Baja programmers) have made do with the labels and gotos.ãDifferent syntax, same result. Check out the source to BullsEye for an example.ããRobã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Hax0r on Wed Jul 26 22:31:00 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Hax0r to Digital Man on Wed Jul 26 2000 11:54 pmãã > Heh, I know it would probably be alot of work, but could you *please* implemã > some sort of looping structure in the next version of baja? a for loop, doã > loop, whatever.....something. It would just make file I/O that much easier.ã > was really surpised to see a somewhat comprehensive file i/o support, but noã > looping structure.ããI find it pretty easy in baja. For example.ãã fopen tmpfile O_RDONLY "%n..\somedir\somefile.asc"ã if_falseã print "\r\n\r\nError Loading File - SOMEFILE.ASC"ã returnã end_ifãã :read_loopã feof tmpfileã if_trueã fclose tmpfileã pauseã goto topã end_ifãã fread_line tmpfile strã truncsp strã printf "%s\r\n" strã goto read_loopãã:topã-----------------ããPretty straight-forward.ããDaveããã---ã þ Synchronet þ WasteLand BBS þ
telnet://wasteland.darktech.org ã
Amcleod@VERT to
Hax0r on Thu Jul 27 00:39:25 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Hax0r to Digital Man on Wed Jul 26 2000 11:54 pmãã > Heh, I know it would probably be alot of work, but could you *please* implemã > some sort of looping structure in the next version of baja? a for loop, doã > loop, whatever.....something. It would just make file I/O that much easier.ã > was really surpised to see a somewhat comprehensive file i/o support, but noã > looping structure.ããOn the face of it this sounds reasonable, but please consider:ãã1) With the availability of IF_* and GOTO you can implement any type of loopã you want.ãã2) Most machines do not implement complex looping structures directly. Theã machine-language supports tests/jumps and complex control structures areã implemented in high-level languages.ããThink of SBBS as a CPU implemented in software, and then think of BAJA as theãmachine-language of that CPU. What is needed is for someone (you?) to write aãhigh-level SBBS language that implements complex control structures and otherãdesireable features such as passing arguments to subroutines and returningãvalues from functions. That SBBS HLL could produce BAJA source code, orãperhaps generate .BIN files directly.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Amcleod@VERT to
PistolGrip on Thu Jul 27 00:42:04 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: PistolGrip to Hax0r on Thu Jul 27 2000 05:31 amãã > Pretty straight-forward.ãã:) Just out of curiosity, is there any particular reason the label down thereãat the BOTTOM is called TOP ? ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Amcleod on Thu Jul 27 10:14:00 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Amcleod to PistolGrip on Thu Jul 27 2000 07:42 amãã > :) Just out of curiosity, is there any particular reason the label down theã > at the BOTTOM is called TOP ? ããBecause normally that's where the actual program would start after displayingãthe ASC file. I pulled it out of the top of one of my mods :)ããDaveããã---ã þ Synchronet þ WasteLand BBS þ
telnet://wasteland.darktech.org ã
Amcleod on Thu Jul 27 10:17:00 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Amcleod to Hax0r on Thu Jul 27 2000 07:39 amãã > Think of SBBS as a CPU implemented in software, and then think of BAJA as thã > machine-language of that CPU. What is needed is for someone (you?) to writeã > high-level SBBS language that implements complex control structures and otheã > desireable features such as passing arguments to subroutines and returningã > values from functions. That SBBS HLL could produce BAJA source code, orã > perhaps generate .BIN files directly.ããIf you're looking to do these kind of complex programs then I think you'dãbetter learn C/C++ and go with the XSDK that Rob's already coded. Why codeãeverything again in BAJA? BAJA is made for people who don't want or need toãlearn programming.ããDaveããã---ã þ Synchronet þ WasteLand BBS þ
telnet://wasteland.darktech.org ã
Amcleod@VERT to
PistolGrip on Thu Jul 27 09:26:56 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: PistolGrip to Amcleod on Thu Jul 27 2000 05:17 pmãã > > Think of SBBS as a CPU implemented in software, and then think of BAJA asã > > machine-language of that CPU. What is needed is for someone (you?) to wrã > > high-level SBBS language that implements complex control structures and oã > > desireable features such as passing arguments to subroutines and returninã > > values from functions. That SBBS HLL could produce BAJA source code, orã > > perhaps generate .BIN files directly.ã > ã > If you're looking to do these kind of complex programs then I think you'dã > better learn C/C++ and go with the XSDK that Rob's already coded. Why codeã > everything again in BAJA? BAJA is made for people who don't want or need toã > learn programming.ãã1) What kind of complex programs? You mean writing a high-level compiler thatãproduces BAJA as output? Well you _certainly_ wouldn't try to write it in BAJAãbut you don't have to use C/C++ although those languages would be fine. I haveãa very simple one here that I wrote (just to prove the point) using PERL. (Iãfind that anything that boils down to text manipulation, I use perl these days,ãand this is a fine example. But other programmers might choose to use COBOL orãAPL or whatever they like best for the job!.)ãã2) I disagree completely about BAJA not being for people who want or need toãlearn programming. Like it or not, you put two lines of BAJA together and YOUãARE PROGRAMMING! Okay, so maybe the language has been designed to be easy toãlearn and use, and is expressive in SBBS concepts directly, but it is still aãlanguage that has to be learned to at least _some_ degree before it can beãused. And once you start using it, for no matter how small a task, you areãprogramming in the BAJA language.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Amcleod on Thu Jul 27 15:36:00 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Amcleod to PistolGrip on Thu Jul 27 2000 04:26 pmãã > > If you're looking to do these kind of complex programs then I think you'dã > > better learn C/C++ and go with the XSDK that Rob's already coded. Why coã > > everything again in BAJA? BAJA is made for people who don't want or needã > > learn programming.ã > ã > 1) What kind of complex programs? You mean writing a high-level compiler tã > produces BAJA as output? Well you _certainly_ wouldn't try to write it in Bã > but you don't have to use C/C++ although those languages would be fine. I hã > a very simple one here that I wrote (just to prove the point) using PERL. (ã > find that anything that boils down to text manipulation, I use perl these daã > and this is a fine example. But other programmers might choose to use COBOLã > APL or whatever they like best for the job!.)ããUmm.. sure, but what you were talking about was writing programs *for*ãSynchronet. Sure, PERL is a great language, but what does it have to do withãSBBS at this point? Nothing. What you were asking was for file read/writeãlooping functions which can be done farily easily in BAJA, it's not the mostãefficient but it works quite well. If you want somethign more than you'll needãto go with another Language. I don't think at this point it's worth Rob takingãtime off from coding the *important* stuff to make a few BAJA additions whichãcan already be done very easily with the XSDK. So, you'd rather see Rob rehashãsome BAJA then continue working on the Linux version? <grin>ãã > 2) I disagree completely about BAJA not being for people who want or need tã > learn programming. Like it or not, you put two lines of BAJA together and Yã > ARE PROGRAMMING! Okay, so maybe the language has been designed to be easy tã > learn and use, and is expressive in SBBS concepts directly, but it is still ã > language that has to be learned to at least _some_ degree before it can beã > used. And once you start using it, for no matter how small a task, you areã > programming in the BAJA language.ããYeah sure, I guess you're programming, but you are not a programmer. You areãtaking pre-compiled functions that will only run *within* another Program. Youãare not creating *stand-alone* programs. Which to me is what I would considerãprogramming. I'd say you're scripting if anything. BAJA is pretty powerful,ãbut I don't think it will ever be everything everyone wants. If you needãsomething more use a different language, period.ããDaveããã---ã þ Synchronet þ WasteLand BBS þ
telnet://wasteland.darktech.org ã
Amcleod on Thu Jul 27 16:09:00 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Amcleod to Hax0r on Thu Jul 27 2000 07:39 amãã > Think of SBBS as a CPU implemented in software, and then think of BAJA as thã > machine-language of that CPU. What is needed is for someone (you?) to writeã > high-level SBBS language that implements complex control structures and otheã > desireable features such as passing arguments to subroutines and returningã > values from functions. That SBBS HLL could produce BAJA source code, orã > perhaps generate .BIN files directly.ããnow that truely would be nice - functions, ah the power. I guess I have beenãspoiled by higher level languages and just expect there to be atleast someãcarry over. BAJA is very procedural, and much like a script language. Inãtodays day any age, when you do oop --- its kinda hard to switch back gears toãthe procedural world.ããheh, i guess i'll have to liveãã---ã þ Synchronet þ hax0r's palace - unknown-realm.dynip.com - you've been hax0r'dã
PistolGrip on Thu Jul 27 16:11:00 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: PistolGrip to Amcleod on Thu Jul 27 2000 05:17 pmãã > If you're looking to do these kind of complex programs then I think you'dã > better learn C/C++ and go with the XSDK that Rob's already coded. Why codeã > everything again in BAJA? BAJA is made for people who don't want or need toã > learn programming.ããI never looked at the SDK, since that really is more overkill than I probablyãneed -- although, I'm sure you can do some pretty neat stuff with it tho.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ hax0r's palace - unknown-realm.dynip.com - you've been hax0r'dã
Amcleod@VERT to
PistolGrip on Thu Jul 27 22:55:30 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: PistolGrip to Amcleod on Thu Jul 27 2000 10:36 pmãã > Umm.. sure, but what you were talking about was writing programs *for*ã > Synchronet. Sure, PERL is a great language, but what does it have to do witã > SBBS at this point? Nothing. What you were asking was for file read/writeã > looping functions which can be done farily easily in BAJA, it's not the mostã > efficient but it works quite well. If you want somethign more than you'll nã > to go with another Language. I don't think at this point it's worth Rob takã > time off from coding the *important* stuff to make a few BAJA additions whicã > can already be done very easily with the XSDK. So, you'd rather see Rob rehã > some BAJA then continue working on the Linux version? <grin>ããI think you have things backwards. I am saying that you DON'T NEED to add theãfamiliar WHILE, FOR and DO loops to BAJA because they can be simulated using aãcombination of IF/GOTO instructions.ããBut I was also saying that NO SYSTEM implements WHILE, FOR and DO loopsãdirectly. They leave it up to the COMPILER to implement these structures in aãHigh-Level language which produces assembly language that implements theseãstructures with test (IF) and branch (GOTO) instructions. Then the assemblerãreads this and produces the object code. Perhaps the compiler produces objectãcode directly, but it is all the same in theory.ããYou can't write SBBS Command Shells and Modules in (say) BASIC because thereãthere is no compiler available that reads in BASIC and produces .BIN files forãSBBS. Nor a compiler that reads in BASIC and produces BAJA source that canãthen be BAJA'd into .BIN files. But if you wanted to, you could _write_ such aãBASIC-to-BAJA compiler, which would allow you to develop Command Shells andãModules in BASIC. Or if you prefer, you could produce a FORTRAN-to-BAJAãcompiler (shudder) or a PASCAL-to-BAJA compiler or whatever you wanted to. Theãyou could develop Shells and Modules in PASCAL or FORTRAN too. In fact, youãcould start by designing a NEW language all together. Something sort of likeãBAJA but souped up to include WHILE/FOR/DO as well as subroutines withãarguments, expression evaluation (SET MyInt = 3 * REClen + FieldOffset) orãwhatever you wanted. Then, once you had designed such a SuperBAJA language onãpaper, you could then write a SuperBAJA-to-BAJA compiler. Then you could useãthe SuperBAJA language to write a Shell, store it in an *.SBJ file, call theãSuperBAJA program (that you wrote using C/C++/Pascal/Perl/Snobol/Bliss/etc) toãconvert the *.SBJ file to a *.SRC file, run BAJA.EXE to convert the *.SRC fileãinto a *.BIN file, and there you are!ããI know this works because i) My studies of computer languages and compilerãtechnology tell me that it does, and ii) I've ALREADY DONE IT in a very limitedãway, just to try it out. My program is called BAJAPP which is a play on words,ãbecause it is a BAJA Pre-Processor but jokingly, Baja Plus-Plus ;) The programãwas written in perl, reads *.BPP files and produces a temporary file called aã*.PPI file which contains "pure" BAJA. The program then automatically callsãBAJA.EXE on the *.PPI files, producing *.BIN files and finally deletes theã*.PPI files. The upshot of which is that the *.BPP files become working *.BINãfiles without Rob having to stop work on the Linux version, to add WHILE/DO/FORãloops, etc. ããOf course, nobody is interested in programming Command Shells, Modules, etc inãthe SuperBAJA language (or whatever it's name is) with WHILE/DO/FOR loops,ãsubroutine calls, arrays, records, structures, etc, etc. So I don't actuallyãwork on the BAJAPP program very much. Because after all, I am no longer aãSysOp myself, so there is no real motivation for me to do so.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Amcleod@VERT to
PistolGrip on Thu Jul 27 23:04:14 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: PistolGrip to Amcleod on Thu Jul 27 2000 10:36 pmãã > Yeah sure, I guess you're programming, but you are not a programmer. You arã > taking pre-compiled functions that will only run *within* another Program. ããOh, I see.ãã 10 REM SILLY TEMPERATURE CHART IN BASIC. RUN FROM *WITHIN* QBASICã 20 FOR C = 0 TO 100 STEP 10: REM CALL 'FOR' PRECOMPILED FUNCTIONã 30 LET F = C * 1.8 + 32: REM CALL 'LET' PRECOMPILED FUNCTIONã 40 PRINT C, "=", F: REM CALL 'PRINT' PRECOMPILED FUNCTIONã 50 NEXT C: REM CALL 'NEXT' PRECOMPILED FUNCTIONã 60 END: REM CALL 'END' PRECOMPILED FUNCTIONããYou're right! "BASIC PROGRAMMER" _is_ an oxymoron, isn't it? ;-)ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Amcleod on Fri Jul 28 07:21:00 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Amcleod to PistolGrip on Fri Jul 28 2000 05:55 amãã<big snip>ãã > Of course, nobody is interested in programming Command Shells, Modules, etc ã > the SuperBAJA language (or whatever it's name is) with WHILE/DO/FOR loops,ã > subroutine calls, arrays, records, structures, etc, etc. So I don't actuallã > work on the BAJAPP program very much. Because after all, I am no longer aã > SysOp myself, so there is no real motivation for me to do so.ããYes, I understand your point(s). And I agree that a SuperBAJA would only be ofãminmimal usefullness at this time. But, in the future there could be someãpossibilities opened up with the Linux version of SBBS. Maybe then the PERLãBAJAPP could actually be very useful?? :)ããAfter going back and reading through this thread I realized I was replying toãyou and thinking you had posted Hax0r's comments :) All I was trying to getãaccross orignally though was that the While/Do/For functions can be easilyãaccomplished using the XSDK and I didn't see any need for Rob to add them toãBAJA.ããDaveããã---ã þ Synchronet þ WasteLand BBS þ
telnet://wasteland.darktech.org ã
Amcleod on Fri Jul 28 07:22:00 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Amcleod to PistolGrip on Fri Jul 28 2000 06:04 amãã > You're right! "BASIC PROGRAMMER" _is_ an oxymoron, isn't it? ;-)ããHehe... you said it not me .. LOL.. <grin>.. uh oh.. <ducking>ããDaveããã---ã þ Synchronet þ WasteLand BBS þ
telnet://wasteland.darktech.org ã
All on Sat Jul 29 08:42:00 2000
never mind about my rant regarding the mail_send. I figured out how I can do ãit. I ended up replacing the TEXT.DAT string for Title: to a baja mod which ãprompts for the title and does a ungetstr.ããseems to work ok.ãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ hax0r's palace - unknown-realm.dynip.com - you've been hax0r'dã
Hax0r on Sat Jul 29 19:37:00 2000
RE: mail_sendãBY: Hax0r to All on Sat Jul 29 2000 03:42 pmãã > never mind about my rant regarding the mail_send. I figured out how I can dã > it. I ended up replacing the TEXT.DAT string for Title: to a baja mod whichã > prompts for the title and does a ungetstr.ããYes, I've done something like this years ago for a custom Feedback Routine. IfãI could only find my old source archive :(ãã > seems to work ok.ããNot the prettiest, but it works :)ããPistolGripãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ WasteLand BBS þ
telnet://wasteland.darktech.org ã
Frozen Fire@VERT/IMATRIX to
Digital Man on Tue May 14 12:46:00 2002
Is there a way to instert a title other than "re: feedback" using mail_send, orãmail_send_feedback?ããThanks!ãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ The Impact Matrix - impactmatrix.dhs.org CALL TODAY!ã
Digital Man@VERT to
Frozen Fire on Tue May 14 15:23:52 2002
Re: mail_sendã By: Frozen Fire to Digital Man on Tue May 14 2002 11:46 amãã > Is there a way to instert a title other than "re: feedback" using mail_send,ã > mail_send_feedback?ããThe "RE: Feedback" portion of the message is not the "title". That text isãconfigured in the ctrl/text.dat (line 98).ãã digital manã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Frozen Fire@VERT/IMATRIX to
Digital Man on Tue May 14 20:31:00 2002
Re: mail_sendã By: Digital Man to Frozen Fire on Tue May 14 2002 15:23:00ãã > Re: mail_sendã > By: Frozen Fire to Digital Man on Tue May 14 2002 11:46 amã > ã > > Is there a way to instert a title other than "re: feedback" using mail_seã > > mail_send_feedback?ã > ã > The "RE: Feedback" portion of the message is not the "title". That text isã > configured in the ctrl/text.dat (line 98).ã > ã > digital manããI was speaking more of an argument that could be passed... i.e., to ignore lineã98, and pass along another string..ããSorry to always ask the strange questions :)ãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ The Impact Matrix - impactmatrix.dhs.org CALL TODAY!ã
Frozen Fire on Tue May 14 20:45:00 2002
Re: mail_sendã By: Frozen Fire to Digital Man on Tue May 14 2002 08:31 pmãã > > The "RE: Feedback" portion of the message is not the "title". That text iã > > configured in the ctrl/text.dat (line 98).ã > I was speaking more of an argument that could be passed... i.e., to ignore lã > 98, and pass along another string..ã > Sorry to always ask the strange questions :)ããDon't ignore line 98, Change it to what you want it to sayããÄÄÄ Pyro ÄÄÄããã---ã þ Synchronet þ DarkParty Bbs (DarkParty.Com)ã
Pyro on Tue May 14 22:41:00 2002
Re: mail_sendã By: Pyro to Frozen Fire on Tue May 14 2002 07:45 pmãã > > > The "RE: Feedback" portion of the message is not the "title". That texã > > > configured in the ctrl/text.dat (line 98).ãã > > I was speaking more of an argument that could be passed... i.e., to ignorã > > 98, and pass along another string..ã > > Sorry to always ask the strange questions :)ã > ã > Don't ignore line 98, Change it to what you want it to sayããBetter yet, change it on the fly in a script.ãã REPLACE_TEXT 98 "RE: Some Text"ã ã <WHAT EVER IN BETWEEN>ã ã REVERT_TEXT 98ãããPistolGripã----------ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ WasteLand BBS þ
telnet://wasteland-bbs.com ã
Digital Man@VERT to
Frozen Fire on Tue May 14 23:23:31 2002
Re: mail_sendã By: Frozen Fire to Digital Man on Tue May 14 2002 07:31 pmãã > > > Is there a way to instert a title other than "re: feedback" using mailã > > > mail_send_feedback?ã > >ã > > The "RE: Feedback" portion of the message is not the "title". That text iã > > configured in the ctrl/text.dat (line 98).ã > >ã > ã > I was speaking more of an argument that could be passed... i.e., to ignore lã > 98, and pass along another string..ããOh, why didn't you say so? :-)ããThis can't be done with Baja, but it can be done with the JavaScriptãbbs.email() function. Just pass the string you want... example:ããbbs.email(1 /* usernumber */, "This will be part of the text");ãã digital manã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Frozen Fire@VERT/IMATRIX to
Pyro on Wed May 15 12:19:00 2002
Re: mail_sendã By: Pyro to Frozen Fire on Tue May 14 2002 20:45:00ãã > Re: mail_sendã > By: Frozen Fire to Digital Man on Tue May 14 2002 08:31 pmã > ã > > > The "RE: Feedback" portion of the message is not the "title". That texã > > > configured in the ctrl/text.dat (line 98).ã > > I was speaking more of an argument that could be passed... i.e., to ignorã > > 98, and pass along another string..ã > > Sorry to always ask the strange questions :)ã > ã > Don't ignore line 98, Change it to what you want it to sayã > ã > ÄÄÄ Pyro ÄÄÄã > ã > ãhehehe I just rememebered, I can change the strings in baja.. Sorry aboutãthat... ãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ The Impact Matrix - impactmatrix.dhs.org CALL TODAY!ã
Frozen Fire@VERT/IMATRIX to
Digital Man on Wed May 15 12:21:00 2002
Re: mail_sendã By: Digital Man to Frozen Fire on Tue May 14 2002 23:23:00ãã > Re: mail_sendã > By: Frozen Fire to Digital Man on Tue May 14 2002 07:31 pmã > ã > > > > Is there a way to instert a title other than "re: feedback" using mã > > > > mail_send_feedback?ã > > >ã > > > The "RE: Feedback" portion of the message is not the "title". That texã > > > configured in the ctrl/text.dat (line 98).ã > > >ã > >ã > > I was speaking more of an argument that could be passed... i.e., to ignorã > > 98, and pass along another string..ã > ã > Oh, why didn't you say so? :-)ã > ã > This can't be done with Baja, but it can be done with the JavaScriptã > bbs.email() function. Just pass the string you want... example:ã > ã > bbs.email(1 /* usernumber */, "This will be part of the text");ã > ã > digital manãheheh Rob, you are like a code search engine :)ãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ The Impact Matrix - impactmatrix.dhs.org CALL TODAY!ã
Angus Mcleod@VERT/ANJO to
Frozen Fire on Wed May 15 00:14:00 2002
Re: mail_sendã By: Frozen Fire to Digital Man on Tue May 14 2002 19:31:00ãã > > The "RE: Feedback" portion of the message is not the "title". That text iã > > configured in the ctrl/text.dat (line 98).ã > ã > I was speaking more of an argument that could be passed... i.e., to ignore lã > 98, and pass along another string..ããChange 98, (REPLACE_TEXT) before you start. Change it back (REVERT_TEXT) ãafter. Yucky, but might work for you.ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ Where we BAJA Rob into writing our modules. The ANJO BBSã
Frozen Fire on Wed May 15 22:56:00 2002
RE: mail_sendãBY: Frozen Fire to Digital Man on Tue May 14 2002 07:31 pmãã > I was speaking more of an argument that could be passed... i.e., to ignore ã > 98, and pass along another string..ã > ã > Sorry to always ask the strange questions :)ããwell, if the Re:Feedback is what you are looking to change, and its a text.dat ãstring you could prompt the user for whatever text they want to enter and then ãset it with baja, then revery back to the text.dat original definition with ãbaja. i do this all over the place with various stringsãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ .. hax0r's palace .. you've just been hax0r'd ..ã
Frozen Fire@VERT/IMATRIX to
Hax0r on Thu May 16 10:42:00 2002
Re: mail_sendã By: Hax0r to Frozen Fire on Wed May 15 2002 22:56:00ãã > RE: mail_sendã > BY: Frozen Fire to Digital Man on Tue May 14 2002 07:31 pmã > ã > > I was speaking more of an argument that could be passed... i.e., to ignorã > > 98, and pass along another string..ã > >ã > > Sorry to always ask the strange questions :)ã > ã > well, if the Re:Feedback is what you are looking to change, and its a text.dã > string you could prompt the user for whatever text they want to enter and thã > set it with baja, then revery back to the text.dat original definition withã > baja. i do this all over the place with various stringsã > ã > ã > ããIts a string I was trying to force.. hehehehehe.... Its JUST not worth it. ããI have the syntax right, I have the code right... It just ain't workin :)ãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ The Impact Matrix - impactmatrix.dhs.org CALL TODAY!ã