From Nidas@VERT/PERKUNAS to All on Sun Mar 4 18:09:00 2001
ãIs there a way to put the result of Baja 'finduser' function intoãthe string and display on-screen when logic state 4is true of course)ãOr i'm just lost here in the middle of the night...ããNidasããp.p.s.s the 'result' i mean full user name, not the logic state itselfãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ The Byte's Hell þ tbh.dtdns.netã
From Digital Man@VERT to Nidas on Sun Mar 4 15:25:40 2001
RE: finduser -> strãBY: Nidas to All on Mon Mar 05 2001 02:09 amãã > Is there a way to put the result of Baja 'finduser' function intoã > the string and display on-screen when logic state 4is true of course)ã > Or i'm just lost here in the middle of the night...ããYeah, the result is stored in the 'str' variable. Just do a "print str" and itãshould display the full name.ããRobã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã