All on Sun Jul 30 16:41:00 2000
Two questions...ããIn a Baja module, I do a replace_text 563 "blah". Upon exit of the module I doãa REVERT_TEXT 563......however the text never gets 'reverted' to the oneãspecified in TEXT.DAT -- what could i possibily be doing wrong?ããalso, is there anyway in a baja module *not* to recieve system messages, forãexample "so and so logged on to node 2" or "hax0r sent you e-mail" etc...ããthanksãã---ã þ Synchronet þ hax0r's palace - unknown-realm.dynip.com - you've been hax0r'dã
Hax0r on Sun Jul 30 19:22:00 2000
RE: REPLACE_TEXT & SBBS MsgsãBY: Hax0r to All on Sun Jul 30 2000 11:41 pmãã > In a Baja module, I do a replace_text 563 "blah". Upon exit of the module Iã > a REVERT_TEXT 563......however the text never gets 'reverted' to the oneã > specified in TEXT.DAT -- what could i possibily be doing wrong?ããNot sure really, I've not had any trouble with this in the past, but havn'tãplayed with it recently.ãã > also, is there anyway in a baja module *not* to recieve system messages, forã > example "so and so logged on to node 2" or "hax0r sent you e-mail" etc...ããYes, I'm pretty sure you could do this with TOGGLE_USER_CHAT to disable theãActivity Alerts. This is the same as from the Chat Prompt.ããSomething like this :ããCOMPARE_USER_CHAT CHAT_NOACTã IF_FALSEã TOGGLE_USER_CHAT CHAT_NOACTã END_IFããPistolGripããã---ã þ Synchronet þ WasteLand BBS þ
telnet://wasteland.darktech.org ã
Digital Man@VERT to
Hax0r on Mon Jul 31 06:11:10 2000
RE: REPLACE_TEXT & SBBS MsgsãBY: Hax0r to All on Sun Jul 30 2000 11:41 pmãã > In a Baja module, I do a replace_text 563 "blah". Upon exit of the module Iã > a REVERT_TEXT 563......however the text never gets 'reverted' to the oneã > specified in TEXT.DAT -- what could i possibily be doing wrong?ããDo you have a return before the revert_text line or some other control flowãproblem perhaps? I would put a print statement just before the REVERT line andãif you don't see the print output, then you know you have a problem in yourãcode.ããã > also, is there anyway in a baja module *not* to recieve system messages,ãforã > example "so and so logged on to node 2" or "hax0r sent you e-mail" etc...ããYes, you need to toggle the NODE_AOFF bit in the node.misc field. Example:ãã!include node_defs.incããcompare_node_misc NODE_AOFFãif_trueã toggle_node_misc NODE_AOFFã endi_ifããRobã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Digital Man on Mon Jul 31 13:43:00 2000
RE: REPLACE_TEXT & SBBS MsgsãBY: Digital Man to Hax0r on Mon Jul 31 2000 01:11 pmãã > Do you have a return before the revert_text line or some other control flowã > problem perhaps? I would put a print statement just before the REVERT line aã > if you don't see the print output, then you know you have a problem in yourã > code.ããNope, no return -- the code is below.... I'll be happy to send you the entireãbaja source file if you want.ãã.... code above ....ãcmdkey ^Mãã switch mã case 0ã goto sendemailã end_caseã case 1ã mail_readã cmd_popã goto displayansiã end_caseã case 2ã mail_read_sentã cmd_popã goto displayansiã end_caseã case 3ã clsã setstr "1"ã mail_send_feedbackã cmd_popã goto displayansiã end_caseã case 4ã cmd_popã revert_text 18ã revert_text 390ã revert_text 563ã revert_text 45ã returnã end_caseã end_switchã end_cmdã... code below....ããi know it has to be executing properly since case 4 is also the one whichãreturns control to the calling module. Although I'm not 100% sure (i haventãnoticed) i think that the other text strings get set back properly.ããThe only thing special about 563 (other than it being the Pause string) is thatãin my text.dat its actually not a string -- its an @code sequence. Here is theãline from text.dat:ãã"@EXEC:PAUSE@" 563 Pauseããbut I can't see that making a real difference.....ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ hax0r's palace - unknown-realm.dynip.com - you've been hax0r'dã
Digital Man on Mon Jul 31 13:45:00 2000
RE: REPLACE_TEXT & SBBS MsgsãBY: Digital Man to Hax0r on Mon Jul 31 2000 01:11 pmãã > > also, is there anyway in a baja module *not* to recieve system messages,ã > forã > > example "so and so logged on to node 2" or "hax0r sent you e-mail" etc...ã > ã > Yes, you need to toggle the NODE_AOFF bit in the node.misc field. Example:ã > ã > !include node_defs.incã > ã > compare_node_misc NODE_AOFFã > if_trueã > toggle_node_misc NODE_AOFFã > endi_ifããRob -- Thanks much! I figured there was a way to do it -- I just wasn't sureãhow.ããheh....I've been pounding away at baja - i must be a mad man.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ hax0r's palace - unknown-realm.dynip.com - you've been hax0r'dã
Digital Man@VERT to
Hax0r on Tue Aug 1 04:52:32 2000
RE: REPLACE_TEXT & SBBS MsgsãBY: Hax0r to Digital Man on Mon Jul 31 2000 08:43 pmãã > case 4ã > cmd_popã > revert_text 18ã > revert_text 390ã > revert_text 563ã > revert_text 45ã > returnã > end_caseã > end_switchã > end_cmdã > ... code below....ã > ã > i know it has to be executing properly since case 4 is also the one whichã > returns control to the calling module. Although I'm not 100% sure (i haventã > noticed) i think that the other text strings get set back properly.ããPut a print statement before these revert_text lines (like I suggested before)ãand tell me whether or not you see the output from the print statement. This isãa primitive form of "debugging".ããrobã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Digital Man on Tue Aug 1 15:40:00 2000
RE: REPLACE_TEXT & SBBS MsgsãBY: Digital Man to Hax0r on Tue Aug 01 2000 11:52 amãã > Put a print statement before these revert_text lines (like I suggested beforã > and tell me whether or not you see the output from the print statement. Thisã > a primitive form of "debugging".ããI tried that, and this will sound like the strangest thing -- but here's theãscoop. I put a print line after that line of text and then ran theãmodule...hehe, once I ran it, I realized I needed a pause after the print lineãin order to see if it actually printed since i clear the screen and repositionãthe cursor at 0;0 when it gets back to the default module. once I did this,ãthe text printed out and the pause swicthed to the correct string.ããso, of course I commented both lines out, and the pause prompt still switchedãback. dumbfounded, I did the only thing I could think of, and that was toãreturn the baja module source to its original state, by literally deleting bothãlines of source (the print and pause lines, and the space they took up betweenãrevert_text 563 and revert_text 45). This time on exit the pause string didãnot go back to what it should. so I went in there, but a blank line in afterãthe revert_text 563 and the pause did go back.ããthinking i had found a bug of some sort, I went back to verify my results byãremoving the blank line and re-compiling. much to my display, the pause stringãchanged like it should have..ããso after spending about 20 minutes fiddling around, i am at a loss to explainãwhat the problem is. all i do know is that i'm afraid to re-compile myãemail.src file :)ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ hax0r's palace - unknown-realm.dynip.com - you've been hax0r'dã
Hax0r on Tue Aug 1 21:20:00 2000
RE: REPLACE_TEXT & SBBS MsgsãBY: Hax0r to Digital Man on Tue Aug 01 2000 10:40 pmãã > so after spending about 20 minutes fiddling around, i am at a loss to explaiã > what the problem is. all i do know is that i'm afraid to re-compile myã > email.src file :)ããCould there have been some whitespace or somethign hidden in there, I thinkãBAJA.EXE should ignore the whitespace, but maybe something was screwing withãit. Could very well be a bug somewhere though.ããDaveãã---ã þ Synchronet þ WasteLand BBS þ
telnet://wasteland.darktech.org ã
Amcleod@VERT to
PistolGrip on Tue Aug 1 22:38:26 2000
RE: REPLACE_TEXT & SBBS MsgsãBY: PistolGrip to Hax0r on Wed Aug 02 2000 04:20 amãã > > so after spending about 20 minutes fiddling around, i am at a loss to expã > > what the problem is. all i do know is that i'm afraid to re-compile myã > > email.src file :)ã > ã > Could there have been some whitespace or somethign hidden in there...ããOr maybe some sort of long-line bug, where what looks like a blank lineãactually has code sneakily concealed out past col. 80?ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
PistolGrip on Wed Aug 2 14:16:00 2000
RE: REPLACE_TEXT & SBBS MsgsãBY: PistolGrip to Hax0r on Wed Aug 02 2000 04:20 amãã > RE: REPLACE_TEXT & SBBS Msgsã > BY: Hax0r to Digital Man on Tue Aug 01 2000 10:40 pmã > ã > > so after spending about 20 minutes fiddling around, i am at a loss to expã > > what the problem is. all i do know is that i'm afraid to re-compile myã > > email.src file :)ã > ã > Could there have been some whitespace or somethign hidden in there, I thinkã > BAJA.EXE should ignore the whitespace, but maybe something was screwing withã > it. Could very well be a bug somewhere though.ã > ã > Daveã ããWell, I guess it possible -- but who knows... I sure as hell didn't put themãthere if they were there. i'll just try to avoid re-compiling that bajaãmodule. It was definately a strange experience, consider I've been writing aãlot of baja code recently, and everything has worked ok -- except for that.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ hax0r's palace - unknown-realm.dynip.com - you've been hax0r'dã
Amcleod on Wed Aug 2 14:17:00 2000
RE: REPLACE_TEXT & SBBS MsgsãBY: Amcleod to PistolGrip on Wed Aug 02 2000 05:38 amãã > RE: REPLACE_TEXT & SBBS Msgsã > BY: PistolGrip to Hax0r on Wed Aug 02 2000 04:20 amã > ã > > > so after spending about 20 minutes fiddling around, i am at a loss to ã > > > what the problem is. all i do know is that i'm afraid to re-compile mã > > > email.src file :)ã > >ã > > Could there have been some whitespace or somethign hidden in there...ã > ã > Or maybe some sort of long-line bug, where what looks like a blank lineã > actually has code sneakily concealed out past col. 80?ããAgain, this is not likely as I wrote the entire baja module myself from scratchã-- i guess its possible something *could* have wrapped around somehow, but iãremember checking for that and it looked ok.ããwho knows..i'm just glad it works now :)ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ hax0r's palace - unknown-realm.dynip.com - you've been hax0r'dã
Hax0r on Wed Aug 2 20:15:00 2000
RE: REPLACE_TEXT & SBBS MsgsãBY: Hax0r to PistolGrip on Wed Aug 02 2000 09:16 pmãã > Well, I guess it possible -- but who knows... I sure as hell didn't put themã > there if they were there. i'll just try to avoid re-compiling that bajaã > module. It was definately a strange experience, consider I've been writing ã > lot of baja code recently, and everything has worked ok -- except for that.ããYes, I believe I had imilar problems back in like 1993 or so with a module thatãI was working on. It would compile sometimes, but others it would give a errorãmsg all without changing any code. After really 'buggin it I found there was aãflow-error with some of the code. Was never sure *exactly* what it was, butãone line of end_if or cmd_pop fixed it I think. ããI've been working on something lately that's turning out pretty cool. TheãLinux guys ought to like it :) Need a lot more time to work on it though.ããPistolGripããã---ã þ Synchronet þ WasteLand BBS þ
telnet://wasteland.darktech.org ã