• File Transfer Database

    From Ksandre@VERT/PERKUNAS/TALAMASC to All on Sat Sep 2 21:58:00 2000
    RE: File Transfer DatabaseãBY: Amcleod to PistolGrip on Fri Sep 01 2000 10:08 pmãã > Oh I _see_! (Sufficiently out of touch not to have realised.) I didn'tã > realize that the protocol drivers were all DOSish legacy apps.ã > ã > Actually, I now recall DM asking me about Z-MODEM source code some long timeã > ago. Unfortunately, I could only think of the usual "Open Source" candidateã > like the rz/sz X/Y/Z-Modem software found on most Linux boxes...ãããIs this discussion perhaps relevant to my continuing problems UPloading TOD'sãREP to The_Talamasca? (I have no trouble DOWNloading, but uploads areãimpossible and I have many observations to describe if this discussion isãrelevant to that issue - and it appears that it could be.) If so, I'd be happyãto keep up with my testing and reporting (I gave up once I found the sameãissues were true while using Linux). NOTE: I have not yet used a telnetã"client," only a terminal program (now MiniCom). I have no transfer problemsãotherwise - only to BBSs. (I think I recall being able to upload to aãPCBoard_BBS via telnet awhile ago, but that SysOp was watching, so s/he mayãhave helped.)ããSorry, I'm in rambling mode today it seems....I could have stopped at Line3.ã:-Dããã=ksandre=ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ telnet://talamasca-bbs.com http://talamasca-bbs.comã