From Old Dirty@VERT/DIRTY to All on Sat Nov 18 17:41:00 2000
Hiya folks,ãã Quick question from the new kid on the block. I have been looking throughãlogin.src and logon.src for the line I seek but haven't been able to find it. ãI was wondering if someone could shed some light for me. I'm looking for theãline that asks users if they want to do a new message scan during logon. ãActually, I want to put something just BEFORE this line, so if that particularãpoint in the logon process isn't in a BAJA script, could someone suggest a goodãlocation? I would assume it would be at the end of the logon sequence rightãafter the bulletin external is called.ããSteveããã---ã þ Synchronet þ þ Old Dirty's Pad þ Richmond, VA þ olddirty.darktech.orgã