• Question...

    From Drakmir@VERT/HD1 to All on Mon Jul 23 13:42:00 2001
    First of all, I hope this got to everyone. (New to Dove-Net)ããIf so, then I hope you folks can help me out! :)ããI'd like to force a "new message scan" of a particular message board regardlessãof the user's settings before the main menu shows up.ããRight now, I have the scan part down flat......but I can't retain the user'sãold message board settings and restore them. I tried using SPRINTF with "@SN@"ãand "@GN@", but it appears that these codes are not translated with aãSPRINTF... I can't seem to find any variable anywhere that would give me theãinternal code or number of the group & sub-board.ããRight now, here is the basic BAJA code:ãã# Message scan the Sysop menu...ã#str msggrpã#str msgsubã#sprintf msggrp "@GN@"ã#sprintf msgsub "@SN@"ããsetstr "SYSTEM"ãmsg_set_groupãsetstr "NOTICES"ãmsg_set_groupãmsg_new_scan_subãcrlfãpauseããI'd obviously like to set the board back to the previous settings when this isãdone! :)ããAny ideas???ããThanks!ããDrakmirããã---ã þ Synchronet þ --- Holodeck One (bbs.holodeckone.net 2002) ---ã
  • From Drakmir@VERT/HD1 to Drakmir on Sat Jul 28 18:28:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Drakmir to All on Mon Jul 23 2001 08:42 pmããGuess there is no BAJA programming happening anywhere? Or is this messageãboard just dead?ãã:)ããAlanãã---ã þ Synchronet þ --- Holodeck One (bbs.holodeckone.net 2002) ---ã
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Drakmir on Sun Jul 29 12:37:57 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Drakmir to Drakmir on Sun Jul 29 2001 01:28 amãã > Guess there is no BAJA programming happening anywhere? Or is this messageã > board just dead?ããI don't know. Maybe everyone is waiting for JavaScript?ãã-Robã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Drakmir@VERT/HD1 to Digital Man on Sun Jul 29 14:54:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Digital Man to Drakmir on Sun Jul 29 2001 07:37 pmããDidn't even realize you were working on JavaScript for Synchronet. :) Goodãthings come I suppose. :)ããIs the alpha stable enough to put up, or should we wait for an official 3.10?ããAlanãã---ã þ Synchronet þ --- Holodeck One (bbs.holodeckone.net 2002) ---ã
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Drakmir on Sun Jul 29 15:46:16 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Drakmir to Digital Man on Sun Jul 29 2001 09:54 pmãã > Didn't even realize you were working on JavaScript for Synchronet. :) Goodã > things come I suppose. :)ããYeah, I suppose. :-)ãã > Is the alpha stable enough to put up, or should we wait for an official 3.10ããThat's a decision you'll have to make for yourself. I'm running v3.10 (and haveãbeen for months), if that's any indication of its stability.ãã-Robã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Drakmir@VERT/HD1 to Digital Man on Sun Jul 29 17:59:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Digital Man to Drakmir on Sun Jul 29 2001 10:46 pmããThanks for the input. I'll test out 3.10 sometime in the next few days.ããAn annoyance that I've noticed is that when you go into the USER_DEFAULTS mode,ãa "N" character keeps popping up. It isn't a big issue when hotkeys are off,ãbut when they are on, the N keeps toggling the "New Scan" option and kindaãmakes the hotkeys unusable. :)ããOtherwise, this is an incredible BBS program. I'm very happy to have itãavailable to the community. Are you accepting any sorts of donations for theãcontinued development of it?ããSorry if this message got off topic. If you want to move it to a more relevantãsubgroup of Dove-Net, by all means :)ããAlanããP.S. - I can't seem to get CTL-U to work in the SBBS SyncEdit program...itãalways tells me "Aborting..." and boots me to the normal BBS. Thus the reasonãI don't quote previous text in my answers....ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ --- Holodeck One (bbs.holodeckone.net 2002) ---ã
  • From Evan Elias@VERT to Drakmir on Mon Jul 30 07:26:59 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Drakmir to Digital Man on Mon Jul 30 2001 12:59 amãã>P.S. - I can't seem to get CTL-U to work in the SBBS SyncEdit program...itã>always tells me "Aborting..." and boots me to the normal BBS. Thus the reasonã>I don't quote previous text in my answers....ããI often had problems quoting with SyncEdit too... it wouldn't abort me likeãyou're describing, but instead it would often say "No message to quote!" evenãthough I was posting a reply. (Shrug? I'm using WWIVedit on here now instead)ããOh well, more motivation for me to write my own FSE someday soon I suppose :)ãIF/when I did get around to that, it'll be 32-bit and won't have a local windowã(no taskbar clutter), fun fun.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Drakmir on Mon Jul 30 08:07:20 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Drakmir to Digital Man on Mon Jul 30 2001 12:59 amãã > Thanks for the input. I'll test out 3.10 sometime in the next few days.ã > ã > An annoyance that I've noticed is that when you go into the USER_DEFAULTS moã > a "N" character keeps popping up. It isn't a big issue when hotkeys are offã > but when they are on, the N keeps toggling the "New Scan" option and kindaã > makes the hotkeys unusable. :)ããThis isn't normal. What telnet client are you using? It sounds like it's notãhandling the ANSI screen-length detection properly. You can either set theãscreen length to a fixed number or try using a different telnet client.ãã > Otherwise, this is an incredible BBS program. I'm very happy to have itã > available to the community. Are you accepting any sorts of donations for thã > continued development of it?ããNo, but thanks for the thought.ã ã > P.S. - I can't seem to get CTL-U to work in the SBBS SyncEdit program...itã > always tells me "Aborting..." and boots me to the normal BBS. Thus the reasã > I don't quote previous text in my answers....ããUse a different editor perhaps? Other people have reported problems withãquoting in SyncEdit and I don't remember what the solution (if any) was.ãã-Robã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Veetid@VERT/ALKY to Digital Man on Mon Jul 30 17:13:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Digital Man to Drakmir on Mon Jul 30 2001 03:07 pmãã > > An annoyance that I've noticed is that when you go into the USER_DEFAULTSã > > a "N" character keeps popping up. It isn't a big issue when hotkeys areã > > but when they are on, the N keeps toggling the "New Scan" option and kindã > > makes the hotkeys unusable. :)ãã > This isn't normal. What telnet client are you using? It sounds like it's notã > handling the ANSI screen-length detection properly. You can either set theããThis was happening to me as well. It only seems to do it when you are using ãcertain versions of hyperterminal. You may try upgrading to the newest ãversion of hyperterminal, or better yet, mTelnet, which is old school and ãfree and just plain cool. heheãã > > P.S. - I can't seem to get CTL-U to work in the SBBS SyncEdit program...iã > > always tells me "Aborting..." and boots me to the normal BBS. Thus the rã > > I don't quote previous text in my answers....ããI had the same problem. I fixed it by upgrading to syncedit 2.5. With Rob's ãnew fossil routines, you may also use the excellent IceEdit. If you need any ãhelp setting it up, let me know.ãã|05[ |15veetid |05 // |15alcoholiday! |05]ãã-+- IceEdit 2.35+ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Alcoholiday - The kinder, gentler buzz! alcoholiday.thebbs.orgã
  • From Drakmir@VERT/HD1 to Digital Man on Mon Jul 30 14:15:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Digital Man to Drakmir on Mon Jul 30 2001 03:07 pmããI'm using HyperTerminal that came with Windows 2000. And I get the "N" bug onãyour BBS also. :) (vert)ããAlanãã---ã þ Synchronet þ --- Holodeck One (bbs.holodeckone.net 2002) ---ã
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Drakmir on Tue Jul 31 04:58:02 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Drakmir to Digital Man on Mon Jul 30 2001 09:15 pmãã > I'm using HyperTerminal that came with Windows 2000. And I get the "N" bug ã > your BBS also. :) (vert)ããThat's strange, I don't get it. You may want to try either upgrading toãHyperTerm Private Edition v6.x or changing your terminal-type in the propertiesãto "ANSI" (if it's not already).ãã-Robã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Midnight@VERT/MIDNIGHT to Drakmir on Sun Jul 29 15:17:00 2001
    Drakmir wrote to Drakmir <=-ãã Dr> RE: Question...ã Dr> BY: Drakmir to All on Mon Jul 23 2001 08:42 pmãã Dr> Guess there is no BAJA programming happening anywhere? Or is thisã Dr> message board just dead?ãã Well, I for one am not sure if we should just ask Baja questions, or ULã Baja source for all to see...ãã Midnightããã... "Captain, why not just give the Borg a 286 and Windows NTã--- MultiMail/Win32 v0.35ã þ Synchronet þ The Magick Shoppe : magick.darktech.orgã
  • From Willowolf@VERT/WOLFGROT to Drakmir on Mon Jul 30 20:40:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Drakmir to Digital Man on Mon Jul 30 2001 09:15 pmãã > I'm using HyperTerminal that came with Windows 2000. And I get the "N" bug ã > your BBS also. :) (vert)ã > ã > Alanãã Do you mean the Win2k standard telnet client? Or are you dialing in withãa modem?ãããConfused...ã\\/olfãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Wolf Grotto - Las Vegas, NV - telnet://wolfgrotto.2y.netã
  • From Willowolf@VERT/WOLFGROT to Veetid on Mon Jul 30 20:46:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Veetid to Digital Man on Tue Jul 31 2001 12:13 amãã > > > An annoyance that I've noticed is that when you go into the USER_DEFAUã > > > a "N" character keeps popping up. It isn't a big issue when hotkeys aã > > > but when they are on, the N keeps toggling the "New Scan" option and kã > > > makes the hotkeys unusable. :)ãã I haven't noticed the N character pop up bug, but I am using mTel. I haveãnoticed that when logging on as a new user on my own BBS and using mTel toãtelnet to it from the BBS computer (same computer), when the new user log onãgets to the defaults section the defaults section shows up, then the screenãredraws all black and I am left with only a blinking cursor where the defaultsãprompt is. If I hit 'Q' it continues... Weird... I think it must be theãAlpha version of mTel I am using... I am going to switch to an older versionãand see if it does it still... Got me thinking... It doesn't do it from anyãother computer on my LAN, only the BBS system.ãã\\/olfãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Wolf Grotto - Las Vegas, NV - telnet://wolfgrotto.2y.netã
  • From Willowolf@VERT/WOLFGROT to Willowolf on Mon Jul 30 21:16:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Willowolf to Veetid on Tue Jul 31 2001 03:46 amãã > I haven't noticed the N character pop up bug, but I am using mTel. I hã > noticed that when logging on as a new user on my own BBS and using mTel toã > telnet to it from the BBS computer (same computer), when the new user log onã > gets to the defaults section the defaults section shows up, then the screenã > redraws all black and I am left with only a blinking cursor where the defaulã > prompt is. If I hit 'Q' it continues... Weird... I think it must be theã > Alpha version of mTel I am using... I am going to switch to an older versioã > and see if it does it still... Got me thinking... It doesn't do it from anã > other computer on my LAN, only the BBS system.ãã I was right... The Alpha version of mTel is the reason I was having thisãproblem. It doesn't seem to do it with the beta 6 release. (The AlphaãVersion says beta 8 at the top). I'm probably the only one that had thisãproblem, but now you know what to expect if you download beta 8 or alpha andãthis happens to you.ããTake care,ã\\/olfãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Wolf Grotto - Las Vegas, NV - telnet://wolfgrotto.2y.netã
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Willowolf on Tue Jul 31 09:30:12 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Willowolf to Drakmir on Tue Jul 31 2001 03:40 amãã > > I'm using HyperTerminal that came with Windows 2000. And I get the "N" bã > > your BBS also. :) (vert)ã > >ã > > Alanã > ã > Do you mean the Win2k standard telnet client? Or are you dialing in wiã > a modem?ããNewer versions of HyperTerminal (and HyperTerminal Private Edition) supportãTCP/IP (Telnet) connections.ãã-Robã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Willowolf on Tue Jul 31 09:33:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Willowolf to Willowolf on Tue Jul 31 2001 04:16 amãã > > I haven't noticed the N character pop up bug, but I am using mTel. ã > > noticed that when logging on as a new user on my own BBS and using mTel tã > > telnet to it from the BBS computer (same computer), when the new user logã > > gets to the defaults section the defaults section shows up, then the screã > > redraws all black and I am left with only a blinking cursor where the defã > > prompt is. If I hit 'Q' it continues... Weird... I think it must be thã > > Alpha version of mTel I am using... I am going to switch to an older verã > > and see if it does it still... Got me thinking... It doesn't do it fromã > > other computer on my LAN, only the BBS system.ã > ã > I was right... The Alpha version of mTel is the reason I was having thã > problem. It doesn't seem to do it with the beta 6 release. (The Alphaã > Version says beta 8 at the top). I'm probably the only one that had thisã > problem, but now you know what to expect if you download beta 8 or alpha andã > this happens to you.ããOther people have reported the same problem with mTelnet. Its good to know theãolder versions dont' have that problem.ãã-Robã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Hax0r@VERT/HAX0RQWK to Digital Man on Tue Jul 31 11:01:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Digital Man to Drakmir on Sun Jul 29 2001 07:37 pmãã > > Guess there is no BAJA programming happening anywhere? Or is this messaã > > board just dead?ã > ã > I don't know. Maybe everyone is waiting for JavaScript?ããi've been doing some work in baja -- nothing major, just light bars and stuff. ãcant say if i'm going to do that much in javascript right off the bat, but it ãlooks to be a bit more flexible than baja (in certain respects).... i like ãbaja anyways.ãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ .. hax0r's palace .. you've just been hax0r'd ..ã
  • From Hax0r@VERT/HAX0RQWK to Digital Man on Tue Jul 31 11:03:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Digital Man to Drakmir on Mon Jul 30 2001 03:07 pmãã > > P.S. - I can't seem to get CTL-U to work in the SBBS SyncEdit program...ã > > always tells me "Aborting..." and boots me to the normal BBS. Thus the ã > > I don't quote previous text in my answers....ã > ã > Use a different editor perhaps? Other people have reported problems withã > quoting in SyncEdit and I don't remember what the solution (if any) was.ããunder Windows 2000 Syncedit will bomb with a runtime error when you attempt to ãquote a message. i'm not quite sure why it does this, but it does.ãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ .. hax0r's palace .. you've just been hax0r'd ..ã
  • From Drakmir@VERT/HD1 to Digital Man on Tue Jul 31 09:44:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Digital Man to Drakmir on Tue Jul 31 2001 11:58 amããNo prob. I'll upgarde to HT Private Edition tonight. :)ããAlanãã---ã þ Synchronet þ --- Holodeck One (bbs.holodeckone.net 2002) ---ã
  • From Drakmir@VERT/HD1 to Willowolf on Tue Jul 31 14:34:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Willowolf to Drakmir on Tue Jul 31 2001 03:40 amããWindows 2000 comes with HyperTerminal. HyperTerminal can be used instead ofãMicrosoft Telnet. ããMicrosoft Telnet has all sorts of problems connecting to Synchronet. (Pausesãevery 6-7 lines) ããAlanãã---ã þ Synchronet þ --- Holodeck One (bbs.holodeckone.net 2002) ---ã
  • From Veetid@VERT/ALKY to Hax0r on Tue Jul 31 17:40:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Hax0r to Digital Man on Tue Jul 31 2001 06:03 pmããã > under Windows 2000 Syncedit will bomb with a runtime error when you attemptã > quote a message. i'm not quite sure why it does this, but it does.ããthat's why I finally had to switch to iceedit.. :)ãã|05[ |15veetid |05 // |15alcoholiday! |05]ãã-+- IceEdit 2.35+ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Alcoholiday - The kinder, gentler buzz! alcoholiday.thebbs.orgã
  • From Eris@VERT/TOOM to Drakmir on Tue Jul 31 16:45:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Drakmir to Willowolf on Tue Jul 31 2001 09:34 pmãã > RE: Question...ã > BY: Willowolf to Drakmir on Tue Jul 31 2001 03:40 amã > ã > Windows 2000 comes with HyperTerminal. HyperTerminal can be used instead ofã > Microsoft Telnet.ã > ã > Microsoft Telnet has all sorts of problems connecting to Synchronet. (Pauseã > every 6-7 lines)ã > ã > Alanã > ãI use BOTH, regularly, and have no trouble.. the telnet pause can be remediedãby hitting D at the main menu, and selecting the page length...ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ telnet://toom.mine.nu - It's a great day to be alive.ã
  • From Willowolf@VERT/WOLFGROT to Drakmir on Tue Jul 31 18:19:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Drakmir to Willowolf on Tue Jul 31 2001 09:34 pmãã > Windows 2000 comes with HyperTerminal. HyperTerminal can be used instead ofã > Microsoft Telnet.ã > ã > Microsoft Telnet has all sorts of problems connecting to Synchronet. (Pauseã > every 6-7 lines)ã > ãã I did not know that, and all this time I have been using the telnetãclient. I did figure out how to fix the line pause problem. It has to do withãSynchronet auto-detecting them. All one needs to do is set their rows to 25ãinstead of auto detect and that fixes the problem. I have noticed otherãproblems with the telnet client in Win2k, however, mainly with WWIVEdit andãquoting.ãã\\/olfãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Wolf Grotto - Las Vegas, NV - telnet://wolfgrotto.2y.netã
  • From Terminator@VERT/CHATFREE to Drakmir on Wed Aug 1 03:57:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Drakmir to Willowolf on Tue Jul 31 2001 21:34:00ãã > Microsoft Telnet has all sorts of problems connecting to Synchronet. (Pauseã > every 6-7 lines) ã > ã > AlanããCheck the settings in your user option on he bbs.ããPhillip Taylorããã---ã þ Synchronet þ Check out the best bbs by telneting to bbs.chatfree.orgã
  • From Crtaz@VERT to Digital Man on Thu Aug 2 06:25:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Digital Man to Drakmir on Sun Jul 29 2001 07:37 pmãã>> I don't know. Maybe everyone is waiting for JavaScript?ããYes!!!! :)ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Hax0r@VERT/HAX0RQWK to Drakmir on Thu Aug 2 11:21:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Drakmir to Willowolf on Tue Jul 31 2001 09:34 pmãã > Microsoft Telnet has all sorts of problems connecting to Synchronet. (Pausã > every 6-7 lines) ããits actually not a "problem".. upon the initial connection, Synchronet detects ãthe screen length to be 10 lines, and thats why the pauses occur. you can ã"set" you screen length from 'autodetect' to 25 lines in the User defaults and ãall will be fineãããã---ã þ Synchronet þ .. hax0r's palace .. you've just been hax0r'd ..ã
  • From evilbob@VERT/SNBOOT to Veetid on Thu Aug 2 15:18:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Veetid to Hax0r on Wed Aug 01 2001 12:40 amãã > > under Windows 2000 Syncedit will bomb with a runtime error when you attemã > > quote a message. i'm not quite sure why it does this, but it does.ã > ã > that's why I finally had to switch to iceedit.. :)ããreal men use the internal Synchronet line editor :)ãheh, I actually find it easier to use than any of those fancy-ass editorsãã---ã þ Synchronet þ SNBã
  • From Amcleod@VERT to evilbob on Thu Aug 2 23:36:21 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: evilbob to Veetid on Thu Aug 02 2001 10:18 pmãã > real men use the internal Synchronet line editor :)ããAbsolutely!ããThe only external editor I'd be interested in would be 'vi' but DM won'tãinstall it! :-)ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Willowolf@VERT/WOLFGROT to evilbob on Fri Aug 3 04:30:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: evilbob to Veetid on Thu Aug 02 2001 10:18 pmãã > real men use the internal Synchronet line editor :)ã > heh, I actually find it easier to use than any of those fancy-ass editorsãã Have you figured out how to insert characters within a line of textãwithout erasing what has already been writtin? That's the only thing that bugsãme about the internal editor... Oh, BTW, I'm using it right now. :)ãã\\/olfãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Wolf Grotto - Las Vegas, NV - telnet://wolfgrotto.2y.netã
  • From Veetid@VERT/ALKY to Amcleod on Fri Aug 3 06:55:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Amcleod to evilbob on Fri Aug 03 2001 06:36 amãã > BY: evilbob to Veetid on Thu Aug 02 2001 10:18 pmãã > > real men use the internal Synchronet line editor :)ãã > Absolutely!ãã > The only external editor I'd be interested in would be 'vi' but DM won'tããYou guys are nuts :) I used the line editor for months actually.. but it's ãnice being able to back up several lines without repeatedly using the "/d" ãcommand and retying everything.. heehh..ãã|05[ |15veetid |05// |15alcoholiday! |05]ããã---ã þ Synchronet þ Alcoholiday - The kinder, gentler buzz! alcoholiday.thebbs.orgã
  • From Amcleod@VERT to Willowolf on Fri Aug 3 14:14:10 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Willowolf to evilbob on Fri Aug 03 2001 11:30 amãã > Have you figured out how to insert characters within a line of textã > without erasing what has already been writtin? That's the only thing that bã > me about the internal editor... Oh, BTW, I'm using it right now. :)ããMove to the insertion point (cursor keys, Ctrl-B, Ctrl-E, Ctrl-\, Ctrl-N, etc)ãand then press Ctrl-V. That turns on "insert mode". Press Ctrl-V again toãturn it off again. ããSneekee trick I use under KDE: I move to the insertion point, highlightãeverything on that line to the RIGHT of the insertion point, press Ctrl-Y toãdelete to end-of-line, type my extra word, and then Ctrl-Insert to paste back. ãIt's cheating, since I'm not technically inserting at all, but I like toãleverage the power of the KDE console cut-n-paste feature.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Amcleod@VERT to Veetid on Fri Aug 3 14:18:52 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Veetid to Amcleod on Fri Aug 03 2001 01:55 pmãã > You guys are nuts :)ããVery probably. Either that or we have big nuts.ãã > I used the line editor for months actually.. but it's nice being able toã > back up several lines without repeatedly using the "/d" command and retyingã > everything.. heehh..ããJust use /I to insert blank lines. Then move back to the blank lines with theãcursor, type your extra text and then cursor back down again.ã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From Deathridder@VERT/DBTR to evilbob on Fri Aug 3 15:32:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: evilbob to Veetid on Thu Aug 02 2001 10:18 pmãã > real men use the internal Synchronet line editor :)ã > heh, I actually find it easier to use than any of those fancy-ass editorsã ã Thats all i uses, really never had a problem with it, works great!.ãI run win98SE. ãIt been acting strangely laterly, after installing 3.10, ã"ANYONE else have troubles?"bBut i've been working around it.ããROB you see that " [8;1H " after win98SE, it happens when i hit returnãsometimes...ãany idea?ãDeathRidderãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Down By The River BBS - telnet://dbtr.dyndns.org (1:229/418)ã
  • From Deathridder@VERT/DBTR to Deathridder on Fri Aug 3 15:36:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Deathridder to evilbob on Fri Aug 03 2001 10:32 pmãã > ROB you see that " [8;1H " after win98SE, it happens when i hit returnã > sometimes...ãã I just read my message and now it's not therethe [8;1H . i jguess i only seeãit before i save.. HMMMMM..?? ãDeathRidderããã---ã þ Synchronet þ Down By The River BBS - telnet://dbtr.dyndns.org (1:229/418)ã
  • From Willowolf@VERT/WOLFGROT to Amcleod on Fri Aug 3 15:53:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Amcleod to Willowolf on Fri Aug 03 2001 09:14 pmãã > Sneekee trick I use under KDE: I move to the insertion point, highlightã > everything on that line to the RIGHT of the insertion point, press Ctrl-Y toã > delete to end-of-line, type my extra word, and then Ctrl-Insert to paste bacã > It's cheating, since I'm not technically inserting at all, but I like toã > leverage the power of the KDE console cut-n-paste feature.ãã That's a nice one... Sometimes I think I don't have the brains for thisãstuff... :) Why didn't I think of that??? :)ãã CTRL-V... Got it!ãã\\/olfãã---ã þ Synchronet þ Wolf Grotto - Las Vegas, NV - telnet://wolfgrotto.2y.netã
  • From evilbob@VERT/SNBOOT to Willowolf on Fri Aug 3 15:08:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Willowolf to evilbob on Fri Aug 03 2001 11:30 amãã > Have you figured out how to insert characters within a line of textããhmm, I always assumed that the inability to use the cursor keys was becauseãI'm using hyperterminal. My thoughts are typically simple so I rarely get tooãfancy when posting.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ SNBã
  • From Amcleod@VERT to evilbob on Fri Aug 3 23:37:26 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: evilbob to Willowolf on Fri Aug 03 2001 10:08 pmãã > hmm, I always assumed that the inability to use the any p cursor kã > cursor keys was because I'm using hyperterminal. My r eã > thoughts are typically simple so I rarely get too e o e yã > fancy when posting. v b h sã a l t !ãWotchoomean "inability to use the cursor keys"??? I Don't h eã m withã---ã þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.netã
  • From evilbob@VERT/SNBOOT to Amcleod on Sat Aug 4 15:51:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Amcleod to evilbob on Sat Aug 04 2001 06:37 amãã > > hmm, I always assumed that the inability to use the any p cursor kã > > cursor keys was because I'm using hyperterminal. My r eã > > thoughts are typically simple so I rarely get too e o e yã > > fancy when posting. v b h sã > a l t !ã > Wotchoomean "inability to use the cursor keys"??? I Don't h eã > m withããI'd be like..."ya, I'll reply to the message and have my words go all over theãplace" then something shiney would catch my eye and and all previous thoughtsãwould melt awayyyyyyyyyyy.ãã---ã þ Synchronet þ SNBã
  • From Prime@VERT/IQLAND to Amcleod on Sat Aug 4 01:51:00 2001
    RE: Question...ãBY: Amcleod to evilbob on Sat Aug 04 2001 06:37:00ãã > RE: Question...ã > BY: evilbob to Willowolf on Fri Aug 03 2001 10:08 pmã > ã > > hmm, I always assumed that the inability to use the any p cursor kã > > cursor keys was because I'm using hyperterminal. My r eã > > thoughts are typically simple so I rarely get too e o e yã > > fancy when posting. v b h sã > a l t !ã > Wotchoomean "inability to use the cursor keys"??? I Don't h eããShow off... :-Pããã---ã þ Synchronet þ IQ Land - Temporarily (Hopefully) Offline...ã