Knightmare@VERT/RIVERNET to
All on Fri Sep 22 15:41:00 2000
Call me the Synchro newbie - but does Baja make add-ons for Synchro? If so,ãwhat's the URL, please.ãã-=[KM]=-ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ KnightMare's BBS - Billings, MT USA - Synchronet 3.00cã
Digital Man@VERT to
Knightmare on Sat Sep 23 09:14:30 2000
RE: Add-OnsãBY: Knightmare to All on Fri Sep 22 2000 10:41 pmãã > Call me the Synchro newbie - but does Baja make add-ons for Synchro? If so,ã > what's the URL, please.ããBaja is a (very) high-level language used to create or customize Synchronetãcommand shells and loadable modules. See DOCS\BAJA.DOC for details.ããRobã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
Knightmare@VERT/RIVERNET to
Digital Man on Sat Sep 23 16:01:00 2000
RE: Add-OnsãBY: Digital Man to Knightmare on Sat Sep 23 2000 04:14 pmããThanks for the information :o)ããI'll be looking in to Baja very soon... I've got great ideas with cursorãpositioning.ãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ KnightMare's BBS - Billings, MT USA - Synchronet 3.00cã
Knightmare on Sun Sep 24 19:15:00 2000
RE: Add-OnsãBY: Knightmare to Digital Man on Sat Sep 23 2000 11:01 pmãã > I'll be looking in to Baja very soon... I've got great ideas with cursorã > positioning.ããYou may also want to check out the @codes.txt file in the DOCS directory. I ãdon't think that any of the 'original' documentation references Sync's support ãof the @PUSH and @POP codes which are pretty damn handy.ãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ hax0r's palace - unknown-realm.dynip.com - you've been hax0r'dã
Knightmare on Mon Sep 25 14:07:00 2000
RE: Add-OnsãBY: Knightmare to Digital Man on Sat Sep 23 2000 11:01 pmãã > Thanks for the information :o)ã > ã > I'll be looking in to Baja very soon... I've got great ideas with cursorã > positioning.ããYou might want to download Sport! Shell from Talamasca then, Mike (UCD) didãsome really cool stuff with DOS GUIish Baja Menu's :)ãBetaããã---ã þ Synchronet þ Rover Central, Kenora Ontario, Canadaã