• On a similar note...

    From The Hanged Man@VERT/SOLACE to Ktulu on Tue Jan 9 07:41:00 2001
    RE: A bit of customization..ãBY: Ktulu to All on Mon Jan 08 2001 01:22 pmãã > SERVER NAME: Vertrauenã > ADDR: vert.synchro.netã > NODE: 2 (of 15)ã > DATE: 01/08/01ã > TIME: 01:17 pmã > ADMN: digital manããWhat is it that does this stuff? I don't think my board outputs thisãinformation when I log on to it, but most other synch boards do. Its probablyãa dumb question, but I was just curious.ããLaterz,ãthe hanged manããã---ã þ Synchronet þ Solace BBS - telnet://solace.digitaldriveway.comã
  • From Digital Man@VERT to The Hanged Man on Tue Jan 9 18:15:30 2001
    RE: On a similar note...ãBY: The Hanged Man to Ktulu on Tue Jan 09 2001 03:41 pmãã > RE: A bit of customization..ã > BY: Ktulu to All on Mon Jan 08 2001 01:22 pmã > ã > > SERVER NAME: Vertrauenã > > ADDR: vert.synchro.netã > > NODE: 2 (of 15)ã > > DATE: 01/08/01ã > > TIME: 01:17 pmã > > ADMN: digital manã > ã > What is it that does this stuff? I don't think my board outputs thisã > information when I log on to it, but most other synch boards do. Its probabã > a dumb question, but I was just curious.ããYour text/answer.asc file (SBBSCTRL:BBS->Edit->Answer Screen).ããRobã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã