• File IO

    From Neo@VERT/MATRIX to All on Tue Apr 24 12:59:00 2001
    Okay, I want to start a project... but the first hurdle will be a usernameãpassword system. I originally thought an INI type file would be best for this,ãbut INI format does not exist...ããThe question I want to know....ããIf I create a file with username, and passwords, will I have to read in eachãvalue pair until a positive match comes up? Or is there an easier way to goãabout username password systems in Baja?ããNeoãã---ã þ Synchronet þ The Matrix BBS : the-matrix.darktech.orgã
  • From Amcleod@VERT to Neo on Tue Apr 24 23:36:40 2001
    RE: File IOãBY: Neo to All on Tue Apr 24 2001 07:59 pmãã > If I create a file with username, and passwords, will I have to read in eachã > value pair until a positive match comes up? Or is there an easier way to goã > about username password systems in Baja?ããIt can be as complex as you like, as efficient as you want. You just have toãprogram it how you want it.ããUnless you expect to have a large (IOW thousands) of users, a linear search isãprobably quite adequate. Otherwise, I'd keep the list ordered and do aãlogarithmic search. Fixed-length records, of course.ããBut what are you doing username/password for? You can determine who the userãis directly from the drop-file. (I assume there will be a drop-file; youãdidn't actually say so but I take it you're doing a door of some sort.) If youãuse the drop-file aproach, you will have the username and rely on the BBSãlogin/logon security to verify identity. You can then use the BBS username toãdo a lookup of the "door name" if it is to be different. (Again, linear orãlogarithmic search would be my recommendation.)ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã