RE: BAJA - LinuxãBY: Digital Man to Altere on Wed Nov 29 2000 01:56 pmãã > When you "in the mod it appears to change" what do you mean? If you load upã > UserEdit (on Windows), and do a refresh of the user record, do you see the dã > change (when your mod is used on Windows or Linux)?ã > ã > Without the source to the mod, it may be difficult to debug. Can you send meã > the .bin anyway?ããThe data does not change when using the mod via linux. I did find out that itãdoes indeed create the moduser.dat in the node directory but its a 0byte fileãeverytime when the particular mod is run from linux.ããI believe you the the mod on your system, SHC (first one I used to test). Iãwrote the cheesy little game and if I remember correctly I had some sort ofãflag in there for a 0/1 unregistered/registered, it sounds like that is gettingãin the way for some reason (should be disabled though). ããAfter an hr of writing that msg I loaded up some other mods other people haveãwritten, didn't have a problem, even my old ACH works.ããMy guess is its just that particular mod and the way I wrote it long ago. I'mãtrying to reproduce the same thing with some code I wrote up quickly (trying toãmess with a reg/unreg'd flag like in SHC, only I can't remember that far backã-- to the BAJA manual!). ãã2 out of 3 mod's worked in linux.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Dark Dimension ááS ú
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